Now that the dust has settled, is Adnauseum a scam or not?

Now that the dust has settled, is Adnauseum a scam or not?

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if advertisers are making money anyway, what's the point?

>clicking ads for google for free

where can I submit my site to adnauseam devs so I get som free adsense clicks??

also, how is this supposed to hurt google? it will make them even richer..

>when your IQ is below 110

this. How do i make the worst possible tracking ads for free money?

It breaks advertising and tracking by flooding false positive data into your tracking profile. Just imagine if you shared your various accounts with 50 other people. This is that. The signal to noise ratio is completely ruined.

Is it compatible with pihole, privacy badger, umatrix, noscipt, etc?

most of my ads so far have been from duckduckgo.
>the browser that doesn't track you

it doesn't block as many ads as uBlock, despite being subscribed to the same lists, and I don't know why

>Can't look three steps ahead

The metric they use for measuring work, clicks, becomes useless. Long term this destroys trust in advertisers because the compensation they ask is not correlated with exposure they bring to your product. Losing customers does mean death for advertisers.

How did you measure that? Did you actually compare them on the same website with the same lists and clicking disabled?

Wouldn't it raise ad prices

You're helping google, and sperg nausspasm in the short, and long term. The only people that lose are the poor saps who installed this crap to make everyone else rich without any reward.

How long until we see one of these guys take a fall?

They were started on Sup Forums in a discord and there has to be agents there, I give them 2 weeks to a month to really rack the charges up.

Not if for every twenty clicks, only one is from someone that's actually interested in the product.

It will certainly affect a lot of things, but in the long term, everyone will hit on Google, because they're the ones targetted, and they're the ones that brought this on themselves.

the makers look jewish and have jewish sounding last names

There's no difference between hiring pajeets to click a million ads and this.

Okay Satan I will keep that in mind

Except you don't have to hire pajeets, you just upload your mining code and get anons to run it for free.

What's the legality of this? To me, it should be fine, but I can't see them allowing this to continue.
I racked up a $160 bill in around 6hrs only.


Why don't the ads from this site show up in the vault?

They do

It's a mossad front.

non-tracking ads might be turned off for you?

what if you never click ads unless by accident... because I doubt someone actually does

I WOULD use it if
>it was compatible with uMatrix and noscript
>it didn't send my browsing habitats to companies via clicked ads
>it wouldn't have an ugly UI and colour scheme that looks like it was designed by a Sup Forums user (srsly what's wrong with minimalism)
>it didn't waste my disk space by LITERALLY DOWNLOADING the ads to my pc, pic related
>it wasn't run by literal jews


We're fucking over Google by making clicks worthless and untrustworthy. It's not meant to starve the beast, it's meant to shove big macs down its throat until it's heart explodes. Jesus fuck I can't believe people are falling for Google shills

Meant to reply to OP?

It is meant to starve, by undermining its ability to evaluate ad traffic. Starving happens when clients turn away from the service. I'd love to see you describe a scenario when something explodes.

You get the point. You can't build an accurate profile on someone if they click EVERYTHING. Google and advertisers want to tailor ads and build profiles on people to sell.

I posted the point, I do get it, yes. Heart explodes is not a word that describes it in any way. Starve describes it pretty well because in case it succeeds this is how the advertiser will die. Slowly losing customers over large time period. Instead of becoming gigantic over small period and then quickly disappearing, as with explosion.

>it was compatible with uMatrix and noscript
It clicks shit instead of blocking it, what did you expect?
>it didn't send my browsing habitats to companies via clicked ads
That's the whole fucking point.
>it wouldn't have an ugly UI and colour scheme that looks like it was designed by a Sup Forums user (srsly what's wrong with minimalism)
It uses 90% of the same UI as ublock origin, and it's just supposed to work, you're not supposed to look at the UI all the fucking time.
>it didn't waste my disk space by LITERALLY DOWNLOADING the ads to my pc, pic related
Oy vey!
>it wasn't run by literal jews
Says who?

