Share Pajeet WTFs you encountered here. Pic unrelated

Share Pajeet WTFs you encountered here. Pic unrelated.

List foo;
String bar = foo.toString().replace("\\[|\\]", "").replace(", ", " ");

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>Share Pajeet WTFs you encountered here
Storing two integers in a float (instead of using a struct), one number above the decimal point and one number below it. And then using sepples string functions to get the two values out rather than regular arithmetic.

The worst part was that this was an embedded programmer. Studying CE and EE obviously doesn't teach you how to program.

>send reinforcement detailing to india for £10m value project
>they help me immensely with careful detailing of geometry and error checking
>get back drawings with only minor errors for the first pass
>return with comments and they correct post haste
>thank them for their work
>client and architects make revisions
>also additions
>indian detailers are informed
>don't worry friend, we can put these on original drawings, only pay for time, not for extra sheets
>Corrections made, almost perfect drawings
>get invoice back from india
>probably cost less than half of what it would have cost me to undertake the same amount of work
>was much easier and we earnt way more profit on the job.

Wtf how do they do it so cheap?


Im not a programmer nigger , so almost all the fellow pajeet electrical engineers i work with are wonderful smart people and most of them are american universities graduates.

This retard right here

That's because it saves memory you dumbwit

>implying 2 16 bit integers is larger than a 32 bit float

>allocating a temporary string aka a byte array saves memory
>allocating a 32-bit float saves memory compared to allocating a 32-bit integer and just using bit shifting or arithmetic to store and retrieve the value
>allocating a 32 bit float saves memory compared to allocating a struct with two 16 bit integers

void main()

That's the most retarded thing I've heard all day

Even a pajeets should know about structs or classes

Well, these guys are actually white Norwegians (not Pajeets), but they all studied computer engineering and electrical engineering, and think they know how to program because they did a couple of classes where they did some C hacking.

I mean, I've quit the company long ago because I couldn't handle the incompetence. The CTO, one of the founders of the company, for example, taught himself C++, but it was essentially just "C with classes". He even made his own container types, because he didn't "trust" C++ standard library. The same guy also didn't trust Git, so whenever he'd make a code contribution every now and then, he would copy files out of the repository tree, do modifications there, and then copy everything back again. Me and another engineer had to spend several hours removing binary blobs he managed to add to the repo every time he did anything.

Even though the company made networking probes for IPTV providers, some of the engineers had a really hard time understanding networks. One of the engineers had hardcoded his own IP address into a module he was responsible, and couldn't understand why it didn't work on our client's machine because it clearly worked on his.

I thought embedded development was the pinnacle of programming, and that only smart people studied CE/EE while dumbshits studied CS/SE...

Maybe Norwegians are exceptionally dumb or something?


>Maybe Norwegians are exceptionally dumb or something?
No, the problem is that your impression is completely false.

Good joke

Meanwhile they have a job and you don't

if y == 1:
x = 1
elif y == 2:
x = 2
elif y == 3:
x = 3

> Outsource some Laravel work to be done for a client
> Redirected to their Indian devs
> Request that they use git
> They link us to their repo, which has only master branch
> We branch to develop and inform them of this
> We do some frontend work, mostly refactoring their garbage markup as they managed to fuck up using a CSS framework
> Many changes committed
> They do another load of work
> We get the go-ahead to continue
> Check dev branch
> Nothing there

mfw they ignored dev branch and just carried on with master, introducing dozens of changes to their original markup, causing merge conflicts with everything we did

aBoolean = aBoolean? false : true

This is my iOS co-worker.

>I thought embedded development was the pinnacle of programming, and that only smart people studied CE/EE while dumbshits studied CS/SE...

This is still correct. I have to deal with CS students all the time who are complete retards. The CE kids I see come in actually have some applied knowledge. The CE kids may be stuck in some of the "old ways," but they're a lot easier to work with because they seem to solve problems better and are open to alternative ways of doing things.

He probably thinks he's so cool for using the ternary operator

man how do i get into gitttt

Where do you think I encountered this kind of shit?

They don't have unions filled with neckbeards who demand $15/hr for work?

I'd recommend

Learn the git CLI, get accustomed to the workflow and dealing with issues that arise.

There are some git GUIs which can assist with visualising change histories but CLI is generally quicker and helps you better understand how git works.

contain the Sup Forums please. no programmer is going make that little.

I was being conservative with my figures

But the point still stands

If only Trump could abolish unions

Americans are the only people on Earth that willfully fuck themselves for their corporate overlords. I will never understand the hate for unions there. It's one thing to hate the corruption some of them go through, but to hate and call for the abolishment of giving workers some kind of bargaining power with the corporations? Illogical.

Unions are a function of a free market

There's nothing wrong with that line of code

Sup Forums is the village idiot of this website I swear.


windows still does this with wparam
t. cuck

>I will never understand the hate for unions there
Not American, but Americans have vastly different union laws than Europe. For example, if some workers at a workplace organise, then ALL workers have to join the same union, It's not legal to employ both unorganised and organised workers. Salary negotiations are no longer individual, and only the union can negotiate your salary on your behalf.

Read the fucking manual.

except wparam is an integer, not a float

>saves password hashed but also in plain text, "in case the user forgets his password"

>else{ }

and the hashed ones were unsalted, right ?


this, I don't get OP

>>> a = 10
>>> b = 10
>>> a is b
>>> a = 12
>>> b = 12
>>> a is b
>>> a = 200
>>> b = 200
>>> a is b
>>> a = 300
>>> b = 300
>>> a is b

That code is relying on List's implementation of toString.

String bar = String.join(" ", foo);

cd ..
cd code

lol python
even worse than javascript

The "is" operator is not equality.

git gud nigger

I don't see how this is any different than Java.

Integer a = 42;
Integer b = 42;
Integer c = 420;
Integer d = 420;

System.out.println(a == b); // true values in the range [-128, 127] are cached
System.out.println(c == d); // false not cached, and object reference is checked

> Comparing it with another language that sucks
well done

What of any of the strings joined contains "[" or ", "? It's obfuscated too, when you encounter such a line in code you have to stop and expend time and memory each time to process what it actually does. It's wasteful.

Assholes like you write code that breaks. I bet you clean up your shit in destructors too, fag.

here's your problem dummy


>ints and Integers are not the same
>this is perfectly reasonable

Doesn't explain the other stuff either, why would Arrays.equals(u, v) be true while u.equals(v) be false?

got me there fampai
I guess int[] simply doesn't override .equals and it continues to compare reference equality?

>That sentence.
Are you a wonderful pajeet american universities graduates yourself?


>machine learning in javascript

howto set x to 4 if y is 4?

kindly do the needful and revert back the same

t. rajeesh

American unions are almost as bad as the corporations themselves