I really don't get it, it just really boggles my mind, I've been using UNIX and GNU/Linux for years, and it just seems that Linux always has issues, I don't consider myself to be inept, maybe I have a warped perspective.
Almost every time I try to install and use GNU/Linux it just does not work, tried SUSE on my server, no raid support and X failure, Debian on my thinkpad, kernal failure, Slackware on my workstation, corrupted disk after install, Arch on my Rasp PI, Again a corrupted disk after restart...
Sure I can fix these issues, but it's really a waste of my time. For shits and giggles, I tried OpenBSD a weeks ago after being frustrated, to my amazement it worked flawlessly after install, everything supported from the get go. Took me about 15 minutes to install, no prior experience with BSD. I now run OpenBSD on everything I own, even my vintage Sparc machines, never once had to install drivers!
Why is BSD so good at working out of the box??
Nathaniel Collins
Anyone else think Linux is too mainstream?
Nicholas Rivera
How many times must this be said?
BSD for servers GNU/Linux for workstations, dual boot with windows if you need to.
End of discussion.
Anthony Scott
linux ultimately fails as a workstation for me, absolutely not reliable enough. bsd works fine for me for my laptop, server and my workstation. running windows isn't even questionable for me.
Adrian Cruz
If BSD works for you, then use BSD, else use Linux. End of discussion.
Jeremiah Bell
This is true. I want to be better than everyone and I can't be better than everyone if I use Linux because everyone's already using Linux. The only option left for me to distinguish myself from the peons and display my superiority is BSD.
Luke Evans
>Anyone else prefer BSD > Linux? Yes
>Anyone else think Linux is too mainstream? No
Angel Moore
Linux isn't your secret club. Please do fuck off to BSD and go poison that instead.
I'm sure that BSD installed fine, question is what are you going to do with it now that you have no software. Answer is jerk off in a terminal pretending to do "computer science"
Grayson Watson
Desktop - OpenBSD
Server - FreeBSD
Work - FreeBSD/Ubuntu (data centre security)
Colton Turner
>corrupted disk after install
That's IOMMU for you. Learn about it and AGESA, if you an AMD open-source boi.
I still don't get it doe how some of you can run it on a laptop and not complain about wi-fi issues.
Benjamin Rivera
I prefer FreeBSD myself.
Luke Hernandez
Carson Brooks
BSD is utter garbage.
Nolan Davis
i prefer BSOD
Jaxson Bailey
I prefer BDSM
Chase Ward
I tried to install OpenBSD, but I can't install Steam so I was a bit disappointed by that, other than that I liked it.
Christian Gonzalez
>Steam is this bait?
Ayden Clark
> X failure I had the opposite problem. My X keeps failing to start and I have to roll my own config on OpenBSD now.
Ian Cruz
>the absolute state of BSD gaming
Easton Powell
>OpenBSD >Desktop
Jacob Myers
>implying there's any games worth playing besides roguelikes