Why do americucks spend 50% of their day driving?

Why do americucks spend 50% of their day driving?

>drive +1 hour to work
>drive to get breakfast/lunch/dinner
>drive +1 hour to home
>drive to walk the dog

>drive to get breakfast/lunch/dinner
Not everyday. Breakfast is only one day out of a month or so.
Lunch, maybe I make my own, sometimes i go buy something.
Dinner is the same as lunch

They can't use a stick tho

>not working from home

And the average commute time is around 20-30 minutes, not an hour.

because we can unlike you faggot europoor where driving even slightly far can land you in a another country

Why are europeans so goddamn OBSESSED with America?

>"drive to get breakfast/lunch/dinner"
>thinks we can't cook our own food

Why are you fucking worried about what the he'll we do? We don't judge your gay ass rules and statistics because we out there making that money and running the world. Either join us or off yourself fag

Burger here, I spend under a hour of my personal time a day driving. Depending on the job I may spend another hour driving, but in a company car and getting paid to do it.
Also, I can drive stick.


(((They))) have convinced the mindless drones that having a big McMansion in the suburbs and a needlessly expensive luxury car to show off is the key to a happy life.

>30 minute drive to work
>possible extra driving related to work
>30 minute drive home


Because you arrogant, evangelical arsehole tools of Israel never shut the FUCK up.

One hour commute is not that bad by Moscow's standards.

They don't have cars in Mexico, so driving is a novelty to them.

I think they're just jealous of us.
>we haven't allowed our country to become cucked by islam
>we don't have a serious rapefugee crisis like them
>free speech, gun ownership and capitalism still exist here
I could go on for days.

Many of the states in the US are the size of countries in Europe.

To give an example, Montana is bigger than Germany.

I don't anymore. I work next door to where I work so getting is just, 20 minutes showering and getting dressed, spend 3-5 minutes walking to desk.

It's definitely worth paying the little bit extra to NOT have to drive to work.

Texas is literally bigger than every country in Europe
And gas is like 1/10 of the price

I'm a delivery boy, most of what I do is sit shotgun and shitpost

This is not a technology thread. Saged and reported.

Calling bullshit I drive stick. And most people can learn it in a few hours if that.

Might of been believable if you didn't add the second sentence.

I have never spent 50% of my day driving and I worked 40 miles away from where I lived for awhile. Who drives 12 hours a day?

>will move to a completely different state in a couple years for wife's grad school

Tell her to fuck off. What the fuck does she need "grad school" for? Are you going to move again when she wants to chase after a "career"? Does she peg you?

