Gif or Jif?

Gif or Jif?

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Gif for image formatting, Jif for peanut butter. Pronunciation remains constant.

Neil Degrasse Tyson says jif.

I was converted.

I've heard him say gif also??? wtf black science man

Is char pronounced car or jar?

Char as in character.

Literally everyone says jar pointer in my CS courses, it drives me crazy.

Is it graphic interchange format or jraphic interchange format?

Saged for picture

There's worse.
Git or jit.
Some colleague said it jit. I told him to take his just-in-time compiler talk somewhere else. We talk about git now

>people are worried about pronunciation
pronunciation and grammar literary died when USA became a country
stop worrying and just say how the fuck you want it, unless webster dictionary says otherwise

if your natal language has at least 10% latin influence in it's substratum, then it's GIF pronounced with G not J

if you want another pronunciation then give it another name or use other letters in the first place

Gif of course. Jif is just retarded. Same with other things like Gnome. Gnome is Gnome, not Guhnome.

The creator literally said it's pronounced jif. What he says goes because he fucking made it.
It'd be like pronouncing google as ghogle and acting like an entitled cunt because "hurr my pronunciation is superior who cares what they think". What the creator says goes. End of story. It's jif.

Char is pronounced "Shar".

Its "hif" you fucking gringo


"jiff" is the correct way to pronounce it.
Personally I say "gif" (as in "gun") though.

Like gif(t)

I pronounce it car, but technically it should probably be pronounced like the beginning of "character".

Does anyone pronounce it "jar"? Is that actually a thing?

Those are completely different and you know it.

>Does anyone pronounce it "jar"? Is that actually a thing?
In German speaking countries, yes.
jar as in charmander and charcoal.

just stop it with these shitpost threads

It's pronounced yiff

jif just sounds fucking retarded

>graphics interchange format
Tell me more about your juraffics files user?
Anyone that says "jif" is more retarded than thos antifu faggots that are saying "ann tea fugh", its a sharp A: "ant tea faahh".. its not "fughshits", quit trying to sound like a russian.

It's Jraffics Interchange Format.

Okay if you wanna get pedantic.
From now on you can't say character as "karakter", you have to call it "ch-arakter".
And just for you, "psychology" can be "puh-si-ch-o-log-y".

Sue-doe or Sue-doo?

The g isn't pronounced like that in mexican, retard.

Didn't maddox settle this debate like 10 years ago?

That's not really the same.

The whole thing with jif/gif was that they came up with the extension and the pronunciation before what it stood for.

Jif would be a perfectly acceptable pronunciation of those combination of letters IF they had used a matching acronym. Instead they went full retard and used "graphics".

Only right answer


Jif like the man who created it,of course. It's not hard.

Nigger lover

Wtf I say gif now

No, what he says doesn't go if it's fucking retarded. If he wanted it to be pronounced Jif then he should've called it Jif and not Gif. It's the same thing with Gnome. If they wanted it to be pronounced Guhnome then they should've called it Guhnome. Instead they called it Gnome so I'll pronounce it as Gnome. Fuck their retarded ideas.

You answered your own question. It's gif, as in gif(t), as in graphics.

Nobody cares what he says.

>Those are completely different and you know it.
How? They both have obvious correct pronunciations for an English-speaker and they both have official wrong pronunciations.

Char as in charcoal.

>I'll pronounce it as "gnome"
Gnome means midget. That's exactly how it's pronounced because it's a real word.


"No. Balls."

It's settled then, "gif" it is.

The creator stated its pronounced jif.
But screw that guy, its gif and that is final.

As in furry creaming

The cat looks quite confused.

>Jif for peanut butter.
To each his own.

That isnt applicable. Spelling the sound is totally different and is a standard thing to do especially with ancient words that have been assimilated into a long line of cultures from the original civilization all the way though ours, and silent letters is a real thing so psychology is still pronounced the same just like gnats and opossum.

It's "gif" now pls delete this, kittens are NOT for blending.

Do you say scuba or scuhba? Jpeg or jfeg?
Anyone who makes the argument based off graphics is a retard.

It learned it as sue-doe, but it actually is "su-then-do" because the default user for su is root. So "sue-doo" makes more sense but I just can't unlearn the old way.

I pronounce gif as gif, because my language isn't a non-phonetic clusterfuck without any pronunciation rules.

They really should have just kept to their celtic runes.

It is written as gif but said as jif

I pronounce it as "poison" in Dutch.

gif, unless we now start pronouncing graphics as 'jraphics'

G . I . F stupids, or "animated picture", not Gif or Jif.

Funny, its not pronounced like that in english either


Devastated to learn that someone who claims to be an authority in technology is such a fool.
A blithering idiot.

can an user make an "i'd like to interject for a moment" pasta out of this?

Because saying "gif" as gif(t) is more natural than saying jif. It's the first thing to pop in your head and makes sense. Especially outside of English language which is retarded because every letter can be pronounced in 2 ways. Just read it as you write it ffs.

I've always said it with a soft g, hard g sounds awkward and forced to me.

if what you were saying was true then there wouldn't be a debate because everyone would say it like that, retard


I have never heard anyone say anything but gif(t).

This would be the case if it was spelled "jif". It's not. So you're either retarded or the salty creator of the format who can't handle the fact that his way of pronouncing makes no sense.

>is more natural than saying jif. It's the first thing to pop in your head and makes sense
If this were true, we would not still be arguing this garbage, now would we? Almost like we have someone that can actually have a valid way of deciding how it should be said. Maybe something like a creator or something.
>This would be the case if it was spelled "jif". It's not.
Yeah dude, jiraffe. Kill yourself. This is not a valid line of argumentation.


Nobody cares what he said. It's gif(t). That's how the majority calls it, that's how it's pronounced.
It's zhiraffe. And yes, the way it's pronounced is retarded.

>majority calls it
Not only do you not have a single fact to back that up, but it literally does not matter. The creator decides what to call it.

Your argument is based on feelings, mine is based on multiple, documented facts. Cry about it.

I already know you are retarded, so please get your handler to explain what you mean by this.

I decided that I'll call it like everyone else. Gif/t

>I decided to listen to my fee fees over reality
Got it.