Is fuschia going to kill all of linux's momentum?

is fuschia going to kill all of linux's momentum?

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I hope it will be a better thought and more mature OS than Android.

Botnet os

let's be honest, the world needs a new OS... badly...

Linux is great, I love it, especially on server, but even desktop is not bad... but still ... I am unironically telling you that I have more experiences of Linux freezing because of hardware/driver incompatibility than Windows has

Windows is a shitty botnet now and it's 'really disgusting legacy OS that we need to kill... it's still popular because of gaymers

Android is kind of OK but patched together quickly, needs to be redone from scratch, we need to get rid of Java too

MacOS is a great idea: put a nice GUI on top of UNIX and parts of BSD... unfortunately it has one of teh gayest stupidest companies behind in the history of mankind

we need a new OS, one to be good for all devices (like Ubuntu wanted to be with Unity, but failed), written from scratch for 2017 hardware, no need for legacy support... something nice and elegant and just wekrs

I think Google can pull it off

I want to be hyped, but Chrome OS doesn't promise any good.

if it comes close to sel4 performance no problem. being a second generation microkernel im worried about its potential

A new os would be good, but not from google any of googles successful products(except the search engine) are bought by other companiesor forks of other software. To be honest i think something like redox or haiku would be better.

ChromeOS can run a web browser, and mosh; what else do you need in a client?

help us kill Google first. install AdNauseam. Destroy CPC!


Run these once a day:

>clicking ads and making google revenue
>killing google

what kind of twisted thinking is this?


>shilling a google experiment

typical googleware - give it 2 or 3 years and they will ditch it.

is google+ going to kill all of facebooks's momentum?

they return it. trust is lost.

the idea of charging your customers for fake clicks is very dangerous for your ad department. It happened to Twitter.

>this kills goolag
Nope it won't. You are underestimate the power of normalfags. Now do a favour for yourself and go back to other poltards.

This, it's going to pozz your computer for sure if you install it.

>ad departments
>p-Sup Forums!!!
you need to go back

You sound like an 18 year old tho :/

There hasn't been a successful new Google project since 2008. What makes you think this one will be successful?

nice try jewgle shill

it's open source and in the interest of all the phone manufactuers

Haha, no.
Maybe if it had come out 20 years ago.

>mixed license
>rapidly moving target
lol more like open sores

>open source
Literally nothing.
>all the phone manufactuers
Let me guess you can't tell us why would it be better and won't be the same crap as android by the same company.

macOS is Unix-like because it pulls in POSIX compatability, netstack, VFS and userland from FreeBSD - if it weren't for those, it'd never be SUS certified.

um i never said it would be better for us. It would definitely be better for them to be able to make all their shit closed source

>macOS is Unix-like
UNIX and it's a snake oil in 2017.
>userland from FreeBSD
bash and cocoa shitfest is from bsd. Good to know.
>SUS certified
Opengroup and it's about milking the cucks.

Practically it's closed source. Even busybox is killed by google because muh gpl hurts some excessively lazy oem, but still don't give a shit about chink crap like alwinner.

>I am unironically telling you that I have more experiences of Linux freezing because of hardware/driver incompatibility than Windows has
User error. I've been using Linux for over 13 years and I have only once or twice a system crash on me, back in 2005 and around 2008.

from what i've read, its much superior to current unix-emulating systems. most people who are agaisnt that are gnutards kek

Actually being able to run POSIX software is still a requirement to get a vast array of contracts from Uncle Sam, that's why MS has always maintained a POSIX compatibility package since the NT days.


botnet in apps
botnet in user space
botnet in kernel space
wahou, I can't wait for the next step with botnet hardware with botnet electricity

>MS has always maintained a POSIX compatibility package since the NT days.
Which is replaced with GNU/Ubuntu. Seems like Linux is POSIX too. Still bs and nothing more than a sticker.

you forgot to mention that android is a shitty botnet too

as if linux hasn't been compromised

On mobile phones it doesn't matter.

my electricity is not botnet yet.
yeah because a smartphone is not a computer, it works in the exact same way but somehow it's different...

no people that use linux dont want another OS that is created by a company known for crap that fails + I would rather choose Windows 10 over Fuchsia if I was forced to choose

You choose Linux because it is free and not likely to spy on you

They're only doing this because they don't want people running rooted/replicant phones. Ad blocking on mobile hurts their business and they want to be able to track you.
The new OS will be even more locked down than iOS, mark my words.

exactly which is why i said its going to kill linux's momentum

Like he said, fuck off Sup Forumstards and die of cancer, go shill your shit to the retards over there who can't into IRC, KEK.

Will fuchsia kill android?
If google won't maintain android, does that mean that all smartphone manufacturers who decides to stick to android will have their own android with their own patches and updates, therefore making tons of new smartphone OS..?
Will fuchsia be open source?

>next to zero developer community
>it will android just because google will force it
AOSP is still a thing.

Who knows. But android will get ported to run in fuchsia, and that's how I see android going forward.
Linux wasn't well suited to this.

not that you'll believe me but I never visit Sup Forums, I'm actually a Jew. The "b-b-but Sup Forums!!" meme has become real, sorry.

I heard something in the news about electricity companies now being able to turn your shit off. And not because you havent payed.

If it provides C API for gui stuff and let's you run native applications then it's already better than android.

Is it going to come out for PCs?

