What service do you use for email? I need to switch

What service do you use for email? I need to switch.

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cock.li but with @tfwno.gf



My hand send the postal services

I'm thinking about switching to protonmail or fastmail.

i paid a bunch of money for protonmail

it's worth it... secure email that won't be sent to the US government is very much worth a few bucks

>i paid a bunch of money for protonmail
>secure email that won't be sent to the US government
wew lad
even redditors know


What would be a good email service that has decent privacy (read: not Jewgle or Kikerosoft) and supports IMAP?

the emails are encrypted. protonmail can't see them, dude. that's the entire point.

yeah, they've banned a few users for spamming, or because somebody tipped them off that the account was mailing out CP. But at no point could they open up the account and examine the contents of the emails... because they're still encrypted, client side, by you. Protonmail couldn't give your email to the government, even if they had a court order.

you can literally encrypt every email with pgp. Go use gmail.

google hands over all the metadata without the government even asking, that's kind of a pedantic point. gpg on a gmail account won't do very much (and nobody uses it anyway)

protonmail also does the same but gov have to ask them first.

If the emails arrive unencrypted they can read them.

It's Switzerland. they're not obligated to give any metadata to the US or EU governments, so you're just speculating... and metadata encryption is being worked on for a future release, anyway.

>Isn't automatically CC'ing the US government every one of my emails
>Is storing all of my emails with strong crypto, couldn't read them even if they tried
>Isn't a sociopathic juggernaut monopoly
>Is a useful, well designed service with a reasonable business model and good uptime and UI

do you just like arguing

Nope, inbound emails is encrypted with your public key before it touches Protonmail's databases.


Protonmail has explicitly stated that they hand over data to law enforcement requests, and they have done so in the past.

It's more private than gmail/yahoo, but don't pretend like it's some super-leet underground email provider immune from government snooping.

I know you paid protonmail your hard earned money and you are in denial. It's okay. We all make mistakes. Next time research some more before you spend your cash on anything.

>Protonmail has explicitly stated that they hand over data to law enforcement requests, and they have done so in the past.

That doesn't necessarily mean they are sending the emails themselves.

>Your encrypted data is not accessible to us
>ProtonMail's zero access architecture means that your data is encrypted in a way that makes it inaccessible to us. Data is encrypted on the client side using an encryption key that we do not have access to. This means we don't have the technical ability to decrypt your messages, and as a result, we are unable to hand your data over to third parties. With ProtonMail, privacy isn't just a promise, it is mathematically ensured. For this reason, we are also unable to do data recovery. If you forget your password, we cannot recover your data.

They may be sending other data to law enforcement.

what exactly is good about yandex? why would you use russian mail

how in the fuck do you think encryption works that you think they can encrypt data and make themselves unable to unencrypt it if they so choose (i.e., upon lawful order)

because NSA can't see shit and I don't care if Putin sees it.

Fuck off you dirty fucking shill

what am i shilling for?

omg you literally have never used crypto

the password never leaves your client. it's fucking clientside PGP

you fucking mongs don't code, i know it

>trying this hard

lmfao, you have no idea how public keys work, do you... here's a hint, you can give them to anyone (they're public) and they can only be used to encrypt data (not decrypt it)... this is crypto 101, fuckhead.

go back to the video games and stop pretending like you know anything about cryptography or computers

at least I tried to make him see the truth.

>People who pay for a superior service are dumb, haha, because a business will still comply with law enforcement

... okay. Have fun hosting your email on a raspberry pi that you hide in a Starbucks washroom.

what do you use

cock li

did the guy cave under german gov pressure one time?

I thought it was only encrypted if you mail another protonmail user?


What stops you from getting two free protonmail accts? Do they check ip?

if you lived in Russia, would you use gmail? Both yandex and google are equal botnet.

self hosted for work, gets the job done.
I use cock li for subscriptions and other registration stuffs.


I just wish protonmail worked with third-party clients

cock.li does.

If I lived in Russia, I would use Yandex.

Russia are the good guys. (((America))) are the baddies.

I can't get steam emails on cock li anymore. Should k switch to protonmail?


No IP check but there is a one time reCAPTCHA that takes like literally 10 minutes.

>to: [email protected]
>from: [email protected]
>subject: i can haz drugz plz?

protonmail will encrypt your email, they won't protect you from being a retard.

yandex - away from reach of FBI/NSA and every other western agency.

cock.li (@airmail.cc) for signups.

Switzerland is compromised. Swiss are cooperating with the NSA and they have XKeyScore access. DO NOT TRUST ANYTHING HOSTED IN SWITZERLAND! They're no better than EU.

>the emails are encrypted
Holy fuck are you stupid. They have copies of all keys.

>It's Switzerland. they're not obligated to give any metadata to the US or EU governments, so you're just speculating... and metadata encryption is being worked on for a future release, anyway.
You're an idiot. You shouldn't post about things you're clueless about. See

Tutanota. Unlike Protonmail, it doesn't come with backdoor jews.


host your own

Germanfag here, even in our state TV some professor said that the US still have some special rights to spy as much as they want in germany and the german government also have to help them.

Watch this:


Speaking of ProtonMail, are ProtonVPN any good? Why is Sup Forums shilling PIA but not NordVPN or ProtonVPN or anything else?

There is also openmailbox

which apparently isn't hosted in germonis, is open source and has a decent size

basically the french brother of protonmail

visit it and tell me what u think or not idunno

>have to pay for IMAP

No thank you.


Just use Outlook like i do, my french friend. :3

I'm not french, I'll rather kill myself than being a baguette

And what do you think about us germans?

They charge for IMAP access now. People are leaving it.

I can't decide between protonmail and disroot.

disroot offers the same services but with more storage (1GB) but it's based in the netherlands

Netherlands is evil and home of child rapists and organ traffickers.

Muh imap.

>do something that violates pm's tos
>people report you
>enough people do it so they look into it
>get suspended
And I thought Sup Forums was retarded

I went Proton. I live in Netherlands so wouldn't even consider disroot.

>all these yandex fags
Russian botne shills are not welcome here.

Neither are murricans or wannabe murricans.
Fuck off


Sasi hui ivan

Protonmail is shit, wtf do you guys didn't realise it yet. You cannot trust providers, proton even suspend accounts and give information without court order.

You are literall retarded. Take crypto 101.

Neomailbox is the best right now, hosting your own email server (or paying someone to do so) in Iceland or Switzerland is also a good idea.

Compromised now.

What about Teknik?.

Is mail-in-a-box the only real option for private email hosting?

Yandex because muh Russia and I get an email address with my domain.

What about mailfence??

How about posteo? It's recommended by fsf.

>he isn't satisfied with just sendmail

yeah, does anybody have experience with posteo?

>some jew cant get into a service
>"well lets see, what can I do to destroy it then or to give way for excuses to destroy it?"
>"I know, il flood it with CP just like I did with TOR"

I would use ProtonMail, but they don't currently support IMAP/SMTP or even POP3.



>give information without court order
I remember there was someone ranting, then it turned out he was linking the mail for selling drugs and his email was suspended for
breaking ToS (with enough evidence), but remember no info giveaway.

according to status.teknik.io -> Transactions, it has negative profit for years. Either it lies or I wonder how it is still alive.

Is there a patriotic term for being cucked?
