What is everyone Favorite Anti-Virus and Why?
What is everyone Favorite Anti-Virus and Why?
Other urls found in this thread:
Common Sense 2017
100% effective AND free
Common Sense 2015 x86_64 LTS version
better be safe then sorry if anything slips though
>Using an antivirus in 2017
It if it does then you do per definition not have Common Sense
Use an Adblocker, and Linux. You are now free from 90% of malwares
>Installing an AV in the current year with Common Sense Pro 2017™ and rolling release OS updates
>90% of malwares
And softwares
>Common Sense 2017
>100% effective AND free
Ineffective against 0days.
>What is everyone Favorite Anti-Virus and Why?
Kaspersky. CIA and FBI are scared of it because they don't play ball with them and block all malware (unlike US-based AV companies which whitelist some FBI/NSA shit).
I hardly miss any software to be quite honest, but that's just me. Give me an OS with a good C++ compiler, a decent text editor or an IDE, a good POSIX shell, MPV, a PDF reader and a browser and I'm good
>Linux distro
Don't use one.
>Windows 10
Whatever comes with W10
Anti-Malware software isn't magic. If you are stupid it can help sometimes. But the best protection is to know the most common ways people get malware on their computer. And then don't do those things.
Also, people come to Sup Forums all the time asking this stupid question. It is annoying. So hold on to your butt.
I recently revived an old netbook I had lying around.
Installed Baidu antivirus on it.
No AV on my main machine though.
It pisses off the NSA. Read the Snowden leaks.
>Don't use common sense goy
>Use (((Kaspersky))) instead
I wonder who sponsored this post
>Skeptical of American software because CIA / FBI botnets
>Not Skeptical of Russian software with known links to the FSB
I swear people on this board are fucking retarded
You don't need an antivirus. You just need to have common sense and have the knowledge of the difference between an obvious suspicious file to a normal legit file.
But answering your question, I use Microsoft Security Essentials, because I use Windows 7 and it at least doesn't put more options behind a price to pay.
Before installing an antivirus on your system, google "antivirus vulnerability" and reconsider whether doing so will actually improve your security.
No idea about Baidu AV or how good it is.
The reason why FBI is pissed off about Kaspersky AV is because Kaspersky refused to cooperate with them.
American AV companies cannot be trusted. At all. Symantec/McAffee, for example, is known to have removed NSA and FBI malware from their database. Even John McAffee says McAffee AV sucks shit (he literally said that "McAfee antivirus is one of the worst products on the planet").
Even F-Secure removed QWERTY from their database when USG requested it.
Leaked Valult7 CIA docs say that Kaspersky's the hardest to disable and bypass and they said they have no easy way to do it. After CIA leaks were revealed, Kaspersky went ballistic and started hardening their shit even further so the methods that the CIA used to disable other AVs would never work in Kaspersky.
Only Kaspersky is refusing to play ball with USG and now they're paying the price for it. FBI and neocon media is spreading FUD about them and morons fall for it.
Personally, I trust Kaspersky more than any other AV because they expose all nation state malware... even the Russian ones!
Fuck off Eugene.
not an argument, Shlomo.
Bit Defender, very low resource usage. Works.
I still use avast, free, works, low resources, only ever got one virus from the internet with it.
Nobody uses antivirus anymore, the drag and annoyance of running an anti-virus is worse than the risk of actually getting a virus. It's only appropriate if you need a strong security posture for some reason, and even then antiviruses are all botnets.
My philosophy is basically that I only want to be part of one botnet at a time, and I would rather be part of the American Five Eyes botnet than the Russian KGB botnet.
GNU/Linux, no need for AV
So much autism in this thread. Everyone just pulls shit out of their ass.
Use the website below and pick according to the best protection.
> chart.av-comparatives.org
> Test: Real-World Protection Test
> Year: 2017
> Month: Feb to Jun
> Sort: by value
> Zoom: 90 - 100%
An antivirus is not a fucking subjective preference. You choose the one that blocks the most threats.
>no PC Matic
That shit's awful.
This is a man you can trust.
>and I would rather be part of the American Five Eyes botnet than the Russian KGB botnet.
It depends on whether you live in an American or Russian protectorate state. If you live in the US or one of the 5-eyes or 14-eyes countries, you should not be using American products. Why? A simple court order can reveal all your data. You're better off using a russian botnet since they can't put you in jail and won't share your data with law enforcement of your country.
they look like they have no idea what they're doing
>MB bought out adwcleaner
fucking niggers
I use P R O T E G E N T
I use Bitdefender, got good ratings and I don't do too much illigal shit on that machine
very rarely use it though