Tor Community Selectively Deactivating Nodes for Daily Stormer, in an ironic act of censorship

>Before the Daily Stormer was forced offline by a cabal of tech companies in response to a fat joke that was allegedly just too mean to be allowed to exist, the Darkweb was mainly used by pedophiles to share child pornography.

>The Tor project claims to be designed for Chinese political dissidents – or whatever – but the main use of the software has been for child porn, and it is not believable that this amount of resources would be expended on some shit for Chinese political dissidents who can just buy a normal VPN if they need it.

>Slave traffickers, terrorists, assassins and drug dealers also use the service.

>The Tor dev team had never given comment on pedophiles or anyone else using the service, but felt the need to come out and condemn the Daily Stormer – genuine political dissidents forced off of the internet.

>An intense debate has taken place among the team of child porn-enablers – part of it in public – about how they could shut down the Daily Stormer, because we are “fascists.”

>Now today, we have repeatedly had our connecting nodes shut off, indicating that there is an organized agenda to censor us on Tor.

>The mere fact that a platform ostensibly designed for avoidance of political censorship would condemn a censored political publication using it is extremely disturbing. That they would then have an internal debate about censoring the political dissidents in question is even more so.

>But that they would begin to attempt to actually censor us is beyond the pale.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Selectively deactivating nodes
That doesn't exist
>The article is hosted on daily stormer
totally not biased lmoa

BTW: Maintaining an actual list of CP links would be awful because it would give pedophiles quick and easy access to onions that hosted CP and then they'd just need to find a host that doesn't implement the list or setup their own tor circut to access it. This is one of many reasons such a blocklist will never be implemented.

Go ahead, point me to the file in tord that allows you to blacklist an onion. There isn't one. Issue got closed.

Bullshit thread, fuck you and fuck (((weev)))

sup weev

>That doesn't exist

Explain how pic related happened, then.

no proof (((weev)))
why not post those logs then?


What happens when he does this? Will Tor operators get pissed?

Tor is a fucking shit tier slow heap of shit anyway. What's the feasibility of moving all the naughty but not illegal websites to a new DNS? I know fuck all about networking so it's probably a shit question.

Is he implying he's going to make a pull request against Tor? I can't really peace together what this guy is saying here, what he's saying makes literally no sense at all. No weev, your pull request would be promptly denied.

You could. But you need everyone to use your DNS. OpenNIC already has .chan TLDs

((( weev ))) is a low IQ crypto

Normally I wouldn't complain about them not hosting a bunch of fuckwaffles

But they've been virtue signaling so much, coupled with the fact that they host snuff CP and things like that, that I wish that the "fash" would "bash" these idiots out of existence.

I sincerely doubt this happened because if this was easily achievable most TOR operators would have black listed any extremely well known illegal site to avoid potential liability.

>most TOR operators would have black listed any extremely well known illegal site to avoid potential liability.

why would they care to do this when they are already on an anonymizing network and those sites never got a fraction of the publicity that the Daily Stormer gets?

The Daily Stormer has been named in pretty much every publication in the US and Europe. Your statement makes no sense. They are doing it because they want to virtue signal.

This article sounds very professionally written and not at all written by a 15-year-old neo-Nazi who just discovered the word "nigger".

they don't host that shit idiot, how do you think this all works?

Why don't these dumdums just use the web 3.0 stack? A Dapp literally cannot be censored, all they need to do is create an extension to bring Dbrowser functionality for Firefaggot or Chromium

OP is s flaming faggot node operators can choose to censor what the fuck they want and CP is censored that way too

Silk Road was infamous and well known before the site was shut down, and there also where many news stories about it.

Unrelated, but I really don't understand the recent Weev hate. I am pretty sure this started it:

time to virtue signal and filter the term virtue signal. or should just skip the bait threads.

That's the charm of the daily stormer, m8. Like old 4chins meets nazi.

>node operators can choose to censor what the fuck they want

that's the point of the article

It's fine to read on Sup Forums but just repugnant outside of it. Gives me second hand embarassment, like when thread screencaps appear on Reddit or Funnyjunk.

>I am pretty sure this started it:

he's right though. anime is degenerate and men should get a real gf. jews want you to be a waifuist with no job.

>we're uh
>kind of a big deal
>look how much people hate us
>we're like, warriors
>we're fighting for justice

> shills already in the thread
Wew lad

Yeah well, the super serious white nationalism has done fuck all for their cause ala Jared Taylor. I'm sure they win over the edgy

No point of the article was whine how CP is not censored same way when infact it is. OP is a crying nazi faggot which actually means that you run movement which goal is wide censorship and then you whine about censorship. 0/5 you faggots are so fucking annoying

>child porn and ordering drugs online is ok
>evil nazi trolls must be stopped

lol, are they fucking serious?

Thats what tor believes

Reminder that Tor has been backdoored by the NSA since at least 2014

Pedos and drugdealers are not marching against the freedom of speech the nazis are. So welcome get the fuck out from my tubes faggot

coincidence? ?

