>he uses multiple single line comments to write multiple line comments
He uses multiple single line comments to write multiple line comments
Yes, sometimes.
>his language has multiple line comments
Yeah. // looks better than that /* shit
I use /* */ for all comments including single-line ones
>he writes in a low-readability language
Like this?
That's the kind of thing my discod's bot uses.
koder detected
>he comments his code
good post
And I thought my custom hooking method that does exactly this for external scripts that can be reloaded multiple times at runtime and leaves a fuckton of dead functions behind was bad.
t. Brainlet
Back to Discord fucking idiot.
I also have this one but I hate it since we can't search for shit in there.
I really hate it, so I use my simpliest one that does the job and anyone can edit and find.
lmao someone's edgy I made this code because of the brainlet that modify the codes for their own meme
Don't enable brainlet behavior. Explain to them why the old code is shit and why/how they should use the new one.
Now I'm the brainlet, which one you're talking about?
The simplest or the long one?
The long one is when they want to remove one of their memes they have hard time to search for it because it's "xxx,"yyy","ccc" for the keywords and "links,","links","links".
So when you have 50+ SHITS in there it's a tad hard to find, plus when we ask the bots the commands it doesn't go past 20.
So basically I was like hey, I have an idea for them I'll just use :
bot.on('message', message => {
if (message.content === 'text') {
They just need to copy paste it and voila.
Then when they want to remove the code they just need to search they fucking keyword and delete the whole line completely.
It's a discord bot, I personally don't give a shit about 10 billions of lines.
>multiple line comments
I cant even remember the last time i used multiple line comments that werent doc comments.
If you cant explain what you are doing in one line, chances are big you are the brainlet.
It's not about billions of lines, it's about billions of functions that do a thing which is easily put together into a single function. Just make an array like
var responses = [
["command", "response"],
["command2", "response2"],
["command3", "response3"],
Works just as well for searching keywords.
That is literal autism my friend if that upsets you
Your code fucking sucks. You can just tell them to delete/add/edit the if(message.content)=== [phrase] block. You don't have to make an abomination and claim that it's for other users. Just admit that you suck and improve.
Realized that one is shit too,
var responses={
"text": "response",
Still a brainlet
Jesus christ instead of writing that long ass code that no one was able to find themselves with (even myself being lost with all their crap) that one is like a godsent and that'd be easier for them.
Thanks, gonna be cleaner.
I'm actually personally using my first long code, if that sucks good for you.
But my users can't since it's a mess for them and I made a simplest for them so they just have to copy paste.
But hey, lmao at least I made my code instead of loading a fucking bot on the web
I see a lot of butthurts in here
Btw if you manage to read - they ARE EDITING the code by copy/pasting the code. I'm using that oneJesus