Did the Rustfags manage to convince everyone to rewrite everything into Rust?

Did the Rustfags manage to convince everyone to rewrite everything into Rust?

And why is modern C++ not an option?

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>Did the Rustfags manage to convince everyone to rewrite everything into Rust?
They're trying to and it looks like it working. For a language that's still so rapidly developing, it's seeing a lot of use and adoption.

>why is modern C++ not an option?
It is an option, it's just a bloated, contorted, compromising option

> Control
> Safety


Because as long as you need to manually manage memory people are going to fuck shit up. Pajeets and even experts occasionally

>C/C++ is bloated meme
ruck fust

Rust is not a replacement for FP languages.

Don't listen to this fag.

If you can pass a C++ whiteboard interview you'll have companies trying to shove money down your throat.

Rust is a meme and I don't know anyone making serious money that uses it.

Because it's written by people who ship a browser with an engine written in C++ and got feed up with the shit they had to deal with on a daily basis. So they designed they language to be as powerful as C++ while trying to avoid it's pitfalls.

Seasoned C/C++ programmers (read people who write and ship using C/C++) can appreciate this and therefore can write shit faster than because they're used to do shit at low level, except now most of the big hassles are gone. If they had shipped system drivers, databases engines, and rendering engines (for games or documents), farting an HTML template system is done in a weekend.

The very reason it's succeeding

Opinion discarded. They are very different languages.

fuck off ledditor
>the comment about is just the tip of my dick

fn main()
let x: f32 = 0;

let's compile it
> expected f32, found integral variable

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

>The very reason it's succeeding

It was actually developed by one of their programmers as a pet project. Then it spiraled out of control.

C is a subset of C++

(pic related)
you're still a ledditor, so fuck off.


While we're shit talking c++ can we admit that java boilerplate isn't as bad as the syntax for c++

> std::unique_ptr


C is not a subset of C++

Look I like FP but I really don't know many people who's willing to dive into an FP. You still can write FP in Rust tho.

and how does that affect what I said exactly?

So after seeing Sup Forums bash rust every now and then, i decided to go tru all the Rust documentation to see what is all the fuss about.

Coming from a JS/Java/C background, so far it looks really good. Can someone post examples why Rust is a piece of shit like Sup Forums says? And i mean real problems and not stupid shit like that i bet would be fixed by just doing x:f32 = 0.0 or some shit like that.

They try to rewrite everything but once a basic rewrite has been done they just drop it and forget it since rust "devs" have the attention span of a dead animal.

Looking at this scale, Rust should be just as good as Java.

>I don't understand set theory
You can write pure C using the standard libraries or mixing it with ones from C++ and compile it with g++ and get an executable to run.

You can write C that isn't valid C++. The creator of C++ himself stated C++ isn't a superset of C, so the opposite must be true too.

>Did the Rustfags manage to convince everyone to rewrite everything into Rust?
No, not really. I haven't seen many serious projects even considering moving to Rust. Rewriting software is a huge amount of work, and many C and C++ programs already just work.

>And why is modern C++ not an option?
It is. The only thing of significance that Rust has over C++ is the borrow checker. In many cases though, C++ is just better purely for the greater library support.

why didnt they just revive Ada instead of writing another new language that will die off in a year or so

>You can write C that isn't valid C++.
[[citation needed]]

>The creator of C++ himself stated C++ isn't a superset of C, so the opposite must be true too.
You really don't understand set theory

void *buf = malloc(10);

You want a real problem in Rust? See this post:


TL;DR: the build system sucks.

shit I mean char*

Java less safety Python LMAO, rustfag are mental illness.

Maybe 20 years ago, but both languages have diverged enough that they aren't interchangeable without having to do rewrites


char str[2] = "ab";

this valid for both C and C++

this INvalid for both C and C++
>no identifier

Granted, do I look foolish now

>void *char
That's not what he said

int true = 0;

>void *char
fucking retard gtfo

>Look I like FP but I really don't know many people who's willing to dive into an FP. You still can write FP in Rust tho.
I never felt productive writing Rust, so I dropped it. Trivial stuff like string handling is a pain in the ass. I couldn't find a good threading library. The language feels like a burden. This is from a Java perspective though...

Wasn't Rust created because Google no longer wants to pay Java royalties and as a result created it's own java replacement which it is pushing through with embrace, extend, extinguish?

No, that's Go.

I'm currently learning Rust. Wanted to check out any of the newer natively compiled languages (D, Go or Rust) and Rust is by far the most interesting of them. All other languages I've seen so far either use a GC or have you alloc/free memory manually, so Rust's approach really is new & interesting (but it comes at the cost of being harder to learn and program in).

D has been around for long but has seen nearly zero market adoption. And Go is for manlets. Literally all Go developers I've had to deal with are incompetent as fuck.

There are still things to critize about Rust, like its breakneck-pace stable release cycle of only 6 weeks.

