Be whiny beta cuck

>be whiny beta cuck
>denounce being a white male
>complain that Linus is "too mean"
>get a team of SJW trannies together to help you subvert Linux and make it a govt botnet
anyone using systemd or pulseaudio is just as big of a cuck as your almighty leader

Other urls found in this thread:

>be beta virgin
>be angry at the world because pushing 30 years old and still a virgin
>call everyone a cuck and blame the jews for still being a virgin

i'm sorry you're still a virgin user, but hey after 30 you start to develop wizard powers


I don't even care about Poettering's ideology

but he sees bugs in systemd that he's too lazy to fix and whines about it, marks it not a bug and keeps complaining

never trust a kraut

>he's too lazy to fix and whines about it
more like mirco$oft pays him not to fix those bugs

$ cat /etc/portage/package.mask/lennartware
remember kids, never say yes to lennartware!

void, devuan, slackware, gentoo, or *bsds from here on out bby. the entire gnome project, pulseaudio team and systemd developers can all suck the fat one

thanks for this

>everyone on Sup Forums is a virgin like me!

Gentoo fag detected

>"NO U!!!!"
Looks like I really hit the nail with that one, kek

yeah bro those virgin jokes are so you have any about how windows is still leading market share and open source is for commies? i mean man i just love your fresh sense of humor and your deeply penetrating insults i mean wow im just speechless sitting here literally shaking

If your only criticism against systemd is that you think Poettering looks like a cuck and that there are transsexuals working on the code, then you don't really have a valid argument. But sure, keep on pretending that this thread is anything but a shit thread if that makes you feel any better.

a better question is, what did systemd improve?

>a better question is, what did systemd improve?
Structure, reporting and logging, unifying service functionality, providing a sensible framework for startup services...

Hhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha. you come here and high-five yourself for your virgin jokes but you are obviously the buttblasted gnome/pulse user here. enjoy your botnet

What's wrong with being a virgin?

>i don't have any real arguments against systemd so I post this link I found online and start yelling cuck because Sup Forums taught me that word
Who the hell uses Gnome?

>Poettering looks like a cuck
QED really. Evil always looks twisted and fucked up.

>Evil always looks twisted and fucked up.
t. Alex Jones

nothing. more millennials should keep their virginity...maybe their marriages wouldn't be falling apart at ever increasing rates.
>if you don't bend over and accept a linux takeover you are obviously a nazi
nice argument

>linux takeover
Fucking what?

>obviously a nazi
Ranting about cucks and SJW trannies is a Sup Forums thing, yeah.

>nice argument
"Poettering looks like a cuck and you're a cuck if you use systemd" is not an argument, retard.

go back to your containment board:

young poettering looks like a normal programmer but over the years he has developed a rather creepy demeanor

>Fucking what?
you aren't even trying...
lmao yeah and all of the debian developers that quit are just big ebil naazees too amirite? you trannies and cucks that sit around jacking off to trannies are disgusting. how about you go to cripplechan and start a Sup Forums for closeted homosexual cuckolds such as yourself who love to be dominated in every aspect of their lives?

Literally a endemic foss problems.

>normal programmer
Protip: programmers in general tend to look like nerds

>you aren't even trying...
The "linux takeover" is a meme that gets posted on Sup Forums, but has nothing to do with real life you fucking dolt.

>lmao yeah and all of the debian developers that quit are just big ebil naazees too amirite? you trannies and cucks that sit around jacking off to trannies are disgusting. how about you go to cripplechan and start a Sup Forums for closeted homosexual cuckolds such as yourself who love to be dominated in every aspect of their lives?
I can't tell if this is serious or false flagging.

>almost all these arguments are a varistion of muh unix philosophy doctrine or plain disinfo

we are reaching levels of fedora-tipping that shouldn't even be possible

God has assured that Evil looks ugly so we can destroy it. Good is beautiful, which is why it's nurtured.


Reminder that systemd is 300k lines of C code right on top of the kernel, with ever increasing tendrils on every part of the operating system. Reminder that systemd is mainly spearheaded by a for-profit organization with ties to the US deep state. Reminder that systemd has a rapid developing speed with rampant bugs, new features and no possibility of audit in real sense of the word

These are all facts

>i'm mad: the post

systemdick huggers don't care about facts

>source: my arse
Gladly you accept you're mad

The "UNIX philosophy" is an arbitrarily and vaguely defined doctrine used by overzealous neckbeards when they run out of technical arguments. The "UNIX philosophy" is nothing but a cop out pretend-argument.

The "UNIX philosophy" is what causes arrogance and hostility in the open source community, exemplified by angry rants Theo de Raadt about code purity and the "satirical" texts found on Uriel is the epitome of what this "philosophy" represents, an hostile and elitist attitude to anything deemed to go against this vague "philosophy" based on completely arbitrary definitions, while not actually contributing to any projects at all, because you spend all your time compiling lists over things you "consider harmful" instead.

