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Technology #622
Sorry Linux fags, but there is no alternative for this productivity combo unless you are a jobless neet neckbeard
When will this board understand that Speakers are superior to Headphone?
Why are shitty fucking IPS monitors the norm nowadays?
How can I skip this?
Speccy Thread
Why is MOC the best music player on *nix systems?
Best settings for UO
Am I Sup Forums now?
AMD Zen2 Predictions
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Why doesn't the ideal smartphone exist?
Konqi on the front page!
What's the best way of activating Windows 10? Is it still KMSpico 10.whatever?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why on earth do tech companies hire outsourced workers from India...
About to take a year out from uni and move in with my parents for financial reasons
Portage is the greatest package manager
Password Security
Should I do it, Sup Forums?
Be you in highschool
Any idea why I'm not seeding?
Why hasn't any credible competitor come to YouTube yet...
Why is everyone attacking google with adnauseam?
Is this a meme or is it really better than a mouse?
Hey look at these new cool Android emojis!
What is the worst technology invented ever?
Oops, we have detected you have an illegal apk installed! Don't worry...
Facebook Home flopped
The pinnacle of smartphone design
What went wrong?
Temple OS
Windows 10 removed linux partition overnight with their gay update. I have a meeting in one hour. What the fuck!
Do PSUs degrade over time?
Are there any east asians in Sup Forums?
/innards/ thread?
Sup Forums, have you ever attend any hackathons? why and why not?
Have you left this shit hole
How is Chromium?
AMD Threadripper was developed by engineers in their spare time
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What is the Sup Forums recommended file browser for android?
1000GB data allowance
What is Sup Forums's favorite programming language?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Why don't poorfags just buy refurbished MacBooks and upgrade the ram instead of thinkpads...
Sup Forums, KDE is going full flat, tell me what you think about that
Sup Forums approved domain registrar and web host?
Best shell for python? I've been using this bloated pajeetifier and it's starting to piss me off
What the fuck were they thinking?
Which operating system is the worst?
Unknown device connected to my network
The future holds for us 150 frame per second PC rendered game play on a 144Hz OLED 8k monitor...
What search engine should I use???
The phone 7's too slim to fit a headphone jack!
Piece of shit thinkpad
Sup Forumsoogle
Has anyone used "learncodethehardway"...
What's the Illya of linux distros?
Reminder that it’s 2017 and there’s still no reliable built-in way to encrypt a file to send to a peer on any...
Sup Forums Memes
Why won't IBM make CPUs for the average consumer like AMD and Intel...
Who is the next Steve?
People buy used ThinkPads when these exist
My dick really hurts
Lenovo Thinkpad's TN panel APPRECIATION THREAD
Things that make you stop watching a video immediately
My Indian brothers, this is my assignment for collage but I cant seem to understand what they actually want me to do
Silicon valley was a mistake
Major in Compsci because Sup Forums said it was good
Pajeet can get a job faster than you. So why can't you Sup Forums...
Am I naive for still wanting to buy these?
Artificial """Intelligence"""
Python confirmed for archetypal firstworld language
Everything else aside, which package manager is the best?
Has Basic ever been any use?
Forth is the best programming language, what can I say?
Best graphics card for 1080p60? Pairing it with a Ryzen 3 1200 cuz I'm poor but want to be able to upgrade later on
/TPG/ Screw HP and Dell Edition
Tfw intelligent but lazy
Walkman WM-41 sounds like fucking shit. Please help
Linux losing network connection upon reboot sometimes
Question answered elsewhere, locking this thread
You should be able to uninstall from this screen like android
Can linuxfags explain this?
You taking those networking classes yet Sup Forums?
Welcome to the BotNet™
Thoughts on this?
What extensions do you have in your browser Sup Forums?
Phone Homescreen
Is is possible to make iPhone apps solely with a Windows machine?
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
A new hobby of mine is to make google searches for random things, and seeing how many ads are clicked by adnauseum...
Not owning a note 8
Computer Chairs
I need ideas for a project Sup Forums
Google Censorship
/mkg/ - Chinese ortholinear edition
Help me pick a phone
Sup bros, i bought a Iphone 4s today, i payed 173,97 dollars
Toney Jackson teaches fourth grade like no one else by using drawing and rap to create unforgettable lessons...
What's his end game?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
ASUS ZenBook UX430UA
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Will Firefox 57 finally allow us to use kdialog on KDE?
IPad bricked
What is the most exotic OS you've used?