>No point of the article was whine how CP is not censored same way when infact it is.

Actually, you can't read because the point of the article is how the Tor Project actually made a statement about the Daily Stormer being bad when they have never a statement about the child porn sites they help anonymize, and how just recently the operators are going so far as to actually shut off their connecting nodes.

>Pedos and drugdealers are not marching against the freedom of speech the nazis are

Actually, the only people who are against freedom of speech are the anti-Nationalists.

Liberals only like freedom of speech when it suits them. Nobody else.

>nazi trolls
Trolls don't march in the streets literally shouting nazi slogans.


>hurr durr if you want tolerance you must accept intolerance derp
Counter-protests is not censorship, counter-protests are just as much an expression of free speech as protests are.

When will the far-right stop the fallacy of equating protests against the hatred they spew with actual censorship?

that leddit spacing

>Trolls don't march in the streets literally shouting nazi slogans.
Regardless of my opinion on the site, I have yet to see people from the stormer do what you mentioned. All I see are trolls posting offensive content online, trolls posting offensive pictures in public, and trolls making poorly secured printers print offensive things. I would absolutely consider it a nazi troll site.

Yeah, well, in Nazi Germany, exercise your right to freedom of speech by saying something nice about Jews, gays, communists, Roma, the Allies, etc. and you get killed.

Oh boohoo they said some mean words, you've got to be delusional to believe that's worse than being a literal pedophile

>I'd rather have my kids molested and sold drugs than have them exposed to nationalist rhetoric
If the Nazis are so wrong, surely their ideas won't stand up to scrutiny in public debate.

Tor operators literally think you Sup Forumsfags are worse than pedophiles.

How does that make you feel?

This idiotic fud is so fucking frustrating. Please, just continue to spew bullshit. I don't care anymore. Just keep going. Tor is compromised Tor is compromised Tor is compromise jesus fucking christ if it were compromised by the cia everyone would know by now.


Really? When was that exactly? Meanwhile, my great grandfather was locked up in an camp during ww2 because his parents were ethnic Germans.

You alright dude?
Oh lord, someone tried. It looks like they have enough brains to realize doing so would undermine the entire project.

>in Nazi Germany, exercise your right to freedom of speech by saying something nice about Jews, gays, communists, Roma, the Allies, etc. and you get killed.

Who told you that, the Jews? Did you see that firsthand?

these people live in the persecuted victim role, just adding to the pile here.

>If the Nazis are so wrong, surely their ideas won't stand up to scrutiny in public debate.

If Donald Trump invited White Nationalists and Antifa to a protected, guaranteed speech gathering on the White House lawn, where each side can pick their 5 best speakers to have 10 min speeches to be televised by every news network and streaming channel, guess which side most people around the world would agree with?

Not the only shitpost on the tracker

Most of the world is brown so your point is pretty shit. I'd imagine that white America would agree with the white nationist and pre hart celler act America would 100%. I'd imagine that the powers that be think the same way with their no platforming.

>Most of the world is brown so your point is pretty shit.

Most of the world does not like gays, does not like trannies, and does not like niggers.

White people are the only people who are brainwashed into liking these things.

Most of the world is Asian and muslim, and their worldview is very similar to that of white nationalists. They are very traditional, they are very anti-degenerate, and they much prefer to be around white people than blacks, homosexuals, and feminists.

Leave your liberal arts college once in a while, you child.

Most of the world doesn't live in the us fatfuck.

That article is so fucking retarded I thought I was at the Onion for a second there.
The only thing to take from this is that people hosting CP and drug dealers have better sysadmins than those double digit IQ nazifags.
So much for white superiority.

There are still more christians than muslims, don't be deluded Ahmed.

>Muslims and Asians would support a white ethnostate.
I find this hard to believe. Also you're conflating white identity politics with other right wing ideas. There's no reason an ethno nationalist could be for environmental protectionism, gay/tranny rights, shit for the poor. Either way, if you want to shit on your previous point of who the World would agree with then go ahead

You think that event I mentioned wouldn't be played in foreign news markets or foreign internet sites?

The problem is that people whose worldview is aligned with that of the Daily Stormer are not allowed to speak in the mainstream networks. If they were allowed to speak, the majority of the world's population would side with them over the Extreme Left.

>There are still more christians than muslims

Wow that really weakens my point! Oh wait it doesn't because Christians, especially those outside the US, oppose degeneracy.

And unlike most other countries, the US was founded on freedom of speech from square one.
I bet your kind would love to crack down on "degeneracy" because you all actually hate freedom of speech.

>people hosting CP and drug dealers have better sysadmins than those double digit IQ nazifags.

If CNN and all the major new networks did stories about the CP on Tor and the public went into outrage mode, I can guarantee you they'd have just as hard a time staying online.

Of course, however, the Establishment Left is silent on Tor's CP sites. They only seem to condemn the groups that actively oppose them and have hundreds of thousands of visitors every day.

Oh but could it be that pedos don't try to pull attention to themselves? Maybe it's a concept your mind hasn't ever thought of.