>Write Hello World program
>Enable release profile for optimizations
>Compiling takes more than 3 seconds
>Out comes a 2.9MB binary file

what? google doesn't pay any java royalties

>I never felt productive writing Rust
I get you. Sometimes it's more about what you feel comfortable with rather than using a given language because someone says so.

>it's written by people who ship a browser with an engine written in C++ and got feed up with the shit they had to deal with on a daily basis.
Maybe they shouldn't have bloated the goddamn thing with useless bullshit like Pocket and made a move to multi-process years ago before they were too late. Or hell, maybe they shouldn't have built their goddamn browser from the corpse of Netscape in the first place.

>And Go is for manlets. Literally all Go developers I've had to deal with are incompetent as fuck.
Checked and kek'd. Just look at their book

>straw man: le post

riddle me this
if python is so safe why are cia niggermonkeys writing viruses and exploits in it

I can imagine Rust being more comfortable than C or C++.
My toy programs are basically shells scripts on steroids. I don't see why I would trade flexibility for performance in my case.

>apples and oranges, the post.
riddle me this
why are you so fucking retard?

wow, what a nice collection of non-arguments. what the fuck does pocket event have to to with gecko

>actually falling for that

[Code]#include [/code]

the '0' literal is an i32, and it won't convert it silently. you have to have:

let x: f32 = 0f32;

But in this case, having the ': f32' part is optional and does nothing.

what is this webm from?

>All other languages I've seen so far either use a GC or have you alloc/free memory manually, so Rust's approach really is new & interesting

That's impossible. You either do it manually or you have some primitive form of gc, which even I'd argue smart punters are

>More control, less safety
>less safe than Python
>Java in the middle
Topkek, is this image from India?

It's not like they're not trying to fix it right now

Well have you checked out Rust you dumbass?

Because you don't have to care about freeing memory ever and it does not run any kind of GC either.

Rust uses lifetimes and a set of rules limiting how and when you can use some piece of data, move data between variables, create pointers/references to them and when they are freed.
That's how Rusts memory safety works and it guarantees no memory leaks, no race conditions, no double free and no use-after-free (including no danglings pointers).

when Racket 7 is released with it's new Chez Scheme backend, Rust and C will both be obsolete and we'll transmute this timeline into the one where lispmachines won.

It's statically linking the stl by default in case the user doesn't have rust. It's just for wider adoption in early stages


>Did Rustfags manage to convince everyone to rewrite everything into Rust?
No, but they'll pretend its happening. If Bjarne and his lackeys haven't gotten everyone to absolutely stop using C, some hobbyist language with Z E R O footing in the industry sure as fuck isn't going to.

Yeah I know. The problem is you can't really use dynamic linking, even if the enduser does have the rust standard library, because rust has no stable ABI and they don't really want one yet.

Also they could drastically reduce binary size if they finally managed to allow disabling jemalloc on the stable version.

What's the status on Chez?

build system ≠ language
also this and this github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/2503

I don't know when did he tested this but might be an old build.
>listening to tripfags
seek help


>doing your mom raw

>listening to rustfags
seek help

I'm loving Rust personally.

>more control

Rust has many nice features that I wish C++ could support as elegantly but overall I prefer the style of modern C++

pick one


Chez is fast as fuck, the most advanced lisp compiler on the planet.

Can anyone drop me a link to just jump straight into Modern C++?

>muh (((safety)))

With Rust I don't have choose

I know Chez is based, but what's the status on integrating it into Racket?

You sound like a commercial

What is rust?
Baby don't cuck me.
Don't cuck me, you whore.

Maybe they should make it into their slogan.

because rust chooses for you

I know for a fact

>u8 *buf = malloc(BUF_SIZE);
doesn't work in C++ but does in C

rust promotes doublespeak too.
>"memory management" via borrow checker
>no type inference
>garbage tier syntax is "beautiful"
>"safe" code using unsafe blocks

It's literally just smart pointers

From the lead dev:
>Currently, I see no obstacle to getting everything running on Chez by the end of the year, but we'll see how it goes.

>I didn't read the changes

also lambdas + , and some nice new stuff like std::variant

Because Ada is just fine.

Not being static typed makes it incredibly unsafe

Cool, I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully this will give Racket more exposure.

I see you've never used rust

Who the fuck uses FP languages in the real world?

no u

>rust promotes doublespeak too.
>>"memory management" via borrow checker
>I don't know the difference between memory management and memory safety
>>no type inference
>golang brainlet needs
>>garbage tier syntax is "beautiful"
>I don't like the syntax
>>"safe" code using unsafe blocks
>why would they allow me to break things if I want to reeee
Welcome to the thread, brainlet

No way in hell. Initiating Scanner or buffer in, take in variables, then closeing said input stream is annoying as shit compared to cin or couture. Also strings are garbage in Java compared to c/c++


type inference isn't unique to Go senpai. Without it modern C++ would be entirely intolerable.

From the TIOBE Index:
28. Scala
31. Erlang
34. Lisp
39. F#
42. Clojure
47. Haskell

You can just use traits for those needs.