
>everything JUST WERKS
>you literally never have to use command line, though you can
>DEs are nicely preconfigured and ready to work
>everything is nicely preconfigured and ready to werk
>fresh software
>likely to update automagically
>most popular distro, so any problem is easily fixed by googling
>to install vlc you just type "apt -y install vlc" or use your mouse to install it from software center

>to install vlc you fucking create a config file where you put USE flags for all desired codecs, otherwise VLC will be installed without them, you may also need to recompile half of your system
>absolutely retarded and relatively small community
>more likely to break on update
>WILL break if you don't update every month
>they didn't update a vulnerable version of firefox for a couple of weeks once, due to fucking bureaucracy
>nothing is preconfigured
>you also need to compile every program on your own computer for no real reason
>you are likely to need to recompile some already installed programs when you install a new one, because thay had some features disabled by default for no obvious reason
>if you, say, want to install the whole xfce environment, you install all the programs one by one, because there is no package like "xfce4-goodies".
>it is FUCKING VULNERABLE TO MITM IN 2017 (bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=597804 notice how it's importance is rated as "normal")
>though being vulnerable to MITM it has a "hardened" version which shows us how retarded the community is
>does not release a livedvd on regular basis
>at least until recently, its minimal install CD didn't even support efi
>portage is the most complicated GNU/linux package manager to ever exist
>portage is broken beyond repair

>again, you configure a lot of things manually, though more is done automatically than on Gentoo
>community is retarded, though not as much as that of Gentoo
>software is too fresh
>more likely to break on update than Gentoo
>claims itself to be KISS but uses systemd

Arch users:
>too busy getting stuff done

>whines on chinese cartoon imageboard

ok who cares?

Arch is comfy, only brainlets trash it on Sup Forums

>installing vlc when mpv exists
>not outsourcing your compilations to your server farm
>thinking gentoo breaks itself
your pleb is showing, OP

>do not support even basic media formats without third-party repos
>installing proprietary drivers is hard and also requires third-party repos
>users of these are basically guinea pigs of novell and redhat


I want to like MPV but it's too minimal for me and I can't figure out how to change the volume in the app, it runs and seeks faster than vlc but for now I've settled on dragonplayer

Linux DEs are shit. If you want something that actually is user friendly, get a mac or Windows

Literally who does shit like this happen to? You'd have to be really retarded not to be able to manage running a stable Arch install. I'm starting to think it's either guys who don't use linux/never used arch or envious ubuntu users making these threads and comments.

t. guy who has had the same stable arch install running for 5 years

>proprietary malware

>includes proprietary shits

Youre beyond help. Try windows media player 11.
Pacman breaks shit all the time. Ca-certificates broke a few months ago requiring manual intervention. Wish i ditched arch years ago

I'm using linux, I like MPV it's just too minimal for me, too many options are hidden.

>shitty program doesn't work properly and isn't user friendly
>the user is beyond help

>Shilling memepv
vlc is superior in literally every way.

juss install both numbnuts

Nigga I run arch with openrc on my laptop and I've never had pacman break something. I don't get this meme, arch just werks

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>you need to read a whole article to just fucking install it
>you need to read another two-three articles if you want e.g. lvm
>just werks

>just install 2 programs that do the exact same thing when one of them covers everything and does it better

Fucking hell, you really have been living under a rock. SUSE hasn't been a subsidiary of Novell for almost 10 years.

Manjaro + xfce = pretty good OS

So is the hardened version immune to MITM?

>he can't configure gentoo properly

Wait, what?
Not him btw

Manjaro on thinkpad x240 :

>everything works out of box
>trackpoint works nice
>trackpad works nice
>battery life is longer than windows
>With AUR install everything without compiling myself

Shitbuntu and Shitbuntu variations :

>Trackpoint not working and trackpad
>shitty battery life
>spend hours and hours to configure
>nothing happens
>wreck my fucking system

Fedora on thinkpad x240:

>nothing fucking works
>want to kill myself with shitty battery life

Solus on thinkpad x240
>trackpoint and trackpad are working
>want to kill myself with shitty battery life

Manjaro is best Distro and I understund why is popular in distrowatch.

Ubuntu doesn't "just work" at all. Its shitty out of date software means that you're inevitably going to end up having to install a ton of PPAs. That means searching online to find them, just like with shitty Windows. Then once you have all these PPAs installed, Ubuntu starts becoming a horribly unstable mess.

Arch is a lot better. It just works, it's rock solid stable, very customisable and you learn a lot.

When shit "works out of the box" it means theres extra shit baked into the kernel (read:bloat). Why arch+arch-lite fags are so vocal and shitty i'll never know.