
Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:



only used manjaro and xubuntu so far


Can someone redpill me on systemd? Thanks.

How much does it really matter to run a customized Gentoo setup vs. Arch?


what do you mean break from botnet ? wtf is that

is it real or you crazy

it's subjective. if you can't justify it, don't do it

>new font update
How beautiful I no see

I have several problems with this .. whats the point if you dont have custom pc components ?

second -riot.im is theirs ((()))

third- arent Tors exit nodes under government control ?

good luck with no java script

duckduckgo didnt the founder sell data before ?

final setting up your own domain host for email service is too hard and slow for us normal users

dont follow the advice if you dont like it dude
i disable JS for most sites i use and it's still fine...

well it would be hard for me since I use ZeroNet and the run on js

It's fast, it works, it's highly configurable.

You can not escape from systemd.

I can chose between OpenGL 2.0, OpenGL 3.1 and xRender for composition. Which one should i chose? The default one is OpenGL 2.0.

Repost from the last thread. Need more opinions.

>Every breath you take
>Every move you make
>Every bond you break
>Every step you take
>I'll be watching you.

>Every single day
>Every word you say
>Every game you play
>Every night you stay
>I'll be watching you.

>you wouldn't fuck your aunt
Let me stop you right there

low quality bait

as long as they just watch

It's not bait.


What are some cool terminal commands?

gpg -ac --cipher-algo AES256
shred -u

Gentoo doesn't have systemd out of the box, so I'd say you're coming out on top with it.

for h in {-4096..4096..200};{ for g in {-8192..4096..115};{ x=0;y=0;for((i=0;i

git commit suicide


curl -s -L raw.githubusercontent.com/keroserene/rickrollrc/master/roll.sh | bash

quick question - will i have any issues with Linux on AMD hardware? AMD A10 processor, gfx radeon R6. It's a Lenovo z50 laptop.


head /dev/urandom | base64 -w 0


+ | lolcat

when you need an alphabet or numbers from 1-100
echo {a..z}
echo {1..100}
works also backwards

if i start makin my own kernel from scratch, at what point is my kernel linux

when you give up and install linux

Get back to work, Chris

So I'm clueless as to installing a Desktop Environment for Arch, and have been surfing the wiki for a while.

For practicing purposes, I want to install Gnome to get it working. I've downloaded xorg, gdm, gnome, and the xf86-video driver. Now I'm stuck.

Why not xfce?

have you done anything to /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ?


install xorg-xinit
edit .xinitrc with 'start program'
go to tty
type in 'startx'

Follow the arch wiki post install

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This is a KOSHER thread.

how can I make all windows in i3 floating?

Not use i3

nice piggo ^_^!

Is there any legit reason for mem cache dropping?
I keep seeing aliases like sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches but why would one do this?

Read the docs on window rules, make a wildcard for all windows to float.

Wine throws a paging issue when you have all your ram cached.
If you dont have swap and you oom,it will clear the ram cache

font pasta for freetype2.7+

no, radeon driver is fine

# systemctl start / enable gdm

Does Gentoo have a live CD or something? I'd like to try it before making all the install work.

That's not how Gentoo works.

the installcd is a livecd

embrace gentoo as our true lord and savior from the botnet

cloveros is a pre-configured gentoo

I tried it, but one thing bothered me. Whenever I clicked the "terminal" icon, it would open a new instance instead of jump to the current window. Perhaps there is a way to re program that, but I'm not too familiar with customization.

t. lennart "wontfix" poettering

Missed the desktop threads so I went to the "unixporn" reddit. Reddit really is as bad as everyone says.

>it would open a new instance instead of jump to the current window
That's exactly what people expect from a terminal.

What kind of things Lennart won't fix?

Reddit used to be decent. Now it's just a shill site and hive mind but somehow worse than this shit hole


I've been on the unixporn reddit thing a few times and i mean, it's ok.. i havn't been on any other reddits so..


shit question, but since Arch dropped support for i686 processors, what's a good distro for an old netbook with an atom processor and 1gb of ram?

only using it for ssh'ing and js-less browsing desu

It was full of god awful color schemes and people making posts like "just switched over from windows XDD" with shit that looked like a 2008 rainmeter setup, etc.

I just installed Ubuntu along with Windows 7 and every time i boot Ubuntu and then back to Win, Windows time change 4 hours back... H-how do i fix?

You're pretty soon gonna be locked down to gentoo I think


>tfw forced into the meme

on ubuntu change your time settings from utc to localtime


Wait, what? Why? I totally would if I could though.

>retard flat tux
>Ctrl: redo
>Ctrl: start visual block mode

They're called "screenfetch thread" now. Go create one.

I installed it on my Dell D820 when Arch dropped i686 support. I got wifi almost working... it only works at my parents' house? lol

My desktop is too bland right now. I prefer calling them "window manager threads" or whatever.

Thanks! Youre the best!

why accept cuckoldry, these threads are called /desktop thread/ - no time for love

in addition to these fine examples
have a classic:


He's right. We should remove . and .. from the content of a folder. In 20 years i never a case were it was useful, but I see 10000...000 case were it was dangerous.

Why do you think Lennart softwares spread? Because he's right and try to fix awful hacks coming from the past.

Excuse me, seems like I accidentally added a j at the end of the link. Here, for your convenience lkml.org/lkml/2014/4/2/420

He isnt right and he is proven wrong in that same image..He got all good with redhat and does what ever they tell him to do. People see "oh redhat is using it,it must be good" and blindly adopt it.systemd is now a dependency for programs that dont even fucking touch it. Not only did he lie blatantly about the goal of systemd and how he was goign to handle it, hes covered up what he said in the past to make it more convenient for him instead of providing features.Such as udev being forkable

Well, there are tabs within one terminal, so I wouldn't feel the need to open up more than one window of it. Does that make sense, or would their truly be a purpose to having multiple windows open for what can be tabbed?

Dont forget this follow up

Not him, but I often have 3 tmux sessions visible in separate windows. Local machine, and two different remote servers. I like them to all be visible at once, so windows work better than tabs.

You use your terminal like you want. But for me I have one widow for each term, and my wm handle tabs for me.

I've just installed Ubuntu Gnome 17.04 on Thinkpad x230, everything just werk, but I don't know how to enable inertial scrolling (when it keeps scrolling after you give an acceleration to it), how do I enable it?

I have a monitor attached through HDMI and I'm trying to get the audio working.

pacmd list-sinks doesn't show it. aplay -l shows some HDMI stuff but none of them seem to work. How do I fix this?

It does actually. But Gentoo is rolling release so it's a bit awkward to make stable versioned releases. Every few years though they make one.
Just go to their download page and you want the "Hybrid ISO (LiveDVD)". Note that it's dated at 2016-07-04, while the other minimal cd option is much more recent at 2017-08-24.

thanks - booted it up all seems to work fine.. even my bluetooth headset connected with no config.

Linux really does just werk

is there any way to make the speed at which windows fade in and out when using compton -f? its incredibly slow by default and it is distracting, but no fade at all is pretty unpleasant

ummmmm about that...

install pavucontrol

>Gentoo is rolling release
>current kernel on gentoo
>Gentoo is rolling release
>Gentoo is rolling release
>Gentoo is rolling release

redcore linux

How do I get Japanese input to work correctly? I'm using Manjaro with Gnome3

Should i use IBus or fcitx

pavucontrol doesn't show it either.

Change the option fade-delta in compton.conf.

Rolling != bleeding edge
Don't be a dunce

If it doesn't release "stable versions" that existing users update to on a regular basis then it's rolling

ibus + mozc