Are you ready to fix the internet? yes? Then start using Firefox

Are you ready to fix the internet? yes? Then start using Firefox.
Firefox is not only safer and better than the competition but it also helps keep the internet a healthy free of bigotry and racism - both offline and online.
Mozilla and its allies will bring these issues front-and-center by being an increasingly visible public voice, weaving these issues throughout our leadership and advocacy work, and building technologies that take a stance.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice try, firefox shill




going, going... gone!

Sup Forums, i ask you, what do you expect this function to even do
explain to me what you think would happen

go ahead and use non-technology language, i know it's not something you understand, you're just out of your containment board and want to spread your message, but it's okay
just say what you think it would do

do you think it would not show up on your little phone's screen?
do you think it would make a stamp on the page that says "this is bad"?
what is it that you believe this would do


>code written by gay homosexual mentally ill non binary gender fluid rainbow niggerloving sjw trannies

OP you're a massive faggot. Your image doesn't say anything about bigotry or racism, it is talking about false information. Which is in fact making the internet a less healthy place. I know you'll find this hard to believe but some people want to read facts regardless of whether they support their worldview or not.

>Be a racist bigot
>Talk about how bigotry and racism is wrong
>Perform violent and aggressive acts in order to get the point across
>It's okay for you to still act like a racist bigot instead of anyone else because no one could ever call you out and spread it quickly enough
Is this irony?

So what is mozilla exactly going to do about this misinformation?

Do you want someone to tell you what is a fact and what is not, instead of figuring it out yourself? What if they approve as a fact "Policy A is better than Policy B", but never the other way around?

"Policy A is better than Policy B" cannot be expressed as fact or not.

However, Trump saying that he received the most electoral votes since Reagan can be expressed as a fact or not, because it is not a fact, and he was beaten by Bush, Clinton, and Obama when it came to EVs.

So no, Firefox is not trying to form narratives or push agendas. Facts are facts and those who have no problem with facts know what they are.

Just like this fact?

>However, Trump saying that he received the most electoral votes since Reagan can be expressed as a fact or not, because it is not a fact, and he was beaten by Bush, Clinton, and Obama when it came to EVs.
It's a fact that Trump said something. I would like to hear it without Mozilla censorship. It should be up to the listener to determine whether what Trump said is true or not.

>Do you want someone to tell you what is a fact and what is not
No. And neither does Mozilla.

waterfox isn't so i don't know where you're getting at there

No one is saying Mozilla will censor content. You're just saying that because 1) it fits into your worldview of 'da joos!', 2) you're a paranoid schizophrenic, 3) you're fishing for (You)s, 4) you want it to be true because you desperately need those windmills against which you're fighting to be giants.

my sides are in orbit
that has got to be the most objectively pointless fact-check in the history of politics

Only fact there is that Trump is tech illiterate. And so is Clinton. Shocker.

>Only fact there is that Trump is tech illiterate. And so is Clinton. Shocker.
How did you divine either of these facts based on that picture?

Someone saying 'acid wash' in regards to a hard disk cleaning operation makes them tech illiterate.

when you ensure that any and all evidence you don't like can be dismissed simply by putting 3 parentheses around the author, who needs facts and "fact checking?"

How about you let go 2 imbeciles and tell us something about these moral high ground faggots from media that somehow feel the need to tell us what is a fact and what is not

I'm already doing my part by using Firefox nightly with full telemetry enabled.

>Someone saying 'acid wash' in regards to a hard disk cleaning operation makes them tech illiterate.
It's called a figure of speech. He could have said 'emptied', 'purged' or 'deleted', and it would still not be accurate. None of these accurately describe how a hard drive modifies the magnetic field of a certain place on the disk. You're obviously just trying to come up with a reason to hate him. That's what your type always seems to do.

Even though I specifically said both Trump and Clinton. However, your Sup Forums-infected mind sees everything in black and white.
>You hate Trump?
>You must be a Clinton-voting LGBTQ liberal who wants to kill all white men.

I wonder what you will do when Trump finishes his term and the US votes in a Democrat. Hint: nothing will change.

It's not a figure of speech. "Delete," "purge," "remove," etc are all generalizations that can be representative of modifying that magnetic field or any other specific process. "Acid wash" is specifically referring to caustically burning away the coating on the platters and something only a tech illiterate who saw it on TV would say.

I didn't say any of those things. I know what you are. You are like this:
>I don't vote for either candidate, they're both bad.
>Both candidates are in the wrong.
>This way I can feel superior to everyone!
You're basically a fearful nihilist. If you had the guts, you'd choose the lesser evil. If you had values, you would have to defend them.

