KDE Plasma is by far the BEST Desktop Enviorment on Gnu/Linux

KDE Plasma is by far the BEST Desktop Enviorment on Gnu/Linux

Name a flaw.

Does it have thumbnail view when you upload a pic from a browser?

It's only going to work well for a year or two until they decide to declare it obsolete and start from scratch again. And from that point, it will be another 2 or 3 years until it works well again.

Also your screenshot is very ugly. What's the deal with the big black square? This is the screenshot you choose to brag about? Step up your aesthetics game nigger.

You're a cool guy.
Only on opensuse.

On Chrome and Chromium yes. On Firefox only on Arch and OpenSUSE.

>Name a flaw.
Apparently, all of it's users develop green noses and weak chins.

Uh probably that KDE wallet retard shit? That's the first thing that turned me off of it. I'd much rather use Xfce

>Name a flaw.

It's shit.

Xfce is where it's at.

Best thing is that it's not GPL.

>Name a flaw
>so many bugs
>text rendering on many elements nondterministically fails
>plasmashell and krunner randomly crash or use 100% CPU until they're restarted
>plasma nm-connection-editor sometimes decides that you're no longer able to edit connection settings
>adding a new panel will crash plasmashell at least 50% of the time for me
>sometimes dead windows get stuck on screen and then the screen doesn't refresh until I try to use xkill from my other monitor. This happens a lot when I use WINE.

I'm also pretty sure that the only way to view file transfer progress in Dolphin is with the taskbar notifier, which won't ever shut the fuck up.

I've recently moved to XFCE and am happy about it. XFCE requires quite a bit more configuring to make it look the way I want, but at least it never randomly crashes.

>but at least it never randomly crashes.
Thunar literally had a bug for three years or something which caused it to constantly crash while moving/renaming files

Shitty design.

It is far more customizable than Gnome and more feauture complete than XFCE - definatly my favourite on somewhat decently specced computers.

Thunar is not XFCE. You can have any file manager you want on XFCE.

That being said, Dolphin was the one strong point of KDE, apart from how the file transfer dialog would only ever show on the KDE notifications bar. Are there any other file managers that will save my preferences for specific directories? I don't use a graphical file manager a lot, but it's annoying to keep having to switch between icon view and detailed view when I switch folders.

>more customizable than gnome
Ask me how I know you're a retard.

>what are shell extensions that make gnome look like literally anything you want

>more feauture complete than XFCE
What features does KDE have that XFCE does not?

Back when I was on Ubuntu 14, XFCE was missing a lot of features, like proper multi-monitor configuration or mouse settings that let me disable acceleration, but now I can't find anything that's missing.

You can write extensions for Plasma too. The difference is, it doesn't need them, because it comes out of the box with a huge numbers of features implemented by the developers themselves. Gnome requires extensions, because it comes with absolutely fuck all out of the box, and those extensions are buggy pieces of shitty written by random people in JavaScript.

You can make extensions for Plasma too. Plasma doesn't need to be used as a whole eithe. You can use a different WM for example.

>gnome extensions
>gnome updates
>muh extensions are broken

gnome is second to firefox for fucking extensions up.

Qt is massive and take forever to compile.

Qt is commercially backed and probably more secure long term though.

>Gnome requires extensions

It definitely is the best looking one. I'd use it in a heartbeat if it wasn't a buggy broken piece of smoking shit.

what extensions do you need with gnome?

>take forever to compile
I'd be willing to bet that it compiles several times faster than Chromium or Firefox. Everyone loves to complain about how bloated Qt and KDE are, while posting from their browser that somehow needs a gigabyte of memory to display text on a page.

Doesn't change it's fucking huge and got even worse when they introduced qtwebkit/qtwebengine.

kde is pretty good, but I think GNOME takes the cake for best overall DE

You already compile chromium because of qtwebengine unless you disable it with a flag.

That fancy gnome shell extensions that break with every GNOME update because GNOME doesn't have stable API - yeah they are great. And its not only GNOME API, it is also GTK that breaks compatibility with every update...

The compile time for KDE in its entirety was comparable to the compile time for only Chromium. Chromium is enormous and I don't understand why.
Size of files: 159,944 KiB
Size of files: 525,068 KiB
Size of files: 228,970 KiB
Size of files: 11,932 KiB

How is it exactly that Dooble does a pretty good job on most websites, yet Firerfox and Chromium are an order of magnitude larger?

>Name a flaw.
post your idle screenfetch


Firefox uses GTK3 and it will use GTK3 no matter what WM or environment it runs in unless you patch Firefox.

Sorry but I cannot afford having a broken desktop every 2 weeks on a rolling release distro.

It is enormous because somehow you have to leave them holes for the exploits and malware.

It's rock solid on Arch.

It's not XFCE.

Stability has significantly improved since Plasma 5 launch. But I agree with you - when it was first released it was one buggy piece of shit.

I agree. gnome is nice.

Pixel Saver
Taskbar / Dash to Dock
Topicons Plus

Even with all that it's still shitty and nowhere near what Plasma offers.

buggy as fuck

KDE and XFCE are ugly as fart.

If you don't want to use a tiling window manager, I think the current budgie DE on solus is the nicest looking one.

It's ugly?

Lmao you have aids

Lmao u 2

go home kevin

Budgie is gnome based


Your taste in music, Zach. Actually, male that your taste in everything.

vsync, font rendering and general buggyness, also no wacom settings.
I personally dont like the default desktop and settings layout, and had problems with it hanging with steam games, which never happened on any other DE.
Also once every few versions when i try it, it literally crashes when changing the theme between dark/white too rapidly, mostly on kubuntu, and kde neon.
oh and last time when i opened the plasma addons (vertical) list and scroll all the way down the fonts got cut in half.

Irrelevant, it's much less ugly and sluggish.

I was going to use KDE/Plasma, I always found the demos to be flashy and cool, especially since I've been using an unriced i3 for about 3 years. But when I put ubuntu on my desktop, I went with gnome 3 because I heard that it was more reliable and had more money in the project. I didn't have time to fuck around so I just went with it