How the fuck do I fix my posture at the computer desk? No matter how I position myself in the chair my back always feels like it's stressed the hell out and hurting for some reason. Does it have something to do with the chair you use?

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Compute from bed

Standing desk


You have to move once in a while. Surya namascar or something similar every hour for a couple minutes helps my lower back pain.

You laugh, but I actually really like working in a zero gravity chair with a lower back support pillow.

lie on the floor with a pillow beneath your bones or in bed

Make sure your monitor is at the correct height, do not sit straight up, get a chair that leans back to take the weight off your spine.

Use a posture brace. Shit actually helps

Fix your posture by sitting up straight and start hitting the gym and doing back workouts.

The latter helps the most.

Zen masters have the perfect posture and they sit several hours a day
You could consider joining zen monastery

physical therapy


you need ergonomic chair and fitness hours

Sitting up straight is bad, you want a chair that leans back.



Take a break and flex, you weakling

enjoy your bone demineralization and muscle wasting at an early age

Two things
>Lift up your monitor, your eyes should meet your monitor sitting upright. Either right in the center or 1/3 the way down from the top.
>Work the fuck out, like strengthen your back man, come the fuck on

Do some back exercises, lads.

lifting helps familia

Lifting is by far the best result you're gonna get.

I work on the computer pretty much all day and come home to be on the computer or laze around. If it wasn't for me going to the gym I'd be miserable like I was 3 years ago.

It's hard to be compelling to strangers about working out, especially here on the Sup Forums g board of all places. Going to the gym makes you look good, almost works as a natural anti-depressant, and it's improved my posture and wrist/shoulder problems I had. Going to the gym doesn't mean becoming a beefcake. Just going in the first place and doing some minimal machine work is enough to start helpin you out.

Also make sure you spend a few dollars on your damn health and get yourself at least a basic chair that can adjust pitch/height/arms and has good ergonomic padding.

I've fought with poor posture for years because i heavily use computer daily.

The only real solution is to stop using a computer, humans were just not meant to sit infront of a monitor and keyboard for extended periods. its bad for your shoulders arms and your lower body.

The best solution is probably using multiple monitors in different postions.
I have 2 montiors, one for sitting and one for standing, then a tablet for lying down. but even then thats not enough, you have to do posture exercises and lift. Pic related is also a possibility but you probably won't be able to use it for extended periods.

chair is no wath really condition the posture is the height of the monitor wath does. sit ok then alin your eyes with the center of the screen or the top border (use books or wather to alain corret)

This is person a speaking a special truth


Worked for me.
Also add in squats to strenghten the lower back

lol, look at that guy. You think his stupid exercises fix his posture? No, it's being strong. Skip the faggy bands and meme exercises and deadlift/squat.