What's his endgame?

What's his endgame?


Stay in business and relevant, continue profiting as long as possible? Pretty much the same for every business ever.

Complete enslavement of the human race.

Found the tinfoil hat everyone

Money and power, same as any other j3w.
And to populate the world with his half-nip kids.

Rob innocent and stupid people as long as possible.


He's an idiot. He doesn't have a consistent or meaningful "endgame".

Metal Gear Solid 2's endgame

>One of the wealthiest, most well-known men in the world

How do you figure?

I could also be one of the wealthiest, most well-known men in the world if I happened to write some shitty PHP code in 2007. Doesn't make me a genius.

Fuck off tumblr, do you even know where you are?

Got me. That said, I don't trust anything he has his hands in.

Most billionaires are fucking retarded pieces of shit, mate

Then why aren't you a billionaire?

I thought most of them were sociopaths. Which seems to describe Zuckerberg pretty well. That dude is gonna fall sooner or later.

I really hope he runs for office. He's done so much shady shit, even out of business, that he'd be killing off whatever products he has.

Create an artificial intelligence and enslave humanity with a Matrix.

this is begging for an ABSOLUTELY meme

EPIC! Reblogged, comrade!


>proving my point beyond my own ability
You need to fuck off. This site isn't for your forced garbage, troglodyte.

Merging with machines to become a God

He walks like a cuck.

Not him but its a lot of luck and timing.

blub blub


in all seriousness, i think he's trying to prepare the ground for a political push. maybe even becoming a presidency nominee. probably not 2020, maybe 2024?

luckily i don't think he stands a chance, he's too creepy and autistic looking, most people get that vibe when hearing him speak in under a minute. he's anything but likable.

>getting married to a 1/10 lizard person.

There's no endgame.

My conspiracy is that he wants to localize government as much as possible, in a hyper-connected distributed fashion with some permutation of facebook as the online democratic town square for social organization. The only thing stopping him is political capital, which he's working on.

president of the US and A

shill for the jews

simple really

to be fair she used to look decent when they were younger and dating. she aged terribly, got fat and manly too. can't believe she's only 32

I think he fell for the "all asian women are automatically 10s" meme
the question remains: will he divorce her and find a real wife or will he stay cucked for good?

he strikes me as the type of guy that will never get a divorce no matter what

Dude is in politician mode. No way he's sacrificing image for bragging rights, as if he needs any.