Woah could u use less vulgar language, you seem like you're having an outburst

no, the person who i replied has jewish ads in his image, i suppose that it is his own

Well kek, it's literally the one from their own webpage

>adblock plus
it's better than what you had before

>It clicks shit instead of blocking it, what did you expect?
I would prefer for it to do all its work in a separate invisible page, simulating actual clicks with simulated mouse; I'd use my usual blocking extensions on the page I'm seeing completely independent of what adnauseum is doing.

why should i use it

Cpu hog of color

Yes, but it's a noble cause.

>It clicks shit instead of blocking it, what did you expect?
Expected to be compatible with similiar addons
>That's the whole fucking point.
I'd rather fuck over the advertisers in a way that respects my privacy
>It uses 90% of the same UI as ublock origin, and it's just supposed to work, you're not supposed to look at the UI all the fucking time.
The bright purple frontend causes eye strain for me
>Oy vey!
Yeah, in the screencap from their own homepage half of the ads are in hebrew, it already says something
>Says who?
Look above

getting tired of seeing these malware shill posts everywhere

just quit it alright?

>Yeah, in the screencap from their own homepage half of the ads are in hebrew, it already says something
Israelis are far less liberal than US Jews for example.

What makes you think this software is malware?

It's a stupid idea. Why don't we just continue letting normies pay for our adblocked internet experience by watching their ads?

Good ideal, but id rather get rid of ads

>They were started on Sup Forums in a discord

I'd rather get rid of Google.

We just have to build something better.
Google translate has already been BTFO

It's the best fucking thing ever. My wife thinks I take viagra because I finally have erections, but it's only because I watch how much money I make those cunt lose.

Respect my "DO NOT TRACK" request, you cunts!

It's making google really mad and news websites don't even dare to bring up its name to give it more downloads. So then I don't care if it botnets, tracks or drains preformance.

It got banned by Chrome and even the cunt at PaleMoon (dead in my book now btw, Brave all the way), it means it's working.

We all do tech support for our families and friend, right?
Well next time you handle their computer/browser, instead of installing uBlock, install AdNauseam.

This, adblocking is a sweet deal when there's a minority of people doing it. Normalfags still see their ads and give the publishers money, so people can adblock without consequence. By getting rid of ads altogether all you're doing is making it so you'll have to pay a subscription to use every single site you use, there's no way to offload that to the normalfags.

I always shill against adblocking to normalfags because I don't want adblockers to become so popular that ads stop being a good way to run a free service, that goes against my interests.

To my knowledge, there is no law against it, if you hosted your own site and was clicking your own ads to gain revenue that would be considered ad-fraud but this has no law against it. I suspect tech giants are in the process of secretly lobbying the government for a new law, so attack them now.

Never even heard of it until the pale meme thing. I don't even click on ads in the first place so why would I want something to click on them for me?

>I don't even click on ads in the first place so why would I want something to click on them for me?
Because by generating false and omnipresent adclicks, you mess with their statistics and data, and Google/Advertisers have to reimburse the website.

Hurt they wallet.

>I suspect tech giants are in the process of secretly lobbying the government
Which government?

This would only theoretically work if 90% of the web users used it for a prolonged period of time.

But since it's a very minority that is using it, it's accomplishing exactly the opposite. The ad people are making more money and you lose by clicking the ads.
You have to be an idiot to use this, since the majority will never start using it.

>But since it's a very minority that is using it, it's accomplishing exactly the opposite
They see a drastic increase of adclicks, but a decrease of further page clicking, products buying, etc.

And the flood is detected as "ad fraud" by google and they have to reimburse the website.

Already happened.

The government of the country which hosts the servers that distribute the extension, and those who contribute to making and updating the extention.
Google is losing billions due to this, they're going to get serious. If this was a Hollywood movie they'd be hiring hitmen.

wait it is not compatible with ublock, disconnect etc?
I have a very high IQ so I can not understand such a triviel problem. can someone explain it to me please?

I mean to say umatrix. of course it doesn't work with ublock.

>The government of the country which hosts the servers that distribute the extension, and those who contribute to making and updating the extention.
So every the governments of every single country in the world? That's the beauty of open source.

>Google is losing billions due to this
Where are you getting that 'number' from. I doubt there are more than 5000 people using this. That's nothing.

