What has to change so the linux can capture significant share on desktops?

What has to change so the linux can capture significant share on desktops?

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Gayming and 3D design overall.

The support for features normies use the most, for example videogames.

Nvidia drivers

complete and utter disapproval of Microsoft and it's software.
i.e Being exposed as a huge player in the botnet and leaking secure information as well as collecting billions of pieces of data that can be use to build a profile of it's user; create an ultra computing system that will recognize people by their actions not just their login info or accessing accounts and determine their future actions.

It has to be preinstalled on computer, as an option. While a guide note, of how to modify the OS to suit the tastes of the user, should come with it as well.

The community needs to stop being so hostile towards each other, for starters. Normalfags are put off by all the different distros and having 100 people yell in their ear about how x distro with y DE is the best and everything else is garbage. They don't want to spend hours tweaking their DE or hop to a different distro every week.

Secondly there needs to be less rabid freetards. I'm aware that they're a minority, but they're very vocal and most normalfags just don't care as much about free software. They can and should be encouraged to use free software, but having some wannabe RMS give them an hour long lecture about the evils of proprietary software and how they're retarded if they don't only use 100% free software that they compile themselves is incredibly offputting to most people.

Finally Linux needs more developer support, especially when it comes to things like games and design software. But these won't happen until Linux gets a good userbase, which can't happen until the first two points are corrected.

They're perfect on Linux tho

For home desktops Linux needs an actual competitor to MS Office (Libre Office is a meme). Most computer users don't even care for vidya that much, I installed Ubuntu on my 50 year old father's laptop 5 years ago and he liked it.

Gaymen and Uniformity


Why is that a valid objective?

>the community needs to stop having opinions and vocalizing them
>there needs to be less people talking about the major benefits of free software
look gamer, i know you think of your mom whenever you think of "other people", but in the real world people under the age of 60 actually do care quite a bit about how much microsoft is spying on them, just not enough to give it all up and change operating systems to one that probably doesn't have support for things they need for their education or work.
it's pretty obvious when you think about it that microsoft has a much easier time selling copies of their OS to dell or lenovo or whatever who then sell computers with it to businesses literally constantly, microsoft has a fluid income that way.
from there, their software spreads like a disease (from windows server which is actually a real thing businesses use regardless of how revolting it is to things as simple as excel) and takes control of the markets for jobs.
>linux needs to be more developer friendly
(and yes that is fucking synonymous, you can't expect them to just buy more fucking developers or something, and if that really is the hard version of your point, you don't have a point)
here's a great example you can find evidence of on the sdl mailing list:
indie game developers start developing games for The Linux as well as windows
they find it easy enough, just compile the code that already guarantees portability via sdl
but wait, how will they ship sdl itself?
why, they'll just bake it right in so that nobody can have any problems!
that's (((basically))) how windows does it, right?
fast forward to reality, and the version of sdl they statically compiled in is outdated and probably has a shit load of security-related bugs
so how do the maintainers of it, worried over The Linux, deal with the problem?
they reinvent dynamic linking and throw it on top of sdl, so that in the future, the choice the developers make literally does not matter.

>Being exposed as a huge player in the botnet and leaking secure information as well as collecting billions of pieces of data that can be use to build a profile of it's user
Well, we had Ubuntu selling that information to Amazon for quite some time, didn't really help them.

please don't reply to me if you dont have anything intelligent to say thank you

Neither proprietary nor free drivers for nvidia can handle crashes gracefully. From time to time I get crashes that cause the screen to stop refreshing (or let me move the cursor around for a little while before stopping in rare cases.)

These crashes happen when I use Chrom(e|ium) and I don't know exactly what triggers them. Killing X doesn't seem to do much.

On the other hand, Intel drivers can recover from crashes, which is what I expect.

Support for industry standard software in all the creative fields, and no, GIMP isn't industry standard

>please don't make counterarguments

The definition of desktop needs to change.

