Run systemctl disable dhcpcd.service

>run systemctl disable dhcpcd.service
>run systemctl stop dhcpcd.service

>run dhcpcd *interface*
>tells me interface is already running on pid 990

WHY? I'm trying to install Arch on a university's wpa2 network. wifi-menu doesnt work for fuck with this because it doesnt allow me to enter username/password. So I have to do it manually and keep running into tiny problems / inconsistencies. Is there a better guide than the wiki?

Other urls found in this thread:

Install gentoo

what else

don't you have to be good at computers to use Arch?

you chose to use arch, dont come to Sup Forums asking for help. install ubuntu/fedora

Look up eduroam at the arch wiki. Then just fill the config file and use the wifi-menu to connect. If you do it right it will connect. No need to mess with systemDick.

Use Antergos like any normal person. Arch's install process isn't terrible, but it's honestly a waste of time compared to just using a full installer.

If you actually intend to pass your classes and eventually make money, you need to install a non-timesink distro. there's nothing to "learn", you are not "fitting in" online, it's all just a shitty meme. You're supposed to be programming because that is how you make products or services and make money, ending up a layer beneath autistically configuring the system means you've failed.

debian and its derivatives are the patrician's choice.

>not using archboot

Install Artix, faggot. If not this, then

One of my favorite arch quantum bullshit arguments.

>not using an easy distro version of arch
then it's
>lolbabyarchversion be a man
then it's
>not using some script/tool to help you install arch
then it's
>lol ur not hardcore enuf install arch on ur own like a man
>not having the documentation nearby
>not knowing it by heart
If I say any of these at any time instead of you saying it first, I'm automatically a scrub. This is a game you play for attention, let's just admit that quickly. Not really helping the community at all with this so just pretend to use BSD instead.

archlinux is for real sysadmins who understands how a linux distribution works, stop complaining you are at the same level of people complaining GNU/LInux doesnt work and windows its better go back to windows, dont come back is not for you thats it.

Also if you pretend to study something STEM give off if you are not able to solve something as simple as managing a user level stuff you are not able to creare.

>arch is for real sysadmins

is that why it isn't used in any professional sense anywhere ever?

Don't you know? Real sysadmins don't make any money. you can't join our little internet club until you're a total fucking loser. aren't you so jealous of what we've built up

I've been there, installed Arch and ran from one problem to another. It will be like that forever, you will never run out of problems, but you will run out of time. Trust me you want to use those tens or even hundreds of hours doing something fun. You will never be satisfied with Arch because it's a broken piece of shit.

Go with Xubuntu. I guarantee you, you will have a better time.

Arch is fun as a learning process, for me it cleared out a lot of things but it's not worth it unless you're going to be a sysadmin or linux developer. If you're just going to use it as a substitute for Windows, don't do it.

>is that why it isn't used in any professional sense anywhere ever?

This is the same comment windows-fags makes about ALL the free software,

>hur durr Leeenaks is not for professional job

you are at the same level of these people literally.

nice strawman except we can actually back this up. Try for example and look up Linux. It's going to be Ubuntu, Debian, redhat, and fedora. Arch, slackware, and gentoo aren't ever mentioned except as a transferable skill to work on something else. Same for BSD. Companies don't care about "looking hardcore" when the alternative is to have more time to make money which is all that matters. It's all just the product of the bottom of the barrel societal failures looking for a way out by being hipsters. This is what happens when you don't control the population size and now we have extra retarded baggage that we have to pretend has a chance.

>implying companies cares about the fucking distribution
>implying an arch user cant handle other distributions (fucking systemd everywhere now)

i think you are a NEET bro, in the job i got they asked me generic concepts like chroot, general explanation of the permissions system, some kernel stuff because i work on embeded apps.
If they asked you for the distribution is like "whats your favorite color" thats it, stop talking bullshit.

Arch is a distro aimed at competent users.

ubuntu users complaining about arch harness is the same as a comercial pilot complaining about a fight plane.

this, but unironically

If you would actually check indeed you would see they do since they ask for it by name. I know you won't because it will ruin your delusion, I'm posting this for other people who still have a chance. chroot and permissions are not exclusive to arch. the only thing that is, is "learning" its stupid bullshit that everyone else fixed 15 years ago. Do they put arch on the embedded boards? Do you really have a job?

My experience with arch and xubuntu has been literally the opposite of this.
The reason I switched to arch in the first place was that if I fucked something up I'd at least know somewhat what's fucked up rather than having to google vague buggy behavior and read years old ubuntu help threads. Then I proceeded to not fuck anything up, and all my arch systems have run practically flawlessly since, with the cause of any issues that showed up being clear enough to me to fix within minutes.

By now there's only one *buntu machine in the house left. It's the one that's been plagued with weird graphical bugs that I have no idea how to troubleshoot, missing dependencies, broken packages and software updates that take five hours to complete and require constant supervision. With that particular system, I've many times thought I could use the time for something fun, like drawing or reading or watching anime.

