/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

/sqt/ -- Comfy Minimalism Edition

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Is gaming bad on linux? Can I find the drivers I need if I make the switch from windows to linux?

Started tooling around with Arch this week. Ran xstart without a display manager / environment, with i3, xterm, and xorg-xclock, following the Arch Wiki xinit advice. The result was super bare-boned, which I assumed it would happen, but the terminal emulator text was also too small to read. Is this normal without much configuration? Weird skeletal emulator windows and small text by default?

How can one determine if they're being investigate, or spied on by their local authorities?

How can I delete read only files on Linux? On LiveCD Lubuntu.

I'm going to put together a new PC but I want to recycle the SSD from my current build. Is it possible to just plug it in, log in and fix the drivers? Or do I need to wipe the drive and start from scratch?

I've got a game that I want to modify, which would be easy as it uses common standard file types, and all assets are packed into what is essentially a renamed zip file.
The issue is that it's password protected. Are there any no-bullshit ways to get the password? Everything that came up while searching looked shady at best.
If anyone wants, I can post a link to the file.

How do I learn ffmpeg? Right now I want to convert any audio containing file into uint8_t 22050 Hz mono PCM, but I've no idea how to do it.

I'm mainly interested in ffmpeg for using it to convert complex formats into ones that I can very easily parse and process.

Any good tutorials, books, sites that are better than just "man ffmpeg"?

It's not bad but it's certainly worse. A lot of things work and the Linux gaming scene is a lot better than it was five years ago, but things seem to break more than Windows.

Unless you are using almost identical hardware you will probably need to reinstall your OS. In theory you could use a LiveCD and do it manually but I don't think it's worth the time spent 99.9% of the time.

It depends on the type of encryption used whether you'll ever be able to decrypt it. There's a program called John the Ripper which will brute force password protected ZIP files. I suggest you check that out.

I'm only guessing here but surely "sudo rm -f /path/to/yourfile" will work?

I have several computers (5) laying around the joint. I also have a Raspi. What's the easiest way to put them to work? If possible can they work in unison?

Also, what's the easiest way to set up a website or server using said computers on my home network?

That depends on what you want them to do.

If you want to serve websites from home be aware that you are going to be open to security attacks. Because your web server will be accessible from the outside world everyone will start automated attacks against you. Once they're in your home computers (with all your personal details) will be at risk. Also a lot of ISPs technically don't let you serve content on a "home" internet package. Even if they do, you may get quite bad response times if your upload speed is slow.

Having said that, if you want to serve content from home it's relatively easy. Just attach the computer to your network, get its local IP address, install a web server (such as Apache or Nginx), check it's serving content locally, then log into your router and configure port forwarding to forward traffic to port 80/443 On your router to port 80/443 on your new computer (using the local IP address from earlier). Once that's done get your public IP address and set up some DNS records against a domain name to point to your public IP address and now when people visit that domain name their traffic will be routed to your computer on your network.

Didn't try with -F, I tried with -c and it gave me the read only error. I also tried to remount it in wreite mode but don't know how, maybe that's the reason.

I should get around 50mh/s effective hash rate per GPU with this build to mine ETH. Is it worth it? I have an open air case/fan setup, peripherals already, any advice? Am I doing this right? This is going on the credit card :^)

Oh and I forgot to mention depending on your internet package your public IP address may get changed every now and then. This means that when it does your DNS records will be pointing to someone else's house and obviously won't work (because your computer isn't on their network). You would need to buy a "static IP address" package from your ISP or look into dynamic DNS.

Rocket Knight and Sparkster were good.

It's a lowercase f. I don't think an uppercase f will work.

Look into something like this
and consider what tasks can be parallelized well across cpus.

ye, I'm on the work posting from the phone, so the autocorrector thing.