The question is, why would Linux want to?

you were arguing against things i never said or implied, that's called a strawman and isnt an actual argument

>but in the real world people under the age of 60 actually do care quite a bit about how much microsoft is spying on them
Not him, but the people that were the most concerned were the ones that didn't really know how to use a computer but read some clickbait article saying that Windows 10 is taking photo of their butthole when they aren't looking and sends it to everybody.

Rest of them realize that their browser has been doing this kind of "spying" for at least 10 years now and the only way to escape it is to cut your connection.

First we need a DE that doesn't look like an obsolete 2004 OS out of the box.

Then make it compatible with android apps like ChromeOS or something to start getting developers to release desktop versions of their shit

It really baffles my mind that no one has created a distro with detailed tool tips and a few little guides on how to best use the operating system (especially for windows users coming over)

It would also be nice if it really showed the benefits of the operating system over windows

Most people install ubuntu as a starting point and when they cant find what they want in the software centre they either give up and go back to windows or get confused as fuck as they have to type in commands in terminal or get a few windows popping up about untrusted sources (which a lot of new people arent comfortable with as they dont understand what they are doing)

OSX and Windows are popular because you can be braindead and use them effectively.

Use firefox, m8

Zorin Core/Lite with Cinnamon/Xfce

>i-i never said that
nobody quotes directly in greentext

A usable, unified and consistent desktop environment, websites that distribute prebuilt distro agnostic packages for retards to install, development support from large companies that have the ability to shill themselves as "professional" software (Adobe).

it's not my problem if Sup Forumsedditors don't understand the use of the quote function, and you didn't even paraphrase - you just completely made up arguments to attack

now please don't reply to me if you don't have anything intelligent to say thank you

That piece of crap can't even display webp images, and some of it's "security" is doing more harm than good, for instance using CSSOM on stylesheets from different domains. I gave up on ff back in 2011, because it was getting slow.

The open source community needs to get its shit together and design production software that's better than GIMP, instead of reinventing the wheel a million times.

>the quote function
>calling the implication symbol "the quote function"
>greentext is only for quotes
Shiggy Diggy Doo, not even that other guy.

It's much faster now. Nightly was at one point faster than chrome, maybe it still is.


឴>2^11 - 2^5 + 1
឴>not blacktexting
You should retire already, because you can't keep up.

I'm not completely retarded with terminals and I use them in android and windows quite a bit but I don't currently have the time to learn and debug a bunch of commands with intricate syntaxes spanning pages just to get my graphics drivers working.
The reason most people are more willing to use guis rather than text is because of the steep learning curve when a few swipes on their iphone is all it takes. GUIs are designed by professionals to appeal to people who have no idea how to computer, while terminal commands are designed by hardcore autists for hardcore autists. There is no financial incentive for these people to create and maintain a program that does not benefit them directly enough in a meaningful way.
Of course this does not apply to the actual normies who would ditch a PC for their smartphones if they could today, but the ""ironic"" meme spouting gaymer that are currently mostly looking for an os without the telemetry windows 10 has.
Ubuntu's pretty good as a browser for grandma though, since most of the fun stuff is locked under the terminal or an actual privilege system

What is considered significant? It's already more popular than Fag OS X.

Advertising and having it pre-installed on systems

Only ChromeOS and Ubuntu have any chance. Google should start working on desktop PC compatibility and not get stuck on the cloud meme. Canonical should fix retarded shit like not having full control on mouse sensitivity and being unable to install .deb files without downloading gdebi. Also the wifi service bugs every single time.
I had to turn off X and manually install drivers on Ubuntu for my 1050ti. After that everything worked fine, but every time I woke up my computer from a sleep the screen wouldn't turn on.

Some distribution should get TV commercials and that that shit

Yeah, Linux is shit when waking from sleep. I have issues with KDE Connect getting completely shut down, and thumbnails no longer displaying.

Google/Linux has a chance. Anything GNU is not for normies.

standardized software installation routines that aren't the package manager.

I don't think it's possible. I think Linux is fucked going forward. It's fundamentally broke.