>AdNauseam quietly clicks on every blocked ad
So what's the point of blocking them???


Literal memeware.

>Literal memeware.
t. Google shill

>Where are you getting that 'number' from. I doubt there are more than 5000 people using this. That's nothing.
6.5 bil according to

>So every government of every single country in the world? That's the beauty of open source.
For now, they'll attack the large hosters of it like GitHub with is centred in America. Of course, once something is on the internet it says there but they'll remove it from the obvious places.

meant for

If you think Google is not capable of mitigating this memeware extension you're just dumb. Advertisers are not losing money and Google isn't going to let a bunch of autistic fucks cost them substantial revenue. Of course, substantial to Google is enormous, so maybe they'll just ignore it and let you believe you're winning.

And Google shills are saying Firefox is a Soros front because thats where the majority of addon downloads are coming from

>he seriously believes there are 6.5 billion installs of this garbage
top fucking jej.

>If you think Google is not capable of mitigating this memeware extension you're just dumb
They're not. They're going out of their way to ban it.

>Advertisers are not losing money
Yes they are, because they have to reimburse the fake clicks, and they cannot identify them.

>Google isn't going to let a bunch of autistic fucks cost them substantial revenue.
Won't prevent me from trying. It works up to now.

Google and Firefox are BOTH corrupt.
Not by the exact same strain of cancer, but they both are.

That's why everybody is migrating to Brave.

Reminder, posts like these are sponsored by google.

Imagine marketing this to normalfag as a way to help your favorite websites without doing anything because it click the adds for you.

It will hurt your favorite website, I like this extension but DISABLE IT ON Sup Forums. Advertisers will leave as there's going to be a sudden spike in clicks which will indicate ad-fraud.
This warning should be placed in the OP. DONT ADNAUSEAM ADS ON Sup Forums.

Sup Forums is supported by federal agencies, this is a honeypot too valuable to forego. Don't worry this isn't going anywhere.

after Sup Forums made the deep state their bitch by getting Trump elected, I doubt it.

>Sup Forums is supported by federal agencies, this is a honeypot too valuable to forego
I wonder how true this is.
With all the shit that happened, I'm surprised it hasn't been closed 10 times.

Or at least blocked in Germany, I don't know.

Yeah that's the idea, make facebook and other shitholes bleed while the userbase cheer and believe they're helping.

If the ads respect the "do not track" request, they have nothing to fear.

Oh wait, they don't?

Fuck them.

Well, let's just keep in mind that clicks are not the only way of getting money. If the are getting revenue based on registration or sales done from the ad, well that's another thing.

>implying I don't block ads on Sup Forums in the first place

then it's the donkey with two piles of food metaphor

blocking is fine but this shit will make them leave completely.

>blocking is fine but this shit will make them leave completely.
Or respect the "do not track" request.

>If you think Google is not capable of mitigating this memeware extension you're just dumb.

I'm the kind of dumb that Google hires for big money. Here's how to fuck with Google:
>delay clicks after page loading, from seconds to hours
>simulate mouse movements
>hover some links without clicking them
>don't just send GET requests but actually load the pages, and repeat the process on some levels

There we go. I don't know how far AdNauseam goes after clicking the links into loading the result, probably not very far, but it's the biggest evolution to make to fuck up with Google big time.

Next step would be to automate Google searches with ad words, and added random words, as queries.

This and This

>delay clicks after page loading
Ad Nauseam already does that.
>simulate mouse movements
You are on the page, so you will move the mouse anyway.
>hover some links without clicking them
The links respecting the "do not track" will be inspected but not clicked
>don't just send GET requests but actually load the pages
I don't know about that.

>Next step would be to automate Google searches with ad words

Think long term

>Ad Nauseam already does that.
Been searching for that in sauce code without success. Do you have any fact to back that up?

>Been searching for that in sauce code without success. Do you have any fact to back that up?
When you use it, the Interface shows that it looks at ads one by one, slowly, taking up to 10 seconds by ads.
I haven't looked at the code tho.


>If you think Google is not capable of mitigating this memeware extension you're just dumb.

Of course they're capable, that's why we need to hit them as much as possible while we still can.