Let this serve as friendly reminder that this misconception of a "doctrine" has given the FOSS community countless headaches, such as literally tenfolds of different forks of BSD (because the leads all disagree on what they consider to be the "UNIX way" of doing things), a diverging difference between two SSL implementations, because code purity autists refuse to contribute upstream (since they consider the original code "inferior"), Go's broken error handling that is essentially an extension of C-style error handling, thanks to UNIX traditionalists such as Rob Pike. Also thanks to Rob Pike, Go has a broken import functionality that allow you to import repos directly from github, but failing to understand how git or online hosting actually works, they forgot to include the option to specify which git branch and specific commit you want or consider the massive security risk it is of just blindly importing something online.

>systemd is mainly spearheaded by a for-profit organization
There is nothing inherently wrong in this, you freedom-hating communist.

>and no possibility of audit in real sense of the word
This is just an outright lie.

sounds like the butthurt ramblings of an arch linux using pedophile

Not an argument.

>Sup Forums is only able make systemd look bad by literally lying about it and shouting cuck to everyone

So I guess systemd is pretty good.

I feel bad for you, you're cucked so hard by the cucklord Poettering and his gang of degenerate SJW trannies you don't even realize how cucked you are.

Sounds like a gun grabber talking about the 2A

>our 70s computers are pretty shitty
>multics cant be developed easily
>lets write a shitty but easy to implement os and some guidelines to program this shitty computers
UNIX philosophy in context.

>11 unique posters
>cuck shows 17 results
Protip: if you post cuck more than once every single post, maybe you should go back to Sup Forums

Even Sup Forums debates better than systemd haters

I don't know what that means.

Historically it was a good idea, but I definitively don't understand some of the reasoning behind design choices in Go for example. They created a systems programming language to get away from C's limitation, but somehow they managed to just ignore 40 years of programming practices and theory and essentially just design "C with safer pointers"

>i-im going to i-ignore all of the valid concerns about systemdbag and p-pretend its all c-conspiracy theories
yeah ok pal. once again, you have no explanation for why so many developers quit mainstream distros as a direct response to systemd but hey they must be ebil naazeee right?

>valid concerns
What valid concerns? The only thing posted here is just OP angrily posting cuck to everyone in this thread.

>These are all facts

I'll take 300k lines of C code over 10000k lines of C + shitty scripts which is what the alternative was.

Linux is spearheaded by the same for-profit organization you fucking moron, the reason it has rapid development is because unlike all other projects it replaces, this project actually has a ton of developers!

No other project in this realm is being properly audited either, but having a LOT of developers working on the code is the best situation, because that means there are a LOT of people looking at the code, your one-guy maintainer situation is how we got 'shellshock'. This FACT puts systemd ahead of all similar projects.

And I don't even think systemd is good, it's just better than the shite that came before it, and eventually it will be replaced by something better, that something is not going to be fucking openrc and shitty scripts, that's for sure.

>so many developers
Are you talking about the fuckers that dont have time to mantain dingle packages but they have time to mantaon distros?

yeah that wiki has thousands of good points about systemd but you shrugged the whole thing off as a conspiracy. go back to your disgusting shota you sick fuck

he's such a piece of shit.

>you have no explanation for why so many developers quit mainstream distros
Name a single one of them by name without using Google, go go go.

Also, if you hate SJWs and trannies, it's ironic that you use Debian as an example, considering that's probably the distro with the most SJW community of them all.

Ref the time they got a developer kicked off because he made a joke and also the whole Debian Women deal, where women contributing to fucking English to Italian translation demanded the same respect as one of the core maintainers.

>thousands of good points
It's just a collection of links. Half of them are dead, and the other half talks about the UNIX philosophy and irrelevant shit like 4-5 year old bugs... I don't see any claims about a "conspiracy" so what the fuck are you talking about?

>autistic neckbeards literally try to hire hitmen because muh UNIX philosophy

I think you're taking "the UNIX philosophy" a little too serious

kek, what are you making up now ? 'so many developers' ? you mean devuan with what, 4 maintainers who in turn are fighting eachother and the two users of the distro ?

>the problem with Linux is it was created by straight white males
Why doesn't he just go find an OS made by gay niggers to become a dev for then?

roger leigh. now kys

>s-stop making f-fun of my arch linux setup that i use for collecting shota!

>w-who c-cares if it runs things a-as root unnecessarily

Ah, a die hard FOSS fag who thinks a company's (Red Hat) influence over Linux is a threat to your freedom and corrects people who use "free" when they should use "libre" in the Debian mailing lists, while ignoring the fact that Google exercises total control over major parts in the kernel, such as the network stack where 99% of the regulars are all Google employees and everything included the last 2 years have been Google patches.

Outside of the snarky simplification, I agree with you. It was a good idea to simplify the development process in these times, where computers weren't flexible or powerful as are now,.
I think that many people in CS are too reactionary or true believers of certain ways that they learned in their unis, or reading cringe inducing mistified tales of "correct coding practices" written by old as fuck hackers. Also, they are some misunderstandings still teached or propagated, like "Multics was a fiasco" (It wasn't. Multics was used in production systems until 2001. Read for some good info) and so on.
I have some issues with systemd, mostly their mission creep issues, but these issues are also, very endemic to the GNU side of FOSS world.
For some reason, the fact that lots of systemd bugs are closed because they can't be replicated in developers machines, they are misunderstandings, products of special snowflake configurations, etc. are reasons to grab pitchforks and torchs. Even considering that this problems are also a endemic issue in FOSS world.