Temple OS would be idea if it weren't just a toy.

Nil, even with a dying desktop market.

Normies would rather opt for an over priced mac versus going full retard on GNU plus Linux.

What's wrong with package managers? It's literally equivalent to the Play Store, just make a good graphical front-end and people will love it.

shit ends up not on the play store all the time. thus the play store is pointless.

probably wants more software to be supported

carefree normie-package as preinstall.

Such as? Most apps not on the store requires root and/or is shady pajeetware.

Being mainstream wod mean forced NSA telemetry built in, though. If anyone wants that.

Why would you guys want gnu/linux to be more popular? If anything you would think Sup Forums would want it to be small, elitist, and high quality. Not normie infested bullshit.

ungoogled chromium


I'm sure the list goes on, but that's only yesterday for me.

>Thinks strawmen are counter arguments

Do you honestly see a normie trying to install Ungoogled or Icecat? It's niche software for tinfoilfags that most likely know how to install software outside the repo. Hell, iOS doesn't even allow to install software outside of the App Store without jailbreak and yet normies love it.

why are end-user desktops the metric for success? Who cares about capturing more market share in such a small market when the B2B enterprise market is where the real cash is.

Gayms or Windows 10 getting even worse.

a-am I not a normie any more?

Ahh... the Legend of Zelda CDi... That scene for YTP... All Linux needs is some refurbishment and advertising...

Half Life 3 is an exclusive for GNU/Linux, and forever will be.

This guy gets it. Most of the other early responses suggest features but features alone aren't enough.

If you want something everywhere you have to make it accessible to everyone and as it stands, installing your own OS is not something everyone knows how to do.

The only way is to bribe OEMs just like microsoft is doing to make it preinstalled by default on every PC. Also, run smear campaigns against microsoft, apple and google just like they are doing.

...so why don't we do this?

We're not rich enough for bribing. We're already shilling against Microsoft and Google here, but not outside Sup Forums.

what if we just start mom and pops electronics stores then wage guerrilla war with best buy?

"shut them down"

>user says that people are put off by rabid zealots who freak out over literally everything proprietary
>you proceed to screech like a triggered autist

Methinks he had a point.

>people are put off by the truth being told
methinks you don't actually know how people react to being told about real issues and your basis is shills on gee

More corporate control over your work and online activity if you use commercial OS's. The growth of Gab etc. is a good precedent in the social network domain

Being preinstalled is the best idea honestly, but modification is far less important to the regular user than people seem to think. Remember that many users are just someone's mom/dad/etc, who don't give a shit how something works. All they want is something that works and is on some interface they can already understand. You can kind of see this when you look at google searches, people type whole sentences and questions into google even though it doesn't really make a difference, it's just because they understand natural language so that's what they're going to use. You can see this with all the trends towards developing products that use voice interfaces. It's easier for a grandma to say: "[voice-recognizing-product]: what is [shit noone cares about]" instead of hoping on google and typing "[shit noone cares about] -[shit it definitely isn't] site:grandmarecipes.edu".

Even better game/software support wouldn't help, honestly. It would pull over people like me who still keep windows around for games, but that's because I already use linux and know what I'm getting myself into. You need a UI that they understand and can use, a normie-mode if you will. I think that's the biggest thing. Just do that and have a some kind of advertising that is literally just: "Linux is better" with no nerd shit and people would fall for it. They don't care why it's better, they'll just think "oh yeah I heard it's better". Ironically to beat MS, etc you have to stop giving reasons and just start manipulating people.

and proper drivers for current hardware.

>It has to be preinstalled on computer, as an option
You could (can?) get some Dell with ubuntu preinstalled. But it still a PITA since many tech departments don't give support to Linux unless is used widespread through the organization.

>sis works some state uni
>gave her old laptop with debian and openoffice (circa 2005)
>works fine more or less
>uni setup city-wide wan
>they can't setup my sis laptop due relaying on some cisco software for configuration
>had to install windows anyway

Social media will always have de facto monopolies because most alternatives cater to a specific niche.
If you aren't a mainstream American conservative, for example, you probably won't find many people you share common interests with on Gab.

