/ptg/ - Private Tracker General - Anime edition

Previous: >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/hrXxMHs9 (embed)
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

>AB is truly cabal!

filthy weebs are killing /ptg/ edition


>second tier essential


what else?


What is BT?

Private tracker noob. I come before you humbly.

The only private tracker I have belonged to is MS, of which I was an original founding member. My share ratio is insane over 60 to 1. I accomplished this with multiple hard drives and by leaving my computer on night and day for many years.

Now I wish to graduate to high level of sharing so that I might become a respected member of other private tracker communities.

First, I'd like to know if any of you use a seed box? And if so which one? Thank you for your time.

I use seedhost

What plan do you use? I have head good things about seedhost.

Sdata XL. I like having the extra storage

BakaBT, I'm assuming


>AB below BakaBT
Nice meme.

Threadly reminder that MQA is not lossless.

>responding to the wrong poster

every time you post this, i'm gonna upload an MQA torrent to redacted with a qobuz link in the description :^)

And you're gonna get banned.

>vpn was on
>logged onto tracker w/o realizing
am I fucked?

thing is, how do you know you haven't already downloaded one ? :^)


Whats my best way of getting into HDBits?
I have accounts on PTP, BTN, RED, AB, EMP, BIB, AHD, and IDE. wat do?

get elite on bib. there's official recruitment.

not anymore
HDB isn't recruiting anywhere at this moment


1. What kind of business are you into? Why?
2. How long are you doing your own business? What was the most valuable lesson so far?
3. What are your main obstacles at the moment and what are you going to do about it?
4. Who is your business role model?
5. What can you offer us as a member?

PTP and BIB are the easiest paths into HDB.

Just pop a note in a staff PM and let them know the details. This stuff happens all the time.

What is this and what does it have to do with private trackers?

If you don't know the answer, you can't be invited to our super cool legit business tracker for capitalist entrepreneurs.

All those .click trackers sound like shit.

>All those .click trackers sound like shit
They are. You are better off at BIB.

find friends already in hdb
I have 2 invites just sitting there

wanna make ptg history and share one to me real quick

Does MySpleen have a minimum ratio that should be maintained?
I can't find anywhere that mentions it.

>just another day
>another day of watching comfy cartoons and korean kino despite not being in KG
Life is good lads. Who /comfy/ here?

why ptg exists?
when does it started?
who where here in the beginning?
why still exists?
>where's history of ptg

they are freeleech

I use seedhost, I got the SSD 300 for a month and burned through the 10TB upload allowance. Now I have a ton of buffer on every tracker I use. Once I use it up I'll probably get the same plan for another month.

When was the last time PTP invitations were enabled? I can't be arsed to wait for 8000 faggots to be disabled.

recommend a good no-bandwidth-limit seedbox pls

There isn't one, even dedis usually have ~100TB limit

What about feral hosting and seedbox.io?

They're not good

c-can i trust you?

almost 2 years now

is btn down or is it just me


Well, isn't that fun? I just wanted to share the love.

Looks fine to me.

god fucking dammit

Whom the fuck does OpenCD think they're kidding with this new-member test bullshit in the Teh thread?

Are there any trackers for professional software / graphics developers?

Anything high quality that could be used for information purposes would be appreciated.

I think he translated it wrong. I recently joined and there were no uploading reqs, just your classic bonus points & traffic reqs.

>he doesn't know how to use libflac.

why would Toaru Kagaku no Railgun be banned on bakabt?


BakaBT (i guess)

BakaBT path?

irc interview

type of questions?

"Which group is the best fansubbing group?"


Thank you

The interview is asking whether you know what a torrent client is and if you have ever used private trackers before.

weebs ruined /ptg/

hey guys, I've accumulated a decent collection of valuable torrrents on my hard drive and i'd like to join one or more private trackers about e-books/old films but i don't know where to get started to reach someone able to give me an invite

Any hints ?

read the wiki

thanks, read the pastebin but missed the wiki, my bad

Does MySpleen have an invite forum? or is it pretty much a dead end.

dead end

>Over the last couple of years built up a comfy basis on private trackers
>They're all fucking dead ends
Time to go make some friends I guess.
Although not as if 'hey are you on Private Trackers' is a good conversation starter

that's why you should find hoarding friends with same tastes as you and share everything through ftp

Hi I'm a western leftist
I'm all for pro-immigration and cultural exchange and support PoC

easiest would be myanonamouse for books, then tehconnection, films, from there. check out myanonamouse.net for info on the simple irc interview. long-term, a tracker called iloveclassics is the only site I've heard of that specializes in old movies.

Anyone have any tips to pass the AnimeBytes interview?

Should have joined back when it was easy.

AB is pretty casual I can't imagine it will be anything too hard

NWCD website and tracker down.
What going on?

when you buy an account from GODFATHER@TiZ

Notwhat notgoing on.

>when you don't rat out your seller and keep your account
this actually works, by the way. only account-sellers will tell you that it doesn't

reminder that tokens expire in 4 weeks and there will be a huge surge in snatches during the last few days. make sure you've used your tokens before then to maximize upload.

Well to be perfectly honest I've never watched an anime in my life. Should I watch some before taking the interview?

This, I've taken advantage of this loophole to keep 5 dupe accounts on BTN so far and admins can't do SHIT to me because I ratted out the seller every time.

Might be better to get in through RED or GGn then

My whole intention is to use AB to get into higher trackers. I can't stand weeb shit but I'm hoping I can fake it enough to get in

stop shitposting

Just go through RED or GGn then
They'll probably ask a lot of anime-related questions in the interview
GGn recruiter responds in under a day

Others were saying they've been waiting for months. WHO DO I BELIEVE?

AB has an interview? LOL

The threads only came up 2 months ago
use your brain

what an asshole, spent money on 5 BTN accounts

I disputed the charge on paypal and got refunded every time lol

must be some autistic idiot

after BTN i got 2 exigo from him by doing this, i would've done on BTN as well if i knew. BTN i spent 25$'s on, exigo i got both accounts and my 85$'s as well.

exigo is fucking curry at catching traders/sellers.

I've spent over a year trying to get into BTN and you're telling me the accounts are only worth $25?

That's a lot for an account on some silly internet form

he was giving 2 accounts for 40$'s for BTN
PTP's costly than HDB, HDB was 300$'s/account and PTP 315$'/account.

seller said he has around 60-65 BTN accounts so he's selling for low price.

that's what happens when you recruit on curryconnection.eu and awesomedicks.me

yeah, a lot of trackers will put your account on a permanent warning after you rat out your seller. that doesn't matter if you don't post in forums. but it will stop you from applying for invites to other trackers in any recruitment threads.

I didn't understand, why is PTP so costly?