>drug dealers have better sysadmins
Alpha Bay was shuttered because the site owner used his person email address (tied to his linkedin account) on all welcome emails and password resets from the site.

>you all actually hate freedom of speech.

Despite what the Jews may tell you, pornography is not free speech.

>could it be that pedos don't try to pull attention to themselves?

Why would they? Their cause is not helped by making it mainstream, while White identity politics is helped by that.

Pedos should be killed in public, Duterte-style.

You could fit right in Animal Farm right now. "We all are equal but some of us are more equal than others". Same fucking rethoric.

Good! Go to a non-free country that does that, here we have such a thing as due process.

>here we have such a thing as due process.

Which you apply to even non-citizens, which is illogical. Your country is not "free", it is suicidal.


I can't believe anyone would ever be that retarded.

Animal farm is gommunism, dude. You've got your isms mixes up.

I didn't say every person running a shady hidden service is bright but it seems they are definitely learning from the mistakes others have done in the past.

woah it's almost like decentralisation isn't a magic bullet that fixes censorship

You didn't understand Animal Farm. Fucking idiot.

>Which you apply to even non-citizens
If we disregard the fact the government seems to hate the constitution, the Bill of Rights happens to apply to non-citizens, the right to due process in particular.
As for what happens in reality: What is gitmo?

If you attract the attention of people with enough resources there is literally no service available that is not vulnerable to some kind of DoS attack.

this post was made by a 14 year old

Communism is a form of totalitarianism. Horseshoe theory, etc.

>BTW: Maintaining an actual list of CP links would be awful because it would give pedophiles quick and easy access to onions that hosted CP

The Hidden Wiki already does that though.

Here is one of many articles on it.

Why are you fuckers still FUDing it up? The PR for being able to blacklist URLs was denied.

You specifically use the some are more equal than others line which has nothing to do with nationalism.
Also horseshoe theory is a meme. There's no reason that you couldn't be far left/right and anarchist.

>Tor isn't slow and unreliable, I'm just being censored

Jeez what a moron.

I fail to understand how he overlooked that whilst having enough knowledge to run a large darknet market.

"Horseshoe theory is a meme" is a meme. Politics discussion is now Milhouse.

You wished senpai.

I could have picked any other line, my point is that you display the classic doublethink of a totalitarian.


animal farm is pretty much now sums the current state of affairs lately.

Of late the sheep had taken to bleating "Four legs good, two legs bad"

>Tor ran by Jews



GNUmales are also overseen by a Jew which explains why Linux users are such SJW cucks, Stallman admits to being of Jewish decent.

like i said, 14y/o

>Horseshoe theory, etc.

Holy shit you actually believe this? hahahahah wtf you cannot be older than 18.

lemme guess, when you debate with people, you tell them that they "have never debated with somebody like you before?" right?

Must suck to be a sheep like you

At least this is a new one. I was getting sick of the "Choosing the middle ground between objectively bad and not being objectively bad is wrong, therefore all middle grounds are wrong" meme.

Epic retort, I'm sure everyone opposing you got told. Seems authoritarians can't look into a mirror, and this thread really should leave this board and go to

>Stallman admits to being of Jewish decent.

He didn't need to admit it. His voice, facial structure and FUCKING NAME and BELIEFS are obviously Jewish.

Jesus, everybody is retarded these days. You entirely skip the identification step and just brand everything you don't agree with as "intolerant", so you can give yourself a blank check to treat them however you want. Silencing anybody is not free speech - every ideology is inherently anti-something, it protects anti-commie general who suggest going to war and the anti-war hippies who suggest to just love each other, duuude.
Left acts like everybody during cold war, quick to brand people commie/nazi without any though and then feeling justified with treating them like shit. People who go " maybe we should look more into who we brand a commie" get "you're probably commie yourself!" in response.

Nice reddit spacing Sup Forumsack. You aren't a smart and illuminated, you are a fucking idiot repeating rethoric off a fucking imageboard and meme infographics.
I bet you haven't even been here long enough to know how to sage hence why you keep bumping this shitshow of a thread.
Fuck off.

Thx for your insight.
Point out the doublethink strawman that you've built for yourself.

>Seems authoritarians can't look into a mirror

I really feel sorry for people like you. Your kind never achieves anything in life because you are too afraid to think outside the box that was specifically designed for you.

I bet you would be first choice in a jury and that you frequently identify as an "undecided voter"

I knew Sup Forums can't into technology, but they don't even understand Tor?
lmfao, end you'reselves

>you are a fucking idiot repeating rethoric off a fucking imageboard and meme

says the retard whose opinions are probably the same as that of CNN.

People like you end up with nothing in life because you are too afraid to think for yourself.

CNN can go fuck itself with a rake, and so can you. I don't give a single fuck about whatever moral panic you want to regurgitate, if nobody is getting harmed then who the fuck cares?
Thought is not a crime, neither your opinions nor what kiddy diddlers think at night if they don't act on it.