I thought it was just a new smartphone OS

Gas yourself

It's C++

>2% desktop market growth in 15 years


What would really kill desktop Linux is Apple releasing macOS as a free distro.


You sound like such a faggot dude. If you people are going to post on content that is mildly political, and cry like a bitch when it smells like Sup Forums in the room, you'd best just stay out of the thread. Or board.

C is a subset of C++

>what the fuck is Android
>what the fuck are servers
>what the fuck are ATMs

thats exactly what i was thinking

>"hef guys lets put a Google OS on our production machines
said no one ever

>by jewggle
hahaha nice joke

um what do you think chrome os is?

Not desktops like that user was saying, that's for sure.

Any other retarded questions?

0/10, nobody is this stupid.


shit that only gets installed on shittops for literal children

>is le everything is a file meme os that only exists because of autistis putting man hours and patching it around going to be outcompeted by a serious os?

yes baby. linux is broken by design it only exists becasue people used to think in the past that unix was a good design and a lot of shit is just compatible with it. thats all.

If L4 is seriosly deployed in shit like cyph processors and shit like that, why nobody has make a general purpose L4 based OS?
>inb4 whats L4Linux?
No, I'm not talking about frankenstein abominations like that, but pure L4.

Other than yourself for calling android, ATMs, and servers part of the desktop market?

Yeah probably not.

Look into genode.
It's not ready, but it's moving, and it's closest to this goal.

Holy shit, I'm sorry. Your brain damage must be severe.
You actually think that's what was being implied?

This, desu. Windows is shit, mac os is good but restricted to devices of the single manufacturer, android is nice but ultimately flawed temporary solution and it also literally can not serve as a proper desktop os, linux will never make it because it is developed by freetards. I don't want to buy a mac just because it has the only software in the market that just werks. Among mobile devices it is at least the android/ios choice, desktops need something similar.

>literally the phrase "desktop market share" used
>thinking this "implies" something beyond desktop market share

Now that's what I call damage control.

I literally typed "desktop market growth" in my post you stupid fucking dweeb.
None of your sofanny reaction images are going to change that.

>I am unironically telling you that I have more experiences of Linux freezing because of hardware/driver incompatibility than Windows has
you must be doing something wrong because i barely have any crashes

>written from scratch for 2017 hardware, no need for legacy support

So you are completely going to disregard decades and decades of software? That sounds like one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. It's official, Sup Forums is just as bad as Reddit.

You're right, but don't forget Google is a company built on meme technology.
All the default applications will probably be written in JavaScript and the window manager will be a chrome browser rendering css styled windows.

>mac os
>shit mid-90s hybrid kernel
>built on
>gen 1 microkernel
>in fucking

>linux will never make it because it is developed by freetards.
Wrong. The main issue Linux performs poorly in desktop workloads is the kernel. That is mostly developed by companies, which have totally different priorities (throughput in servers) than anything to do with desktop use.

That's my fucking point.
Desktops are not Linux's entire market, nor it's momentum. How fucking retarded can you people be?

just convince normalfags to use linuxes and all the problems will be solved

Mach isnt as bad as the memes said. Even less considering that they dont use a microkernel implementation of it.

XNU a shit.
>still better than Linux
>because at least the design is clean
>but it still suffers
>from high IPC overheads
>due to mach
It's even slower than Linux at context switch speed, when run on the same hardware.
That puts it in a special class of shitty performance.

>ands based in Mach 3
I forgot that.

I'd love to use a popular widely used open source micro kernel OS

>research project
>performance not even an afterthought
>used by XNU
>XNU is a hybrid
>as a partial workaround
>for the shitty performance

>high ipc overloads
>on a fucking monolithic kernel
XNU mach is monolithic. Stop reading linux propaganda.

>know shit about mach and how its implemented in XNU

>be cockblocked by gpl
>can't make linux a closed source botnet
>decide to make a new kernel
>make it bsd-like
>faggots think it's opensource
>faggots contribute for free
>google takes the code, attaches proprietary botnet, does have to tell anyone because "muh free license"
>now your botnet runs in kernel mode
That's the reason why bsd and bsdlike licenses need to die

t. Rajesh, Leader of JavaScript Development Team

Idgaf if it's open source. I want it to be free.
Also open source fags >>>/leddit/
Gentoomen are free

>Stop reading linux propaganda.
Linus is among those saying hybrid kernels do not exist.
>on a fucking monolithic kernel
Means you've been listening to Linux propaganda
>know shit about mach and how its implemented in XNU
XNU's IPC overhead is a fact.
The hybrid works it around, but only within supervisor mode.
Userspace suffers it all the same.
Feel free to write your own GPL'd software, contribute to GPL'd software, or fork and relicense BSD software to GPL.

My only ever problem with Linux was when my RAM got aids and fucked my motherboard; but that's hardly the fault of Linux.

>xnu overhead is a fact
Prove it.

It was fun seeing the rust internet defense force throw a tantrum about it.

lmbench, lat_ctx, linux 2µs, xnu 3µs.
Hardware: haswell i7.
Linux sucks, XNU sucks more.
Decent results would be similar to:
That is, ~100ns.

only without regulations one can be truly free. less of them more freedom

Torrents are free

Haters gonna hate.
>doing what SJWs want
Won't make them shut up. There's no satiating their demands. The only way to handle them is to ignore them. Their life force is attention.

What really makes you think I am talking about price?