Let's face it:

Let's face it:

Ubuntu is the best Linux distro.

I've been through Slackware, Ubuntu, Debian and Arch, and Ubuntu just works, mates.

I'm currently on Debian and although it is really stable it lacks support for many packages.

Soon enough I'll be back to Ubuntu, but before I do so I'll have the Gentoo experience so that I delve into the nitty-gritty of Linux before exchanging exploration for productivity.

What makes me kinda sad though is that it is now adopting Gnome as its main DE. I liked Unity a lot.

I think XFCE is the superb DE. What say you, /gee/? What is the best DE to roll with Ubuntu?


Install Gentoo

You should take Zorin for a whirl. It's built from Ubuntu, but a much better experience for the user. Good enough for the space station, bro.

Will do, m8.

I think the good thing about linux is the fact you can choose a system based on your desires and requirements. I would agree, on the whole ubuntu is probably the best distro for most people, but you cant say that for everyone. For example, if i had a high end server that is was using for training neural nets, i would probably go with gentoo. If i want to learn about how linux really works, i would go with arch. If its a work computer, i would use ubuntu/debian.

What are WM's?

true but a DE has nothing to do with a distro being good because desktop linux is irrelevant, your knowledge is worthless

Agreed OP

No, it's Arch. Arch jest werks - all you have to do is read the manual for a bit, after the initial setup I've encountered zero issues.

>I'll have the Gentoo experience
The only thing putting me off this is the compilation time for firefox which I heard is a day on a recent quad core.

>What is the best DE to roll with Ubuntu?

What? How do they compile nightly?

They probably have a compile farm with tons of power?

Xubuntu is the only good choice.

Ubuntu is good but I wish the Kubuntu team did a better job and I wish that there was an official Cinnamon flavor. Using Ubuntu GNOME but it is kind of ass

i3 ist the best thing you can do to your desktop.

Ubuntu is great, if you do not care, I use Debian because of "muh freedom".

A day? Chromium takes a couple hours on my 3570k

xfce with your favourite tiling manager

sudo apt-get install gentoo

Hopefully they slap gnome3 into shape just like they did with gnome2, which was also a pile of shut until Ubuntu fixed it. It looks like they're going to basically turn gnome3 into Unity anyway which is fine by me, I miss Unity when I'm using FreeBSD.

This is the best looking distro I've seen, at least by default.

different strokes for different folks.
I actually think that is looks like an amateurish GENOOME fork (which it is).
Best looking DE's are Pantheon (love their icons) and Unity (some theme inconsistency is driving me nuts, though).

>Ubuntu is the best Linux distro.
>I've been through Slackware, Ubuntu, Debian and Arch, and Ubuntu just works, mates.
also uNOOBtoo is a spyware

>also uNOOBtoo is a spyware
Only if you turn on Amazon spyware from Unity (which is turned off by default)

is that something like windows's telemetry ?
just turn it off and it's okay?

>amateurish GNOME fork
It's actually cinnamon with a different theme.
Their Xfce edition looks the same as their cinnamon one, which is what I currently use.

I like unity's way of keeping things compact, but it's a shitty GNOME fork too. It was actually less stable than GNOME. And it's colour schemes and lack of customizability is what kept me away from it. I'm glad it's dead.
As for Pantheon, it's unnecessary when GNOME and addons exist. Another DE that should honestly not exist.

Install Solus

using it right now and im having a good time after what was a pretty rough first day

>debian lack packages compared to ububtu
Yeah, ubuntu selects unstable/experimental packages from debian, but somehow you cannot find those packages in debian... Although debian is a superset of ubuntu, without the amazon adaware and cannonical's stupid projects.

I use arch Linux, I like living on the edge.
Stable, secure and predictable life isn't for me.
I like constantly changing world. I.e. I'll never know what I'll have to fix after next upgrade.

>Ubuntu is the best Linux distro.
I used to think so. Then I installed arch.

Granted, installing and configuring is hard but worth it.

>Huge taskbar
>menu takes up half the screen
Is this for the visually impaired?

I like Ubuntu but I hate that they named it using a word from some nigger oogabooga language.

>updates can, have and will break your system
>worth it

>I'm currently on Debian and although it is really stable it lacks support for many packages.
Such as? You know you can add repos from ubutnu or any debian based distro, yeah? Anything that can be supported on ubuntu will probably work on debian desu

I would prefer that gnome meme died when icaza step out

Ubuntu fucking sucks, kys OP. It isn't even the just works distro anymore, Fedora is. Non-babby's should use Arch (Or Gentoo if you're autistic)

at least every other dist-upgrade on ubuntu has broken in some way when i was running ubuntu (around '12 - '14).

>It's actually cinnamon with a different theme.
>implying cinnamon isn't a gnome fork

this. Ubuntu hasn't been good since 14.10

>at least every other dist-upgrade on ubuntu has broken in some way when i was running ubuntu
No it hasn't. It also doesn't do what you think it does.

It's also the Linux kernel NSA wants you to use. They helped develop it

You're thinking of Red Hat and SystemD.

>It also doesn't do what you think it does.
it upgrades from one release to the next one, from bloody bear to cool cobra or whatever they call their releases nowadays. that's what i think it does (and that's what it does on debian, which i have been running since i switched from ubuntu). am i wrong?

>can't read

Xubuntu master race

Which would be babby's first distro that isn't based on Ubotnetu?

I've had so many bugs with ubuntu and ubuntu based distros.