Well, I've only used arch since 2013. I know a lot of the criticism it gets used to be valid, and that *buntu distros used to function, so if your experiences come from an earlier time There's no disagreement here.

Of the distributions you mention are listed I've only not tried RHEL, and all the others have been so painful to set basic things up in I've spent days crying in frustation with each.
I haven't tried gentoo or slackware, but I guess I now should.
Though, I'd guess the pain in using those systems comes from them being stable release systems. Linux's entire software ecosystem is rolling release, so trying to force that into a stable release cycle seems stupid. To maintain stability, a setup like with NixOS would work so much better. Security I'm not sure of, having seen some of the ancient vulnerabilities present in Debian's stable releases.

Not having the ABS or similar software availability as with arch around can seriously fuck an arch user up.

> chroot and permissions are not exclusive to arch.
learn how to read
> they asked me generic concepts
generic concepts
Do you know what generic is?

>the only thing that is, is "learning" its stupid bullshit that everyone else fixed 15 years ago

fix what?, the fact that some people uses the computer in different way ?, but i wont argue more with you, go to make your "productive stuff" like those anti-arch banners everywhere.

Fuck off to the forums so they can tell you to fuck off to the wiki and you will finally fuck off to Ubuntu like an adult.

Antergos is shit.

Red hat and centOS are for "real" sys admin you retard

typical RH user

Well... Arch IS a tech support simulator to get all sorts of weird errors.

>wifi-menu doesnt work for fuck with this because it doesnt allow me to enter username/password.

It's part of the charm... When I installed arch neither the wifi or the ethernet worked and I had to manually get driverd on a USB and compile them. Thankfully the USB drivers worked because it was the same USB I booted the ARCH install from, but drivers had to be manually installed and it was a normal and popular toshiba laptop.

>So I have to do it manually and keep running into tiny problems / inconsistencies.

Welcome to the world of Arch, it's never going to end.

>Is there a better guide than the wiki?

No, the wiki don't answer shit and only answers maybe 1% of the problems you get. One of the things that are appealing with Arch is all these exotic errors, some errors you get nobody have ever seen before. It's like being an explorer and venturing into areas that humans have never been.

Not really... Just patience and a lot of spare time to tweek files and test different solutions. Because it's like a hydra... Fix one problem and then 3 more will show up.

Why would you use Arch when you could use a declarative OS?

>Not really helping the community at all

Nothing is worse than the Arch community though.

Companies do care about the distribution. When you get old enough to get a job you will notice that.

You fucking have no idea what you are talking about.
BSD's are used a lot in the enterprise.
Arch and Gentoo are only not used because they are rolling, and rolling release isn't as good for enterprise uses (although, Google does use Gentoo as a base for ChromeOS).
Fedora is also not used, while it isn't rolling (unless you use rawhide) it is still too much of a beta testing distro for enterprise use. Same with the non LTS Ubuntus.
Ubuntu LTS, Debian Stable, RHEL/CentOS, and SUSE are what is mainly used. *BSD is also used frequently for servers.
For embedded devices, Clear Linux or Alpine is used, and also Debian.
The skills that one learns from Arch or Gentoo transfer over and allow a person who uses Arch or Gentoo to complete wipe the floor with people who aren't experienced with dealing with the system.

>Nothing is worse than the Arch community though.

yes, the ubuntu community

>i cant make vlc work
>install wine and download vlc.exe

>sudo apt-get install curl
>curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
>echo "deb syncthing release" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/syncthing.list
>sudo apt-get update
>sudo apt-get install syncthing

>pacaur -S syncthing

>Launch the program ‘Startup Applications’.
>Click ‘Add’.
>Fill out the form:
>Name: Syncthing
>Command: /path/to/syncthing/binary -no-browser -home="/home/your\_user/.config/syncthing"

>systemctl start syncthing@user

note this comes from their official guide too


If your only exposure to the Arch community is on Sup Forums, I can understand how one might get the impression they're a bit obnoxious.

>installs arch without previous knowledge
>some how he this all is going to be fine when shit goes down

>installs Emacs without and uses it without reading the man pages
>some how he this all is going to be fine when shit goes down

They told me to stay away from easy bitches so i did, now I'm a swish knife ready to teach you how to 2+2

Honestly this.

I enjoy fiddling around with Arch from time to time but day-in day-out debian and its children (and other "normal" Unix OSs) are the best for actually getting work done. There's a reason most companies issue Debian or OS X* laptops to their programmers and not Arch or gentoo.

*Also shit but is becoming more commonplace in industry whether I like it or not

Eduroam is a cunt. I had to follow a config guide from my university to get it working on Windows, too. Even then it sometimes decides to drop my connection for no reason. Other students have the issue so I know it's not just me. This isn't an Arch, or even Linux issue.

literally "i couldn't install arch" the post

Retarded archfag

>everything is a "quantum" something
You realize that you use this word so much that it makes your posts identifiable, right? That said, don't you have a BSD thread to troll?


>implying im not a sys admin who fixes shit when programmers fuck things up on their machine
>ur also %50 correct