Thanks for the replies Sup Forums, these cluster systems look absolutely wonderful but sadly I don't have the means of creating one as the power would probably make my bill skyrocket, there's also the space issue. A man can dream though.

ffmpeg -i input.flac -c:a pcm_u8 -ar 22050 -ac 1 -f u8 output.u8

Where to save a txt file everyone can access and only but only damin can change plus every user has its own temp user data

thanks, figured that

installgentoo wiki has lots of good shit for ffmpeg

used ffmpeg -i input.wav -ar 22050 -ac 1 -f u8 -acodec pcm_u8 output.raw

Windows will need a reinstallation.

Gaming on linux is fine with games and hardware with support.

what graphics card do I buy for a system with no apu/igpu? no fancy monitors, no video games, low power, linux compatibility

>for a system with no apu/igpu?

I realized that after the fact. sometimes /sqt/ can have stupid answers too. my bad, user

Right I have this computer, every time I play a game the computer shuts itself down instantly and then tries to turn back on twice and it successfully turns on a third time.

Each time it shuts down it is completely random, I've played 3 or four full games of PUBG and it shut down on the fourth one.

My specs

I have a 650w powersupply.

(Cannot upload to Sup Forums as images keep saying error reading meta data.)

Why is video rendering and scrobbling in video editors so demanding? Surely all the GPU has to do is copy the current frame onto the backbuffer, and cards regularly have 8gb of memory now so there's no reason why you can't hold a huge chunk of the video in memory at once so it can't be hard drive bandwidth issues. Even at 4k I don't see how this could be difficult.

Go to your local CeX and pick up the cheapest thing they have, you can probably get something like a GeForce GTX 460 for £10.

If you're like me and you tinker a lot go and make sure your heatsink is really tight on your CPU. A sudden increase in heat can make that thing ust NOPE the fuck outta there

also consider a PSU with more juice and make sure mobo is secured on standoffs

I have a problem with MPC-HC basically the audio on every video sounds like the gain is turned to 11.
In VLC the audio is fine but man it is so harsh in MPC-HC.
posting the internal audio decoder settings in case im missing something.

Run sysprep, shut down drive immediately, insert into new pc. Works most of the time. You'll have to figure out activation on the new build. The microsoft hotline often works if you say your old board died. Or pirate

Post Internal filters>Audio Switcher



why does I get hardcore network lag when playing csgo on hotspot via foxfi with proxy(
everything else works fine on my computer.

Move boost from right to left.

Worked like a charm.
Thanks user

What is the best torrent app for android?

Read the sticky next time

I just reinstalling Windows 7, are there any list of telemetery updates or update in general I need to avoid?

Dont auto install anything past April 2017,pick only security updates for example WannaCry protection update ect.


I want to make a website to post writing entries, comics and possibly video content on. How should I go about this? I don't know shit about hosting sites but I feel like people can spot WordPress templates from a mile away and maybe that makes your stuff look not so professional.

Nobody cares about your site,you will be lucky if you get one person to visit(most of them will be bots) and even then your content will be ripped and reposted on youtube,facebook,imgur,reddit ect.

The sticky is irrelevant trash that doesn't get updated. Might as well tell me to google the answer.

I use tTorrent.
Pirated works great.

Is there any speed difference between external SSD and SATA ssd connected through usb 3.0 to sata adapter?

Im planning on installing linux cant decide how i go about it

How do we know that we (the users here) aren't connected to an alternative/rerouted Internet network for the mentally deranged and autists?

I know that, but what else is there to do? Just post shit on Instagram and YouTube and shit? The only reason I started thinking about making a site was so I'd have somewhere to post written content.

>I know that, but what else is there to do?
Go outside for a walk,read a book,go watch a movie or call a friend.
I went to the process of owning a website as well of moderating forums(when I was younger)and its all bs.

ssl certificates

What if a ring -1 rootkit hooked the functions which output the certificate information?

my computer audio have static when i directly plug in my headphone? it doesnt happen when i connect them through the monitor. is the circuit in my mobo fucked?

can someone suggest a good mobo? im not planning to overclock or anything, just a good, stable mobo

My boss had provided me a budget of $3000 to choose any IT certifications I like. I can't make up my mind. Any suggestions?

