State of Linux

State of Linux.
Code exploiting using file thumbnails. Nautilus doesn't even run sandboexed or protected in any way.

GNUfags will defend this.

Linux is secure (tm).

This is why they didn't want thumbnails in the file picker.

Good thing I'm running neither Gnome DE or that file manager, homes.

This is a program, not Linux.
nice one

Where can I get kernel 10.10?

I pm'd you the link

thanks mate ;)

>have had security vulnerabilities before...
So it's nothing?

Fragmentation among DEs is a good thing here.

>Find an exploit in Windows Explorer
>works against everyone running that version of Windows, and maybe previous versions
>Find an exploit in Mac OS
>Works against everyone running Mac OS
>Find an exploit in a Linux DE
>only works against a third of the people running Linux

Until someone discovers a huge exploit on systemd.
>implying systemd isn't already backdored
>inb4 i have systemd-free distro
Little reminder that +90% of Linux users have distros with systemd.

Nothing to do with Linux nor GNU, you goddamn spewing retard.
This is still relevant even in the newest kernel - it actually has nothing to do with the kernel at all. Another current exploit in most file managers is automatic running of .desktop files (as autostart), which can be trivially made malicious.

should delete my fm(MATE, so I think caja), I use ranger most of the time anyways

derp , should I? I meant that to be a question


you cant, you will be running - SystemD with GNU added - by the time the Linux kernel reaches 10.10

That's why you gotta go systemd free. I use void linux and it's fantastic.

Void Linux is tedious to install.
Devuan doesn't even install for me.
Other systemd free distros are just shit.

I was thinking of trying gentoo, thoughts?

How so? Unless you want an encrypted system or something specific thing, there's the installer which works rather fine for what I know

The Apple Macbook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.