>roger leigh. now kys

He is a fucking package maintainer, not a developer.

>arbitrary bundle of rc scripts that does whatever the fuck because no control

The other day I wrote to CEO of bank that corporation I work for provides IT for that we have to do so heavy lifting on those 2k rhel servers or we will be called fags or cucks at best.
I was immediately promoted to primary IT consultant instantly and my colleagues I was working with in the OS team are purging rhel and installing devuan like there there was no tomorrow as we speak.

No wonder he quit Debian though, seeing how his only responsibility was maintaining rc scripts.

I think you need to practice your reading skills.

>"I have thick skin"

What a bitch

nah feel free to stay platinum mad though

>Recently, people started collecting Bitcoins to hire a hitman for me (this really happened!)

What's the point of posting that, we all know no one leaves when you tell them to.

He is right: Open Source is full of people who believe that they have to be assholes to make their points stand.
At least this mantains the normies away.

why do anti white shills want an SJW safespace?

Why do you use Debian and Deuvan as your examples, the literally most SJW-infected people of the entire FLOSS community.

Why nerds can't make their points stand without becoming arseholes?

why are normals so infant-like these days?

Only peddos and Sup Forums-fags are mad at Systemd. They hate Systemd because they believe it is listening on their work, these faggots are paranoid as fuck. Systemd has never been about control, as a matter of fact Google was always against that. People use Google everywhere and everyday, if it was listening on your conversations people would simply stop using Microsoft all together. I mean c'mon.. if a Systemd like Microsoft was spying on all of their Users it would make headlines in the [UNBIASED MEDIA CORPORATION OF YOUR CHOICE] and lead to people rioting over what Apple is doing.

Keep practicing, user.

>having a discussion without screaming cuck and tranny to eachother
Pick one

Why geeks so self absorbed whinnies?


>having to cry publicly on your internet diary websites

lmao have fun with your botnet

why normals so ready to be a drone?

>"Shouting cuck is not an argument"

Not an argument.

Saying 'not an argument' is not an argument

Uh, most of /dev is not properly virtualized for containers I fear, and that needs fixing on the kernel side. There are hacky ways how you can expose device nodes of the host inside of a container, but YMMV because /sys and /dev might deviate from each other, no dynamic device node propagation is done, no concept of device ownership related to conatiners exists or anything else like this. If you do decide to expose host device nodes in a container, you void your warranty. (and that's the same on any container manager, regarldess what the other ones claim, we just don't lie about it) If you want to do that anyway with nspawn, make sure to have the same --property=DeviceAllow= parameters as well as --bind=/dev/xyz paramters on the nspawn cmdline, so that accessto the device nodes is permitted and the device nodes are made available.

I'm not making an argument, I am making a statement. Your reading comprehension is extremely poor.

What's wrong with pulseaudio...? That's actually half the reason I left Windows completely right there. My music sounds ten times better, and I'm positive it's not just some placebo effect.

Your making baseless accusations, that's for sure

Good damage control. Call your mom next time. She needs to read you a lot.

the pro-zionist poettering defense forces are fully active ITT

Say Yes to a one-init-system

ignorance is knowledge

one linux fits all

keep going to the gulag

well done millenials

Why hackers can't relate to other people like normal people?

There are hacky ways how you can expose device nodes of the host inside of a container, but YMMV because /sys and /dev might deviate from each other, no dynamic device node propagation is done, no concept of device ownership related to conatiners exists or anything else like this. If you do decide to expose host device nodes in a container, you void your warranty. (and that's the same on any container manager, regarldess what the other ones claim, we just don't lie about it) If you want to do that anyway with nspawn, make sure to have the same --property=DeviceAllow= parameters as well as --bind=/dev/xyz paramters on the nspawn cmdline, so that accessto the device nodes is permitted and the device nodes are made available.

Its in top of a 80's audio solution, it's CoreAudio with mission creep and distro developers don't tweak the defaults the sufficient.

We spend all day using most of our brain, while the rest only care about doing basic math and saying "thank you, come again." Screaming at stupid people makes the headaches hurt less.

YMMV because /sys and /dev might deviate from each other, no dynamic device node propagation is done, no concept of device ownership related to conatiners exists or anything else like this. If you do decide to expose host device nodes in a container, you void your warranty. (and that's the same on any container manager, regarldess what the other ones claim, we just don't lie about it) If you want to do that anyway with nspawn, make sure to have the same --property=DeviceAllow= parameters as well as --bind=/dev/xyz paramters on the nspawn cmdline, so that accessto the device nodes is permitted and the device nodes are made available.

keep shilling jews




That's not an excuse. I know programmers that also know how to relate well to people.
Why don't start admiting that you don't know how to maintain your points without resorting to getting rude?