Why does no one make a native copy of Photoshop on Leenucks? Does the open sores community not see how that would help to broaden the user base?
Why does no one make a native copy of Photoshop on Leenucks...
We already have the biblical GIMP
GIMP for life
The open source community doesn't govern a closed source proprietary software.
If GIMP is so good why is drawing a circle so triggering?
Also GIMP is pure and uttter shit, who ever made it should be ashamed of themselves. Paint.net is actually somewhat useable compared to the abortion called GIMP
>If GIMP is so good why is drawing a circle so triggering?
Idk why.
Learn how to use it instead of whining about it.
use krita
No horse in this race, googled "How to make a circle in GIMP", having never used it before.
>Step 1. Make a new Layer
>7 more steps to go
Jesus fucking christ this cannot be real.
It's open source, you can improve it.
You can use a plugin for shapes.
gimp is the greatest piece of shit software ever made
kill yourself retard and delete this stupid fucking thread
Straight install is ASS. I learned there were no shape tools after fiddling around for 20 minutes trying to stamp a fucking rectangle.
>The open source community doesn't govern a closed source proprietary software.
That's why its job is to open up the source for all software; by force if need be.
PS fags arguing they cant do their job without that shitty software its the same as mediocres programmers claiming they need VS or shit like that to do their job.
I have to say, "conspiracy to commit corporate espionage" is a new low for you freetards, and that's really saying something considering Stallman's GNU mating dance.
> using PS, task takes 5 seconds to do
> using Gimp, task takes 1 minute to do
guess which one i'm using?
the one thats easier and takes less time.
you COULD program in asm, but i bet you dont.. is that because you are a mediocre programmer? or is it because programming in a higher level language is faster and less error prone?
you could write code in notepad, but i bet you dont, because using an ide is faster and less error prone.
That GUI is absolutely disgusting. I'd rather we kickstart a linux photoshop project and spend most of the cash on a passable 21st century look.
They are working on it.
Means of computing must be seized!
Down with the corporate walls of soft(ware) enslavement!
Freedom to code!
Freedom to change!
Freedom to share!
Let's do it
I'll make the logo
Don't try to make a point, sooner or later some idiot just will say "enjoy your botnet", ignoring all the points you tried to make.
To be fair, you can't expect anything else coming from morons who worship a fat-ass self-centered schizophrenic who fears to be identified even when taking a fucking flight.
As a concept artist who uses PS along with everyone in the industry, you don't have a single clue.
green is my pepper
also free software will never be able to surpass software backed by corporate funding. Krita and GIMP were the attempts
I'll make the logo for you
>as an x you don't have a y
btfo, how can anonymous ever recover
It might be too much of an investment with no return for Adobe to make their apps work on Linux, but i'm willing to bet if Adobe made their apps available for Linux that a lot of people would make the switch, especially Windows users.
The only other things left would be Microsoft Office and video games.
because it's a lot of work and no one wants to do all that work for free
the best part of a GNU/Linux distribution is Linux, because people are actually being paid to work on it
Because no "creative" person uses linux. There is no market for it.
Kiki a cute!~
I don't think you know what corporate espionage is, user