Adnauseam bread

ITT we politely discuss the best ad blocker and how it changed your life for better

install now

Other urls found in this thread:

>how it changed your life for better
it blocks ads and collect porn

>blocks ads
*laughs in pihole*

I've installed it. But the counter is still zero, probably thanks to NoScript.

yep, its not compatible with noscript

I'm not disabling NoScript.

you could at least whitelist google in noscript, im 100% sure it doesnt have any ads with malware

I'd be willing to temporarily disable it if there was a website that could wrack up damage quickly and safely.

Web-ext version when

sure, disable the biggest ad server there is in Noscript. that is wise, sure!

why all of you alt-right idiots are this dumb?
at least the don dumped you so that he can actually work without you going reeeeeeeee behind him

you are a fucking retard, google doesnt need javascript for anything, you are literally sending search requests to them, they know what you are looking for

is that a reason to not block scripts and let your botnet run free?
not today,shlomo


Sup Forums is pushing this in a big way you stupid faggot.
If there's one thing literally everyone, across the political landscape, can agree on it's that Google deserves to die.

what makes it better than ublock origin? how do i know it's not a botnet?

no, that's bullshit

It's built on top of Ublock Origin. All it does is simulates a click on the ads it blocks.

>they are serious with that free ad nauseam shit

>calls everyone he does not like commie

i'm just not a retarded kekistani like your bunch who are shitting up the board since muh white male (Google had all the rights to fire him desu state laws, contract/CoC and him wanting to be fired) got dumped.
If any of your weren't only from pol you would know that here on Sup Forums people fought
corporations since the dawn of time and living a FOSS life is the right way, not becoming a botnet to fight a botnet!

it clicks ads and makes google suffer, its also open source, shills screech its malware but not a single one of them can point at specific code to prove it actually is

>everyone who says something i don't like is a shill
you are the cancer that keeps lowering Sup Forums's discussion levels.
Don't start this shit here

But it's not. You're as likely to see an AdNauseam thread on Sup Forums made by a commie or an anarchist as a fascist or a nazbol.
No one likes Google, everyone wants to see those capitalist kikes brought to their knees. Stop kvetching and start bleeding the beast.

It's just ublock but it clicks on ads in the background so Google loses money.

oh, that's cool, now i remember that i've seen this being mentioned before. one concern would be how easy it would be to get blacklisted so your clicks don't drain ad revenue. if you've played runescape, they're fairly good at detecting bots. just some randomization like not clicking every ad and clicking them at random times would help i think.

how else do you call people that defend google? who would even defend google if not shills?

>everyone is an extremist
ok m8

where is the Sup Forums thread?

I mean I guess not. But even in the basic bitch realm does anyone actually like Google?
I know conservatives don't. Nor libertarians (back on the extremist side, ancaps hate them too). Do liberals like them?

this is in general what people on Sup Forums do
there is always a bogeyman or a shill to fight for.
No one likes corporations, especially one like google but not shitting up another board to tell people who breathe FOSS memes how to escape google is fucking retarded and you guys know that.

here (no antifa or alt-right allowed, only real nazis and fascists please)

reminder to run this in separate browser for few minutes everyday

What if I just run it all day while I'm at work? Will Google ban me?

At most you will start solving Captchas in the middle of the day

buch of retarded losers. google makes money mainly from ads. this is how they support youtube. and i bet everyone of you fuckers use it every single day. know that time you watched a lecture video or used google maps to find place you needed to go? you should be thankful to google.

No. Google is a blight and deserves to be destroyed.

no, but you will know if you get banned

>t. Sup Forumstard

Maybe. Wanna guess my ideology?

I did until they started killing youtube with "limited state."

antifa homosexual redditor?

Returning to the main topic, can someone explain how come it is faster than normal adblockers?
It seems counter intuitive because it seems to be doing more things?

yeah i sure want to watch video that are only approved by joos

Nah, but ironically those idiots are actually also on board with killing Jewgle. They hate them for being crony capitalists but hey.
Which begs the question of who actually likes Google and wants it to continue to exist. I don't actually know.

I don't know, but all ideologies are retarded, so I know you are too

Stirner pls

but youtube has a lot of lecture videos. you can learn pretty much anything. you are just mad because they don't let nazi videos to be posted.

just set it to block ads at 10-50% rate, its undetectable this way

it isn't

thanks good i watch exclusively isis videos, youtube is full of them

That isn't an inherent feature of Youtube, though. Anyone can run a video hosting service, in fact there are many others.
What a world we live in when basic bitch leftists will defend monopoly and what amounts to state control because the enemy are called Nazis.

desu i'm more of a microsoft guy and hate the google botnet on muh android a whole lot.
i don't want that shit script running on my machine at all. Now if we are talking about making it run on a network dns filter, when it can't do damage (gnu+linux) i would install it.

