Rate Home Screen Thread

Rate your home screen.

This is my home screen

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OP3T, Nova Launcher, delta icon pack, stupid wallpaper from Android wallpapers app.


Who /normiecore/ here?f


Forgot pic

I like your grouping, just hide the launcher bar at the bottom m80
Get rid of text and regroup dem icons son

Recently moved to lineage and haven't been bothered to do much more than 5 mins, with a default wallpaper.

blur the wallpaper, it will give a cool effect, especially on an amoled screen like on OP3T

this one seems epic to me, sweet


what launcher are you using on which version of android (stock, touchwiz etc.) I'm seriously impressed with that home screen of you :-)

Seems really nice and clean! Can you send that wallpaper here? I love it.

Im not an asthetic fag son.

Nova, Android 7.1.2, Lineage OS

I'll check out lineage OS out soon, been on Dark Rom and loved it as I had a really minimal gapps package (by the rom maker himself(


There's a bunch of minimal gapps packages that work on Lineage, including not using it at all, which is what I plan on doing when I ascend normiehood

Really original 8/10, are you using an amoled screen? black wallpaper might give better battery life.


Moto g5 plus, so no. But dark colors give me significantly less eye strain so I either theme everything dark or invert the screen.

Same about eye strain applies to me, I wish more apps would got a dark theme thought.

Please be gentle

Come at me

Lineage OS, Nova launcher, M'Flat icons, Zooper. First time ricing android.

I like it man!


Sweet 8/10


Love It, I used the icon pack before but forgot the name. what's the name?

Saturate, I'm pretty sure there's a darker one aswell called Desaturate

Thanks man :-D



how did u get that 10/10 man

I really want a clock widget so I can hide the notification bar

10/10 it's really simple and clean.


consider suicide

>getting this mad over kevinposting

It's not even because I don't like iPhones, it's because that's really shitty. I've seen good looking iOS Home screens before, but that's one is just a mess.

I know the google search kinda ruins mine, but it's just so convenient

awesome, but personally I think the middle icons could be a little more spaced

hecka gud

too many icons

not enough icons

that's your lockscreen, not homescreen :(

cute, comfy, pleasant

really cool

not awful, but definitely cluttered
it's mostly just hard to read your clock

is that your homescreen? do those 4 shapes launch apps?



>inb4 a thousand clocks
It's comfy

Set the search bar to night mode m8

btw my screen is amoled, and wherever I touch, these colored hextiles (cycles through 5 colors) appear and slowly fade back into black

the wallpaper is called Hextiles if anyone wants it

>night mode search bar
I didn't know that was a thing, thanks dawg

also your homescreen is easy on the eyes

Using KLWP

What about me user?

You should really use this search bar

>accidentally put widget on dock
Fucking Nova, fix that shit already

>recommends something
>doesn't say what it is


Assuming you are using Nova Launcher
>Search bar style

Just finishes this A E S T H E T I C home screen. The music widget is even a cassette.

What looks better? This or



How does one achieve this?

SwiftKey with one of the default themes and no predictions, looks nice but is Botnet.

>looks nice but is Botnet.
I'm currently using Google's Keyboard

>hide task bar
>remove icons
>remove widgets
>set as wallpaper


Nova launcher, green icon pack

Just simple and clean

ew, no

Might as well switch if you like it then

Maybe simple, but not clean.

>69ยบ - N...

newfag here, how do I into KLWP? I see some pretty nice shit on /wg/.

I downloaded a few pre-made things and learnt by modifying them. I've been using KLWP for like two days.

Either do that or Google.

the icon is a lemon when it's charged



9/10. Clean, minimalistic af

9/10. Get a dark wallpaper, just a bit of red or yellow would add a lot of life

3/10 absolute clusterfuck

8/10 Nice. Not too big on the cursive font.

7/10 Aesthetic but impractical

8/10 creative

9/10 fucking A* apart from the Google search bar

9/10 love this, very elegant

4/10 you tried user

6/10 icons are way too big imo, too cluttered and no wallpaper.

9/10 love the pape. Neato burrito

5/10 great pape. Get rid of notification bar and change the icon pack

8/10 not a weabu, don't like the pape. The bar at the bottom is genius

4/10. Holy shit Rajesh, that's one shitty icon pack.


Sorry late reply



20/10. Wallpaper?

its perfect

I need that background. Where you get please?!

judge me. i know my widget screen is shit though but i'd rather have one shitty screen than have it placed anywhere

Not too bad but i personally hate animated home screens

More black space = better battery.

I like my setup, tell me why I shouldn't

this is really nice for some reason.

if you could get hide the clock at the top in the home screen it would be even better.




you're welcome

what font?


Sorry. Forgot to pause twilight.



Actually it's more than that. There is an animation when you unlock, the top text is the weather, the bottom text is day of the week+time and a play/skip/pause button for Spotify/any music player. When a music player is launched it fetches the song's art and changes the wallpaper. There is also a music visualizer on the lock screen when listening a a song. Finally the colors of the rectangle and the visualizer changes to match the song's art. All this is achieved through klwp.

Impractical ? How so ? It has date, time, weather and music player built in. (The different Japanese texts)

I tried

Everyone here uses graphical launcher... I thought this is Sup Forums





I wish I could do a minimal home screen, but I hate having unused space

Fuck I wish Samsung would open it's theme store to more devs. The only themes they have are gaudy as fuck, I like their swipe up anywhere to see all icons, more than Nova's method, so I don't want to switch to Nova
