How would you make this buggy heap of shit "better"?

How would you make this buggy heap of shit "better"?

Other urls found in this thread:

Version 2.2.0 works just fine

Works fine for me

Works on my apparatus. Try a phone that's not from /csg/

by donating to the developer

>by donating to the developer
How do I donate

kys fucking baiter, the app works really good

>kys fucking baiter, the app works really good
...are you 12? Who the fuck writes posts like this?

By using mimi instead.

Clover works like a charm.


Also Clover just werks. Far better than using a browser.

I browse on Brave with ads blocked.

Fix the issue that makes .webm files crash the app, requiring my phone to be restarted

you're new here huh

PLEASE show YouTube video titles


>The besg Sup Forums app, Chains, will never be revived

Feels fucking bad.

Holy shit someone else remembers this

it was so perfect, all someone needs to do is adapt it to the new API, nothing else needs to change

So that you see the five last posts of a thread in index

Yeah, the developer kinda gave up on it for some reason, but the app was completely usable until they made the changes, then it just loaded nothing but text.

> real time pages for each thread, each with its refresh timer and swippeable browsing
> best gif and album support
> customizable as fuck themes
> stable as hell

I miss it so much.

>Slideshow with costumizable timestep

>Thumbnail taskbar when viewing images/webm.

>Better layout in landscape mode when watching webm 'fullscreen'

>More vertical space when solving captches. Scrolling down to click "verify" is a sin on a 5,5 inch display even if it is 1080p

Still a way to go till perfection

More vertical space on the captcha is a great idea

Also latex for /sci/

>not using legacy captcha

>using a botnet to post to a chinese cartoon site

Its much more convenient to click on 4 squares as to type in 30 chars on a keyboard without tactile feedback

Floens gib more themes you cuck something like stylechans Vimyanized Dark or photons + odin

>How would you make this buggy heap of shit "better"?
by deleting it off the internet and just using a mobile browser

Except half the time it 'doesn't work'.
Whatever, I use a pass anyway.

and multi chan sites support would be nice, kinda like dashchan but don't make it so you have to install individual retarded apps for each site.

Fuck, I remember Chains on my HTC Desire, good times.
Anyways, Clover is the best one right now, works fine in my phone.

I believe it was called Chain not Chains

Clover on my Galaxy S5 running on LineageOS 14.1 runs just fine never had it crash once


it needs a (YOU) counter to count all my precious yous in a thread.


Floens I luv u

works on my 3 years old tablet

Archive support

Mimi is garbage. The dev doesn't test builds before releasing. The last few updates have made it unusable.

If you're gonna use an app from the play store, use Chan Burauza or Omnichan instead. Mimi is made by some imgur developer. That should say enough.

>celebrates free software
>shits on free software
>the state of Sup Forums

Is fine as is. Stop baiting. The dev works harder than you do.

Just because it crashes on your shitty KitKat budget phone, doesn't mean it's bad Pajeet. Get a decent phone like the first worlders do

directing an unjustified amount of hate to floens is a Sup Forums pastime

>Archive support
correct answer right here

>Works on my apparatus. Try a phone that's not from /csg/
Work perfectly on my Xiaomi

floens says to fucking relax

Implement its design on Dashchan

Works on my machine
Git gud ;^)

That one?

Why can't someone continue working on this?

I would instantly drop clover if this was brought back. God, I miss it so fucking much

Why can't you just use it right now?

Outdated API

could someone possibly make an API which makes the current Sup Forums API look like the old one

or do I have no clue how API works

Floens senpai

No problems since 2.3.0
Update to 2.3.1, faggot

Oh cool a clover thread
For some reason trying to post an image crashes the app for me?

Did you give it the permission to access files? What version are your app and your android?

>Chink Shit General


cant you read?

Works on my Kindle

>Oh cool a clover thread
>For some reason trying to post an image crashes the app for me?
This isn't your personal tech support board

You have to go back.