Idon't understand.
All he did was eat shitty food while wearing a suit.
Is it because he larps like he's from madmen?
Are they really that offended by that?
He has white skin. That's problematic.
Fuck "content creators".
Most of his audience is from problematic websites
what do you contribute to society?
Great. Now we'll get /ck/ crossposters.
wtf i love jews now
More than you do it seems if he has higher standards than content creators.
Reminder to hide posts from pathetic fanboys worshipping their YouTube e-celebs
This is not technology related
how many followers does your channel have faggot
Am I supposed to know who this is?
This is exactly what he is fishing for from you beta faggot fanboys
this. advertisers just don't want to waste their money on Sup Forums shitters. all non-normalfag videos will get demonetized. and as much as I dislike goolag, I don't think this is a matter of politics and censorship. it's just business
Working 30-50 hours a week making videos and living your life as a digital panhandler living EXCLUSIVELY on the good graces of your fans is a disgraceful way to live.
You are the modern equivalent of a street musician.
If you weren't a talentless loser, you wouldn't need to beg for patreon tips.
you mad boi?
>try insanely hard to fit in with online community to give life some purpose
>start hating corporations that online community tells me i should
>tries to start a "war" with corporation as an attempt to join community's "army"
amen good sir *lowers guy fawkez mask and gets rdy 2 fight***
Or you ignore both.
The obsessive devotion to all of these people are killing the web.
It is politics, you're just too blind too see it
Are you really defending the botnet on Sup Forums?
reviewbrah has never said or done anything politic ever. kys
He named the nose in the youtube comments. Not surprised he got demonetized with all the other overtly racist stuff he's been saying.
Reality isn't black and white, user. Not liking online celebrities doesn't mean you then have to like mainstream media only.
>complains someone gets paid to do "not a real job"
>couldn't ever do that thing if he wanted to
This guy needs to spend some of that YouTube money on an editor or something to cut down on the redundancy in his reviews.
you don't need an editor when you do everything in one shot like a true professional
it's called being reasonable and not jumping to conclusions
exactly. that's one of the reasons to think that the demonetization is not political censorship but business-related ad targeting
Lmao stfu Sup Forumstard, it's probably because of all the Sup Forumsacks watching his channel with AdNauseum turned on.
fuck off google shill, your not welcome here
Like we said, this isn't political. Google is using the political BS as smokescreen while they fuck over mid and low level content creators. Thankfully this will probably end up being very bad for them.
Seconding this.
It's reviewbrah.
Well.. Good to see he gets it then.