Not cleaning your mechanical keyboard regularly

>not cleaning your mechanical keyboard regularly
What the heck is wrong with you people

>using your mechnical keyboard in the vaccum of space

Keyboards are cheap. Just buy a new one when the old one gets dirty

protip: don't buy a mechanical keyboard because you will not want to replace it that often because of the cost.

Cheap keyboards are cheap.

Yes, that's why you buy those so you can replace them regularly without feeling you're throwing away a lot of money.

You can clean a rubberdome too, you know.

>not flipping your spacebar

My model M hasn't been cleaned since 1986. now i'm too scary by what i could find there

>i'm too scary by what i could find ther

>protip: don't buy a mechanical keyboard because you will not want to replace it that often because of the cost.
>buy crappy stuff so you don't have to worry about treating it badly
Why would you deliberately waste money just so you can have shitty things?

Yeah, but for $10 I happily replace it once or twice a year.

Buying disposable keyboard makes hygiene easier.

Or, you but a mech for $100 and enjoy premium quality while also saving money in the long run.

Only for about two days after you bought the last one.

And having to clean it. To me a keyboard isn't worth cleaning it. I just buy a new one then.

It takes 2-3 hours tops and it's definitely worth it.

2-3 hours of work buys you 15-25 keyboards.

I'll clean when it starts to smell.

I'll clean it when my new switches arrive, have to take it apart anyways to solder them in so I can clean everything in the bathtub

>2-3 hours of work buys you 15-25 keyboards.
This guy doesn't give a shit about the environment

You could just get off your lazy ass and clean your shit you know

>don't clean stuff, just let it get dirty as fuck then throw it away and buy a new one
You're fucking disgusting.

It buys 2 shitty keyboards and 1/4 of a good one. Not everyone is rich like you.

>get off your lazy ass
not the user but I clean my mech sitting down

A few hundred grams of plastics that get recycled are not going to kill those sad looking baby polar bears, fa.m

I'm not rich. I don't even make much. I just multiplied the amount of money I cost my employer by 2-3 times and divided it by the price of a generic cheap keyboard.

I don't even nearly make $80 an hour but employing someone in west Europe is extremely expensive. My boss would fire my ass if I spend time cleaning a keyboard.

Then your boss should clean the keyboard. Either way, typing on a dirty keyboard is disgusting.

My keyboard isn't dirty because I replace it regularly.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

A friend of mine had cola spilled all over his keyboard, and after 2 months he was complaining that some of the keys didn't work... He never cleaned it.

Lol what it takes no longer than 20-35 minutes to clean a keyboard.

Here's what you do. Buy a mech keyboard, then hire an intern to clean it.

>consciously dodging wordfilter to speak like a retard
>promoting acting like a retard
This is the current state of Sup Forums.

>take out all the keys
>soak keys in citric acid to get oils out of it
>rinse every key individually with water
>let keys dry
>clean the inside of the keyboard
>clean the outside of the keyboard
>clean the cable
>reattach keys
20 minutes my ass

Just buy a mech keyboard DIY, order SA PBT keycaps from assdrop, receive them by 2020.
No keycaps, no hygiene issue. Ask anybody at /mkg/

Keyboards are like $30 bucks. If you replace it every 2-3 months that is only $100 a year.

A good mech is $100 and lasts for 5 years.

A good keyboard is 150$.

>everything is measured in billable hours
How much money could you be making if you gave up sleep?

A decent generic keyboard costs $10 and can be replaced at regular interval.

But then you're using a shitty keyboard. Meanwhile mine is older than every other component and still the best keyboard I've used.

Just bought a filco MJ2 from amazon (with blue switches). I can't wait.

This isn't about cost. You are trowing into trash perfectly well functioning thing just because you are too much of a lazy fuck to even clean out your nachos crumbs out of it.
Fucking disgusting. Maybe just let your mum know that your keyboard is also part of your room and should be also cleaned. I'm sure she wouldn't mind to put in that extra little bit of effort when doing your weekly room cleanup.

just cleaned mine for the first time in 5 years
wasn't too bad actually

I'm scared I'll permanently damage the keys to my laptop if I try to take them off.

what does it do better than regular keyboards?

You don't feel like shit when using one

just cba to do it, doesn't seem to dirty atm, theres a bit of glitter over it but don't give a shit

i do the same

>i spend money to feel better

lol okay

Seems more like you're trying to justify your purchase than anything

>my 300 buck riceboard is better than your 10 dollar keyboard
>my rig cost thousands of dollars, i'm not a poorfag, i don't see the point in buying an overpriced keyboard

>clean the cable
now you're just saying things to make that list look longer
>take out keys
>clean keys
>wipe keyboard
>re attach keys

I enjoy the feeling of premium PBT keycaps.
Also my WPM improved by like 10 when I got my Ducky Shine 6
Max I could do was 90 now its 120.
But I got the MX silver so lots of typing mistakes.

I think you have OCD mate, enjoy never having a nice keyboard YET spending the amount of money you could pay for a decent keyboard every 2 years.

There are people here who don't daily wipe their keyboard and mouse with isopropyl alcohol and you're worried about cleaning?

What do you do with your older keyboards? Throw them away?

ITT: poorfags who have never used a nice keyboard for any length of time

Typing on it feels a lot nicer. Why buy good shoes when cheap ones do the same job of keeping your feet clean?

falling for the mechanical keyboard shilling
never gonna make it

i dont have time to do so and its really hard to do it as well
you either use the goo thing to pick those shit up from between your keys and you have to wash it and such, i dont have the $$ to spend on that goo thing
i also dont have time to remove each key individually to clean the base / the key caps themselves and put them back on, its too time consumming
pic related, my kb

Comprehension problems? A common issue on the internet.
Everyone does

>Comprehension problems? A common issue on the internet.
please don't resort to fallacies thank you

Nerve struck

>Why clean your car? just buy a $500 shitbox and don't take care of it so it can be replaced every year when there is to much garbage in it

>having to remember my keyboard layout

>lasts for 5 years
Holy fuck stop buying Chinese. It should last 20 years minimum unless it pulls double duty as a coaster and ash tray.

Eh, I'll clean it when I change the switches or key caps, which should be set for next year when I get my Carbons in (although it could really use a cleaning right now).

Already cleaned it completely today

Denture cleaner is great for the keycaps

What about the $40 mechanical keyboards on amazon? What's the catch with those?

tfw i have on several occasions spent hours cleaning shitty 4$ keyboards out of sheer boredome instead of throwing them away

i clean rubberdome, have same keyboard since 15 years and still works same as new

>having to think about cleaning
Real men have their wives clean their stuff.


Nobody listens to that shit no mo

>he fell for the voice input meme

I've been using a membrane keyboard for over 10 years now. It's my first keyboard ever, not planning to change it for some piece of mechanical trash.

I put my mechanical kb in dishwasher. Let it dry for couplebof days and it worked just fine and was clean af