Just tried running it in Chromium. All it did was open up a different window with google's start page on it. Nothing else.

just run it on linux virtual machine

I don't know that it's any more harmful than uBlock, though. It seems to just be an added feature whereby you can tell the addon to click some of the ads it hides.
Some sort of script that you could continuously run on servers would be pretty cool though.

what would happen if I set up a few raspberry pis to do this 24/7? hell I could even hide them in various places such as businesses.
moving on further, what do you think about something that would randomly use a VPN or something to continually issue new requests with new IPs?

they're heavily politically involved, you wouldn't like it if they were nazis, same way we don't like that they're subversive communist jews

Did the window start searching for shit on its own?

>Anyone can run a video hosting
it is very expensive though.
youtube loses money because of that.

Internecine strife on the left should be encouraged and assisted, not countersignalled. Do you think Google is some bastion of right-wing thought?

nigga, i have a dedicated machine to do dns filtering and it runs linux, now how can i integrate both?
yea, it's always on so it's wasting power because it's not running at full power

Well, this is just our helpful way of making it lose more!

Nope. I clicked it a second time, and a window opened searching for HIPPA stuff. No adnauseam in the new window, and it just sat there on the first search.

every pi would have to run on different external IP, otherwise they could detect heavy traffic from single IP

you cant integrate this unless you have a DE and firefox installed, if you have them then just start it and leave

but the idea of going to a place like a college or public place for example and putting a PI somewhere and having it connect to their wifi?

I know there's some thing where you can run GUI programs in a fake X server. I used to use it to run Skype through bitlbee

what did the jews mean by this?

Where's a good place for google ads?

look into this

it would work, they cant ban by IP because they would ban all users

that's what i am running dude, just don't see how i can make it do bogus requests while blocking

holy shit, if we hide small computing devices in random public places and run ad clicking scripts, then either they don't ban us and we fuck over their ad business, or they ban all public wifi hotspots and fuck over their ad business, win-win

yes, they cannot do shit to us, all we need is more people running this script

>ships with a dns logger that you can't turn off
>keeps logs of how many queries you make
this is a botnet

Anyone want to answer this, since that script page isn't working right?

Use TrackMeNot

>you use Google already
Most people here don't, other than Sup Forumstards and Sup Forumsermins.

>>ships with a dns logger that you can't turn off
>>keeps logs of how many queries you make

it is a DNS server, are you retarded or what?
also you can disable the query logging, but then the web graphs won't work.
>botnet when it is not sending your data anywhere.
i fell for the bait right?

That doesn't answer the question I asked at all.

Google ads appear in google searches

I wish that the automated thing would work.

>Google ads appear in google searches
I forgot about that

ehow serves up anywhere from 5-11 ads per article. One of the top earners of google adsense.

Should I be making exceptions for "non-tracking ads" or not?

I don't. But I'm only using it on a chromium browser doing google searches anyways.

I just keep refreshing "how to make google lose money."

Better to use a specific search. I did "Turkey sandwich," and Boar's Head Cold Cuts came up, so I searched for that, and kept repeating.


care to turn off hiding ads? i want to see how this site looks with them

Why are we targeting Google so aggressively nand not Facebook and Amazon as well? Aren't they as guilty of the invasive advertising phenomenon?


only 13 ads instead of 32?

Dunno what to tell you. When I search generic shit, I get 3 ads. When I search for a high end specific tool, it increases to more, but there is no guaranteed number. Sometimes its 13. Sometimes its 20. Sometimes its 32 (haven't seen higher than that yet).

Keep in mind that people pay premium to have their shit advertised for a specific search like that. Cursory research says that some companies pay up to 50 dollars per click.

I got 34 b searching "gaming motherboard" lmoa

Pretty good, user. Is that consistent on every refresh?

No, I've tried it a few times now and my lowest was 16, highest was 39

Pretty good, but I know the Fluke 179 is a specific search that is both wicked expensive AND I'm getting up to 36 per refresh.

What's wrong with just blocking ads exactly?
>block ads and dont see them
>normalfags continue to see them and give sites ad revenue
>everyone gets to keep using the site for free

What do you think will happen to free sites if you achieve your goal of "killing advertising"? I always shill against adblockers to normalfags for this reason, someone's got to pick up the tab. Your moralfag crusading, trying to actively harm advertisers as well as trying to recruit more people into doing so, is not very beneficial for anyone in the long term. The short sightedness of this board never ceases to astound me. Enjoy paying a $4.99 subscription fee to use every site (which will necessarily entail surrendering your personal information in some capacity, as most sites aren't going to accept meme cryptocoins)

>b-but we want to hurt g-google!!
Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face.

Ok. I'm only using it in Chromium, which I downloaded for this specific reason, and using it on Google Search exclusively.

NoScript carries the day everywhere else.

i got 33 on this sentence

That's fine then

Yup. I'm simply attempting to break the supplier's trust with a single, specific advertiser.