Vega 56 back in stock, but NOT for you
Post your music player RIGHT NOW (pic related: Audiacious with Winamp Skin)
Is it necessary to spend a lot of time on C before learning C++?
Phone Browser?
/hpg/ Headphone General
/pcbg/ PC Building General
I just bought a DoCoMo F-07F!!!
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why don't you like him, Sup Forums?
What does Sup Forums use for ringtones and notification sounds?
I hate crypto-currency miners
Iphone 7 audio jack
GPU Prices
Does Sup Forums use ublock extra?
Why Discord is so fucking cringy?
Embedded general /emg/
Mom found the skimmers
My neighbors are getting pissy about the vibrations that are produced from the bass of my speakers
Live in florida
Knowing how to program will easily land you a job...SAID NO ONE EVER
Will sex bots have aids?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Why do so many linux programs think they can just dump files all over my home directory its very rude desu
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Stop Using DuckDuckGo Immediately
What is your honest opinion on the Haskell programming language?
ITT: Tech companies you hope go bankrupt
He can't afford Apple products
How does Sup Forums feel knowing Linux will never look this good
So, are this new "ironwolf" shitgate HDDs reliable or HGST is still the way to go?
*fetch thread
I feel bad for intelfags
Why don't we make out own network?
Intels new double sandwich glue platform
Google and Anti-Competitive Behaviour
What's the best <300$ portable device to give to a TOTAL tech illiterate for web browsing, email...
What would it take to convince you to purchase a smart watch?
Who switched to Linux this year?
Why does Redbubble have uneven white borders around their stickers and are so squished that they meld what are supposed...
How would you store your porn to survive a North Korean emp? You can't print out videos
EU looking to develop a upload filter
SO, whats the sexiest image viewer, gee?
It says here your screen resolution is 1366x768, care to explain why?
Is Linux a virus that corrupts your hard drive? Because a computer repairman told me it was
What are the benefits of running a Linux distro as a primary OS instead of tinkering with it in a VM...
Where do you download your programming music Sup Forums?
What Linux distribution should I pick for a Windows 95-like experience?
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General
Sup Forums Humor
He believes a degree is necessary in the IT field
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Redpill me on *BSD. Are any of them worth using...
Which router does Sup Forums recommend?
Isn't this like the 4th Intel socket this year or something
Mouse Thread
Are there any Sup Forums approved usb sticks?
Why has Chrome deteriorated in quality so much...
Who's on that fancy new NBN in Australia??
Are you ready for the WebExtensions apocalypse?
Gif or Jif?
What went wrong?
There is something no one tells you
What's the meaning of Kelvin Byte (KB)?
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Proper Edition
Aight fellas, Windows 8.1 vs 10 thread
/madVR/ - the Sup Forumsreatest realtime video renderer
Fucking finally a refresh. looks pretty good
/csg/ Chink Shit General
How many lines of code have you written in the last week user?
Technological anger
Has technology gone too far?
This is Deepin: the prettiest distro
Systemd hate thread
Is fuschia going to kill all of linux's momentum?
Mfw I can't use the term foss, because it means diarrhea in my language
Why does a person's Linux distro choice bother you anons?
Riddle me this
Why are tech companies so liberal? Is it because these people are autistic weird fucks who are "weak" as men/women?
How hard is it to get a fucking case that's just a ventless metal box...
Post main phone screen
Screenfetch Thread
Walk into little sisters room
Spends $1000 on his PC
Why do people still use GNU/Linux despite it being so user unfriendly...
Why does anime and computers go so well together?
What mouse is this?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why would you use this when there is LUKS?
What do you think is the next big tech/web/service that will change everything?
Would you work in a place like this? Pros/cons?
I swear if they go with the left design they are retarded
Cant open webms
Love him or hate him, there is no denying that Bill Gates is the greatest man that has ever lived
Is Linux the future?
Been a wincuck all my life how long does It take to get used to this superior os? I'm very confused its all so advanced
IT HELP DESK JOB (Do they usually drug test?)
Was this guy right, Sup Forums? Or was he full of shit?
What do you nigs think of the fairly new Omnichan app?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Favorite reviewers
Previous thread:
Terry Davis / Temple OS thread
Company has a gayming room
Sysadmin and networking classes starting tomorrow
He owns tech made after 2012
"Why, yes...
Sup Forums's worst nightmare
IPod thread
/htg/ - HookTube General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Fell for the firefox nightly shills
The absolute state of the world wide web
Tab hoarding
Nothing can beat Macs
Why does google chrome keep getting bigger?
Make a lightweight music player revered for its customization