What's a good Thinkpad for school?

What's a good Thinkpad for school?


i got myself a x220 two years ago for uni and it's worked like a charm

i really want to go for a T440s

Depends on if you want pure power at the cost of battery life and size or small, light and a much weaker, probably dual core, processor but good for writing, presentations, web browsing and long battery life?

I personally have an x200 tablet and it's great. Weak by today's standards but I can browse the web with multiple tabs open, watch youtube easily and with the wacom pen, draw simple pictures or annotate documents.

Unless you want to be bullied by passively-aggressive smug millennials who mock you in a sarcastic manner you gonna buy an Apple. You should consider yourself lucky. I know places where bringing a Thinkpad would get you killed.


>caring what people think

x220 if you like retro looks
x230 if you like more modern looks

What about T420?



t420, best all around thinkpad.

buying an apple in my classes makes you the one who gets mocked

the fuck?
how is a "smug millennial" sarcastically mocking me a threatening thing?

Good bait, triggered, etc

that's sixty y--

also x260/270 t460/t470

Do it, then replace the touchpad for like 20 to 40 dollars because the track pad is trash.

Just bought the X220.
180 dollars

You deserve to be bullied

the T4xx series has some really shitty screens; the hardware is otherwise sound

the X2xx series tends to have better screens, but the screen size can feel confined

the W5xx series has very good screens, but they can be power hogs, and they're larger

all you have to do is be a chad, some stupid faggot asked me if my t520 was from the 90s and he pulled out some little 12 inch netbook bullshit, i proceeded to tear him a new one remarking on how this baby has an i7, 16 gibsoram AND a clit mouse and was backed up by most of the group we were in.
The dude with the netbook was an ex-university student, cant blame him for being indoctrinated, but i can still be mean to him