I've switched to Manjaro, never encoutered a problem.

Fedora / Gecko / Solus / Manjaro

Honestly, Ubuntu Minimal is the perfect amount of control for me. With a new computer, I can get my perfect workstation in a few hours. That's with the install time, compiling emacs, and downloading my spin of dwm from a git server (cough Github). Configuring wifi is as simple as installing network manager and using the nmtui command. EZPZ and lightweight.


Ubuntu would be the best distribution if it's fate didn't lie in the hands of Canonical (a failing company that is in a lot of debt).

Ubuntu already has very few developers and when Canonical inevitably collapses, the distribution will be deprecated.

Gecko. It's more suitable for beginners.

>it upgrades from one release to the next one
No, it doesn't.

Ubuntu LTS gets stale, even with PPAs.
XFCE is old but sufficient for low spec hardware.

KDE on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed is where it's at, GUI for everything, rollback with Snapper/Btrfs, automated testing.

If only OpenSUSE' s repos were not as barren, Unofficial repos will probably break my install in x time.

Is there a good Gentoo for babbies distro yet?
Have not had much luck with Calculate Linux.

If only it ran on UEFI systems


Tempted to go ubuntu budgie

You should see Mint youll shit yourself

This is exactly why I don't use it, and the same reason NASA stopped using it. It is impossible to predict what kind of rash decision Shuttleworth will make next, it would be foolish to use an OS that is run by such an unstable individual/company.

is Sabayon any good? Team behind it so small.






It's not an exact gentoo distribution, but it's fine. I haven't used it that much.

>i like unity a lot

Underage b&


best package manager and repos

Ubuntu is Debian for humans.

That is how KDE Plasma 5 looks.

>it's a shitty GNOME fork
True. Too bad Unity 8 was discontinued. Had they chosen to built a Wayland display server instead of rolling their own protocol things could have been different.

But Debian won't provide support if you're using experimental packages.

Unpopular opinion: I like NetworkManager. Especially when on laptop.

Ubuntu is just debian with a fuckheap of bloat

>Using any linux distro for personal computer OS
The only viable "Distro" is MacOS

>and the same reason NASA stopped using it
What do they use now?

KDE Plasma has ugly default colours. It also has a worse start menu imho. But even though it's unstable I still consider it the best DE, along with Xfce.

Unity was very good with it's compact UI, but it was a buggy mess with high resource use. Using KDE or GNOME and tweaking it to look like (and even behave like) Unity would be a superior choice. And nothing would change even if they adopted Wayland, they are losing money and they had to make cutbacks. Unity was the most irrelevant and least profitable part of Canonical, and it was hated by a lot of people, so they thought it was only logical to remove it. And I agree with that decision. Community has sort of picked up the development of Unity 8 and I believe they'll do a good job making it work fine with Wayland (don't know if they decided to use Mir), if not then I guess it was destined to fail anyway.


What is macOS

Respect your heritage. We're all from africa.

God damnit I've been meaning to shill Zorin for a while now. I'm back to Windows now because my computer isn't powerful enough for WINE, but I would recommend ZorinOS and the best transition distro for Windows users a million times.

Was afraid of getting bullied by gentoo users though.

recent science show that greece is the origin of mankind

Outdated meme, we come from southern Europe.

>recent science
>one controversial study
Interesting finding, but lots more evidence is needed to make a claim like that

>it lacks support for many packages.
which ones ?

These linux distros are built for people with too much time on their hands. No job. No bills to pay. Tinker with linux all day. Adults use windows. Just sayin

indisputably, objectivity and literally scientifically the best distro in existence.

Keep yourself safe

I like Ubuntu with XFCE. But hate the screen tearing.

Yes I've tried Compton.
Yes I've tried "google it faget".

What's like xubuntu but no tear? MATE? Mint Cinnamon? Even considering Ubuntu GNOME

werks on my machine

The logical progression is debian ~ ubuntu ~ mint.

I agree with Arch AND Ubuntu. Everything else is pointless.

Ubuntu will also be pointless (not exist) when Shuttlworth destroys Canonical

ok flat earther

Go with Red Core instead. Sabayon's package manager is a shit

I don't know, he's actually tsarting to listen to the users, instead of doing his own thing and getting sidetracked with dumbshit like MIR, Unity, and phones. No more alienating themselves with their special projects that remove focus from the distro.


Debian family is cool m8.

But i dont like ubuntu. I prefer Mint and Debian.

Mint cinnamon for me is a definition of "Rookie Friendly" distro. You install and it works for your nongeek friend using computer only for facrbook and office.

And debian for me is great for professionals. Alot of people putting this fucker inside their servers cant be wrong. Also is still usable as home distro.

solus is the best desu

They've finally started adding some polish to Ubuntu 17.10 and it's starting to look real comfy to me.

I wish I could take Ubuntu seriously, the only reason I use Fedora over Ubuntu is because of the big team of professionals behind it, and it's backed by Redhat so you know it has the longevity factor. You just don't get that assurance with Ubuntu.

Wow, that's probably the worst bullshit I've ever seen on Sup Forums. If you use Fedora because RedHat you're beyond rescue. This shit is basically a Chinese spy tool and you install it voluntarily. Ubuntu has way better long term support and the repos and package manager are worlds ahead of Fedora. RPM is a fucking joke.

Honestly I keep coming back to Manjaro these days

Just werks

Sorry, I won't use an OS that puts my 4690k to 10% load at idle with XFCE