I hope linux gets more popular, but not overwhelmingly so.

Maybe a 10% market share on desktops would be just about the sweet spot.

Essentially the acceptance of proprietary software. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

linux would have to stop being free, how in the fuck do you advertise something let alone make money from a product that doesn't even have a company behind it, it's contributed to by a number of companies. unless someone like ubuntu goes on a major campaign to spread awareness and workshops. but lets get real, those nerds aren't even on the same planet so i don't even know how they would present themselves to normies or even other tech companies

I hope that I've been beaten to posting this. It should've been fpbp.


Why does Linux need to have a significant share on desktops?

Also, why is two percent and rising not significant enough? Also, what do you make of Chromebooks? Are they "not real linux" or do you actually mean desktop PCs instead of laptops?

>An article from at least five years ago

>he can't read that is still being updated
>the problems still persist
Fucking mandingos. Perhaps a video is more your speed since, you know, is not reading.

mad pajeets don't know about steam and wine

Way back in the late 1990s I had an Abit motherboard with Turbo Linux in ROM.

It was great.

Why would you even want that to happen?

>a bunch of indies games
>barely any triple A games
>software in golden list on appdb
>doesn't fucking runs

Ability to run Windows software natively.

>2017 edition

People learning more than they need to learn just to accomplish a certain task so they can repair things if they go wrong and not just call support or whatever and enjoy the workings of their software and machine. It's not going to happen.

If Linux becoms popular all you dorks will lose your only defining characteristic.
You'll find it impossible to convince people you're so kewl when they learn how really bad Linux is.

>>triple A games
>pozzed SJW-infected BS which nobody buys
>muh shooters
grow up faggot, most of the new interesting games are in steam

Steam and its games run like dogshit on Linux

This. Unless, these dingys mean laptop gpu's.

Games need to come over, and Adobe needs to come over. Also having a universal package manager so one no longer needs to deal with the fuckery of every distro needing its own special snowflake package manager, hoping appimage fixes this shit.

Macfags must die. It'll help everything, cancer, AIDS, global warming, poverty, starvation, poof, gone in an instant.

You probably pressed the wrong button user, works great for me.

>Redhat centralizes control over desktop Linux development
>Devs are paid end mass to port or build competitive mainstream programming to the platform
>Top OEMs are paid to push Linux over Windows
>Media is used to push the Open Source meme and rightfully smear apple as a tax dodging walled garden

why does it need significant shares? fuck off

Nothing can ever make it catch on.

People buy a computer, and use it. Nobody would sell Linux preinstalled. If they did, people would get mad because they couldn't use their microsoft outlook anymore. People don't like change.

Linux is a hobbyist OS and there's nothing wrong with that.

Hopefully google/Linux's gains will spill over into the greater Linux market. If enough of the industry moves to it we may see real drivers and developer support.

By the time Linux becomes way better than Microshit, normies will flock to Linux because they have no free will or thoughts.

Literally all that will take is one game. I shit you not, World of Warcraft is all that ties people to Windows. (and that game is trash)

I'd say "niche" more than "hobbyist". It has real world usage even on personal machines.
In particular it's becoming a common choice for people who just want a Unix-like OS for their work box. OS X used to be the de facto standard here until developers got sick of having to monkey patch it into something useful.

Linux will never be for normies. Why?
Because they have no interest in customizing their OS and never will.

You're seriously underestimating how much people hate change: even developers hate it. There are still some games being made in DirectX fucking 9 because it's what some dev companies are familiar with. DirectX will be the de facto standard for way longer than it ever deserved to be, and that is just a fact of life.
Windows has never been the best the market offers, Microsoft just bullied out the competition in the nineties and made themselves a monopoly. IP law means they don't have to try to compete because software needs their proprietary APIs to run properly.