But clean a hard drive is completely fine? How about wiping it? What about burning a cd-rom? Just fuck off. I visited leddit today and I can't listen to any more retardation.

>Politicians running for presidents are not computer literates

gee, no shit

That's not even an issue, OF COURSE both of them don't know shit about computers. Problem is media taking the authority to say what is right and what isn't

Kind of dumb but works as an abstraction because it's similar to cleaning out a physical container of things you don't need.
Wiping clean works the same way as above.
Literally was a physical thing with CD-ROMs

Acid wash is just way too specific and sounds like something straight out of breaking bad where Drumpf probably saw it.

>Acid wash is just way too specific
How are you this dense? Figures of speech, superlatives and exaggerations are used all the god damn time. If I nuke my hard drive, does it mean I actually nuke it? What if I kick your ass, am I actually kicking your ass? What if my computer blew up? Did it actually blow up? What if I ripped my opponent a new asshole? What if I glassed the middle-east? The world must be incredibly scary place for you if you take everything literally. Is there anything he could say that doesn't offend you?

Right but when they're going to use sources from confirmed fake news outlets such as NYT and CNN it's not going to stop at objective facts such as water is wet is it?

If this thing had been in firefox a few months ago, how do you imagine it would look if you searched for Russia and Trump?

Even though they have presented zero evidence, have been caught manufacturing stories and even had to fire several employees because of it? Do you really think we can sort through fake news by using sources that lies? On both sides that is. Good luck finding actual dependable and objective news sources

Isn't waterfox a recompile of firefox with a few different flags?

If so, it's exactly what the post you're replying claim it is

It's hard to get (you)'s when people agree with you, so take this one. Free access to information is essential for meaningful democracy.

>Media focuses on click bait controversy regardless as to whether it's actually credible
>Media makes lots of money
>Media is ruthless for monetary gain
>People want to ensure the media doesnt succeed with current mentalities and practices
>People want to minimize their outsourcing to the Mainstream Media to think for them
>"Go back to Sup Forums."

He could have said "zeroed the drive," "wiped the drive," "DBANed the drive," etc etc. The difference here is that he used a very specific expression related to the physical destruction of the drive to mean "she deleted (the pointers and overwrote the data) everything."

>poking the hornets' nest
>poking the hornets' nest
>poking the hornets' nest

It's almost as if he was being intentionally hyperbolic in order to get retards like you and the MSM to talk about him

Naaahhhh he'd never do anything like that

He's not smart enough for that, but I appreciate the thought. This is the same guy who thought America literally owned the internet and could just ban ISIS from it.

Keep telling yourself that while simultaneously not being able to stop anything he does, ever. Fucking retard

>we wuz presidency n shiet
Not an argument. Trump is a tremendous moron. Americans being dumber than that is irrelevant.
t. The rest of the world

You've been outmaneuvered on every level, plain and simple. What does that say of your collective intelligence?

>Not an argument. Trump is a tremendous moron.
Not an argument. Besides, a moron wouldn't have made it that far. Only retard would think so.
t. The rest of the rest of the world

I'm not American so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

Leftist are fucking retards who are suiciding their entire platform. Stay gay

>meme'd his way into office as the most powerful man in the world
>beat a candidate that had 90% of established media on her side, bought and paid for
Ok, kid

He probably refers to the idiots on this thread with burning hatred for Trump. You have such hate for him even though you can't articulate why. Not with any meaningful arguments, at least. A prime example of social engineering working like clockwork.

>they're going to use sources
>If this thing had been in firefox a few months ago
Wait, what exactly are you talking about?

>as the most powerful man in the world
Yet he had to have Putin's help getting there. So who is really the most powerful man in the world?

>actually believing this

Did he? Where is the evidence? They've been spouting that shit for months now and so far have produced no evidence at all

In fact, they've been caught making up sources and stories

It's almost like it's fake news

Back to /r/eddit faggot

>actually believing he did it without help

>Can't explain why
He's a tech illiterate moron with many disastrous failings because he didn't listen to the people his father's money paid for to think for him, flip-flops constantly depending on who he's talking to, completely out of touch with the people who voted for him (30% and dropping approval rating lul), and embarrasses himself to the rest of the world with his stupidity (can America and Germany have a trade deal? x 11 (eleven) before he understood the word no).
>but muh shillary
Doesn't make Trump any worse? Like having to choose between a gas station bathroom and a worksite toilet; both are better avoided.

>having zero proof
>still believing it
That's some prime conspiracy theory you've got there

Do you have proof that he didn't?

>proving a negative
burden of proof fallacy bitch

He had (((Roger Stone))) as his campaign manager and that's how he got elected. Watch the documentary 'Get Me Roger Stone'.

Pic related, it's (((Roger Stone))).

>average: 40
really made me think desu.

