What rust projects are you working on Sup Forums?
/rg/ - Rust General
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Nothing because rust is a shit language
dont program sry
tbqh i havent actually worked on a rust project for months since ive been busy posting about it on the interwebs
A random number generator
Stop making a general for every niche fucking topic you reddit wankstain, we already have a thread for this shit
Is there a web frame work for rust?
Just working on boring work stuff.
There are a couple, the most hyped one is Rocket, one which recently came out is Gotham.
Might look into this. I use python/Django mostly but might look at learning this depending on where it goes.
Fuck off back to cuck sucking cuck
Could Sup Forums make a better browser then mozilla?
Sup Forums would never get past the specification stage.
Finished a chip8 interpreter recently, now I'm looking for ideas. Language feels pretty comfy. Does any of you have any experience in using Socket.io server in Rust? There is a middleware crate for Iron, but I had no luck using it (problems with lifetimes in callbacks). I'd appreciate some example project if you happen to have any.
Hey that is a snipper
Changing all the master/slave terminology in my company's projects :3
When are lexical lifetimes getting merged into stable?
I think you mean NON lexical lifetimes, lexical lifetimes are what we have right now.
same guy
Still hoping that big underground boom will happen, Mozilla?