What have you done, white boi?

What have you done, white boi?

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its like theyre surprised a nigger can actually do something

I built a clock once


Really? That's pretty impressive for an 11 year old.

Bet the fag uses WINDOSE

what did he invent?
whats different about it than a normal computer?

>What have you done, white boi?
I wrote a compiler. Your move nig nog.

Someone changed the headline for the purpose of the meme. The original headline was "Talented 11-Year-Old Joshua Ngoka Builds Computer." Still not newsworthy, but why embellish it?


With all the guides and videos online, building a PC is easy shit, but is still good for an 11-year old. Kid didn't invent anything, he just put a PC together.

so he bought the parts and put them together?

I did it at thirteen

[spoiler]and I only cried once

I met a 12-year old who had made an operating system. He told me it was worthless trash and he was right, but it's much more impressive than this.

Europe is a nigger infested shithole, america is the last bastion for whites and western civilization

That's like changing you're tire and saying you invented the automobile.

America is 15% black, you retard.

>12-year old who had made an operating system
Was it called bolgenOS?

Don't think so, what's that?

Was installing DOS and putting together shitty welfare computers since I was 10, where's my white genius article?

Did he write his own fucking compiler?

Reskinned Ubuntu with different wallpapers made by a Russian high-schooler, which was presented on national news as "genius child prodigy creates an operating system".

Still more impressive than anything Sup Forums has done

Why the fuck intel or AMD don't hire this dude???
I mean how genius one must be to invent a computer!
We're not talking about a CPU or GPU or any single other part...
But ALL parts!
This dude would be amazing addition to AMD, on days could work on CPU department on nights GPU department!
At 11 years I saw a porn first time and this motherfucker invents a computer!
Holy shit humans are getting smart...

I could have done that at 11 easily if I had the money.

Sure thing kid.

Invent a computer? Wtf are Albert Einstein?

>america is the last bastion for whites


Speaking as a tech-nigger, this is why I hate liberals more than far left or far right in America.

>Legitimate black accomplishments in tech?
Not news.
>Darius make him a computer!
Front page!

He assembled a computer, he didn't invent it.

My father owned a local computer shop, I spent hours as a kid younger than him assembling and disassembling computers. It's wasn't hard then and it's easier now.

t. eurostan

Take this shit to Sup Forums, it's obviously a fake article you idiots

Go back to plebbit, cuck

the article is stupid, but don't hate on the kid.

Nah it's a real article. Brits just can't into technology and genuinely think this is some amazing shit

Why don't you take your candy ass back to tumblr, crybaby?


im pretty sure moot put a pc together at a similar age but since he's white nobody cared


Wtf you got the joke!

some huge faggot

>Kids today don't even have to ensure they got P8 and P9 in the right sockets.
ATX was a mistake (for many reasons)

>participation award
i don't get it

I've lost my virginity when I was 11.

Kiddo didn't invent it he bought parts and assembled it. News is so filled with idiots that if you turn off their computer and turn it back on and it happens to fix something they will treat you like an IT god. And if they leave their Facebook open and you write something they will claim you hacked them.

News is retarded


Tell us in greentext boi

m-me t-too.


Lmao. As if your white trash parents had the means.

It's real, but some unfunny autist had to change "builds" to "invents" for some reason, even though the original article was plenty ridiculous to begin with.


I could program in basic at your age, and i'm not even actually white.

Well at least he's less likely to be involved in crime since he has technical interests.

It's a stupid headline though, obviously written by someone who thinks computers are full of magic smoke and you have to be like a genius to build one. Probably doesn't realize there are entire communities of people who have built their own and it isn't particularly challenging at all.

This is the state of internet journalism. Nobody does any research at all.

>machine has a speed of 3:20 gigahertz

Hey you gotta give the journalists some slack. Must have been a slow news week. This article isn't hurting anyone.

>This is the state of internet journalism

It's actually originally from a newspaper. The lead story on the front page no less.


Not any better than internet journalism.


"Britain's top black weekly"

That explains it

But did he disable Intel ME with me_cleaner?

Did he glue the rams in to protect against cold boot?

Heh nothing personnel

i never claimed i invented my i386 when i built it back in the early 90s at 11 years old

i also was very frugal and didnt spend over $140

i also didnt have the type of help that youtube and the www and when parts werent really meant to be modular with software

what a little prick

>Did he glue the rams in to protect against cold boot?
>implying the FBI/GCHQ won't just put the entire PC in liquid nitrogen until they can retrieve the keys

Are you sure it was changed? It's pretty common for online newspapers to try out multiple titles to see which ones get more clicks. Hell even small youtubers try that sometimes.

We have lots of NALA's (north american land apes),not to mention we're overrun with wetbacks;
so do you really think we have it any better than you eurofags?

Probably more means than a smelly negroid

Learn to read fucking inbred yank

Go eat a crumpet you tea sucking limey pig.

With just hot water and a teabag tonight, I invented tea!

I shall expect my article to be suitably glowing.

wow thanks for explaining the point of the thread to us :)

o shit