Did it make you think that 30 and dropping was fake news senpai?

Multiple polls at once averaged together

>Nate Copper

Fuck George Soros and fuck Mozilla. I switched to chrome over this.

>it doesn't count because ((()))

He was the only one that gave rump an actual chance based on his predictions.

Haha yea, where they tweak the importance of each poll

Yup, no bias there

My image was from Gallup btw

>a movie on Netflix made by liberals
Nah, i'll pass senpai

>Haha yea, where they tweak the importance of each poll
>Yup, no bias there
But you can also view the individual polls at the bottom?
The reason the polls are weighted differently is that some are older than others and some use methods that do not accurately reflect certain demographics (like phone based polling) .

Sorry man, those metasites where they assign different importance to polls depending on what they like aren't trustworthy

Right, but i've just posted 2 different polls by well established and trusted sites showing his approval is well above '30 and dropping'


What is this, the ministry of truth?

I know OP is being funny with this, but really, what the heck?

If Mozilla wants to remove misinformants they should start by removing themselves.

>well above
I'll give you that it was above 30, but not by very much.

It's not safe to believe some other's peoples lies. Just believe in my lies and don't worry about it.

That just proves my point really

'30 and dropping' is fake news

>Total approve 42%
Are you sure you can read senpai?

Your president is a kike puppet. Deal with it.

>'30 and dropping' is fake news
Okay, how about this one: '35+/-2 and dropping.'

I'm not american so he is hardly my president

I'm just saying that a movie made by liberals and airing on Netflix is hardly an objective source

Also, i fail to see this as relevant regarding Trump's intelligence. It's a red herring at best

>Trump tracker
Come on, you can make better bait than that

It has multiple citations for every single element. Are all of those (((fake news))) from (((them)))?

>a movie made by liberals and airing on Netflix is hardly an objective source
Objectivity isn't measured by the political views of the authors or where it is uploaded.

>I'm not american
So you must be a dumb, uneducated European. I'm going to guess you're Polish.

Anyone with half a brain can see Trump is a moron. And yet here you are defending Trump. So why don't you move to the US, rather than shitting up Western/Central European countries. Because you '''''''''''people'''''''''' are fucking disgusting.


>I'm going to guess you're Polish.
Poles like Trump you fucking retard lmao.

Post those citations then, let's see their names

I'm not going on a wild goose chase because you post screenshots without relevant details

Of course it is. Just like you can't expect a KKK funded documentary about black people to be objective, you can't expect liberals funded by a liberal site to make an objective documentary about republicans

>i've been completely outmatched so it's ad hominem time
Thanks for playing i guess. Shame you lacked the intellect to provide actual arguments supported by reliable sources

I'm not going to post ~90 links for you dismiss because they hurt your feelings. You know the name of the website, go there and click them.

A moron like Trump couldn't get to the position he's in, even if he was born richer.

>most of the green ones are "announcements"

trump cucks sure are desperate

If you can't be bothered to source your claims then why should i bother checking them?

It's a clear indicator that they're not valid sources and you probably know this

That was worded wrong. I am the moron.

However, I recognize that he is far from a moron. He's very good at convincing people that he is.

>you can't expect
You can expect it to be subjective and be critical. But ultimately you cannot disregard it without having actually looked into it. And if it is just a review from a source you deem credible.

>You can expect it to be subjective and be critical. But ultimately you cannot disregard it without having actually looked into it
That's a good point but in reality, by the time i've watched that documentary and researched the people behind it, this thread will be gone

I will concede that it's wrong to outright reject it based on who made it though

Go back to Warsaw, Wojcław.

Jesus Christ, I don't know anybody stupid enough that they want a third party to decide what they can see or hear.

Being exposed to lies and half truths is infinitely preferable to 1984 tier information control.

This type of shit is for petty misanthropes who don't think other people should be exposed to "wrong" news.

I feel like something is very wrong in modern Western society that expressing support for this isn't extremely socially unacceptable.

Bigotry and racism don't exist. They're a construct devolved to start wars and to pit man against man.


It's more wrong than that. It's socially unacceptable to do the opposite. Free speech is wrong because an obnoxiously small group of asshats abuse it. Some fake news are wrong because they happen to say things we disagree with. Some. Big corporations and media companies are always more trustworthy because they are more popular. "Hate speech" is anything we deem not positive towards us, personally. Criticism can never be constructive, that doesn't exist.

Replace words, shut people up, protect rather than expose. Where and when the fuck did all this actually start.


I'm opposed to a lot of liberal politics but i sure as hell wouldn't want something similar only with Fox or Breitbart or something as sources

I'll sort through the crap and make up my own mind

RIP Fireshit

What are you even talking about?