How do I make programs start faster on my Linux machine?
Thunderbird for example takes about three seconds to start. Same for LibreOffice and many other programs.

Preload didn't really change much, because everything is already running off an SSD.
I also tried the linux-zen kernel, but I can't really see a difference there either.

Can someone walk me through this? github.com/cmdrkotori/mpc-qt#compiling-on-windows
I've never compiled anything before and I don't understand these instructions. I downloaded MSYS2 and have it running, not sure what to do next.

For what processor?

Then they would get a prize for being the 100 millionth person to waste time on Sup Forums.

i also have rx480, which is kinda big, so an ATX is preferable. i think i will go with the cheapest ATX case available.

OK so I have this chinkshit DVR. It actually suits my use case really well because it has a digital receiver (unlike my TV) and it also plays movies.

Aside from bad english all through it (if you unplug the USB it says "there can be no partart") it doesn't support every codec.

So I downloaded seasons 1-6 of game of thrones, and shit just worked. I downloaded season 7, and it comes up doing "too big interleave".

Never seen that error before, but like usual, I opened Handbrake and tried to convert. I've tried just about preset option and I cannot make this error go away.

Anyway the point of this wall of text is that usually I just hit "convert to Android 720p" and everything will play. These videos aren't corrupt, they play on my PC. How do I mess with "big interleave" ?

How do I get firefox to play WEBM with audio ON by default. Every time I click a webm I have to turn the volume up then restart it..its annoying af.

>intel i3
Are you retarded?
get R3 1200 or 1300 and go here for a motherboard recommendation.

If your in the UK you can make a request under the Data protection act that they provide ou with all information they currently have in regards to yourself, they are legally obliged to comply though there is a small fee involved.

pls dont remind me how retarded i am ;...;

Also visit PC Building general they have nice info in the OP.

What is the syntax for searching for pictures with only one tag in windows?

Wine is your answer

How the fuck do I upmix 2 channel stereo to 8 channels in Windumbs 10? There is no "speaker fill" in the speaker options.
Sound through HDMI works, as I can just set the amp to multichannel stereo, but I don't want video and sound to be connected, so I use the audio jacks in my motherboard.

Besides doing a full scan with windows defender. Is their any other way I can tell if I may have a virus or etc?

>windows defender
>in 2017

Download Avira (free anti virus)
run a full scan
fix infections
uninstall avira

Well, I got it working with Voicemeeter Banana and ASIO4ALL. Only the center speaker is silent, but that's fine.

Is this KOTOR

No its a game called Advent Rising.
Possibly served as a precursor to MassEffect series because a lot of similarities.
Some autismo that did the community patches has also few fun videos if you want to check out.

Go on Gideons island video

Folks on Sup Forums said it was enough. I used Avast before lol. Nearly an upgrade. I've gotten into tech and programming in the past few weeks. I'm a newfag, so be easy please

Folks on Sup Forums said it was enough. I used Avast before lol. Nearly an upgrade. I've gotten into tech and programming in the past few weeks. I'm a newfag, so what makes Avira better?

>I'm a newfag
You got memed,im sorry.
Ground rulles are to use uBlock Origin,avoid shady download sites unless you have no choice and use AV when your guard drops.
Else switch to free operating system and avoid all these issues.

I have used the same brand of motherboard in my last 3 personal builds, and have swapped or cloned the boot drive with success, just updating drivers.
It is very comfy having familiar programs and settings for 9 or 10 years.

someone here with expirence in openWRT?
I'm trying to connect to my existing wifi which has no encryption yet it still won't connect.
is there any log?
wifi status just displays the config, dmesg shows nothing

I want a above average GPU but I don't want to spend the massive money on a 1080 FT3.

I want to stick with and EVGA Nvidia.

EVGA is shit mate(customer service wise).
I had 480GTX from them that caught fire after driver update and they refused to RMA under the rems that they could not find the serial in their DB.

Are webms and imgs downloaded using Sup Forums safe?

Nope. We just post viruses and download other peoples viruses all day.

Should I write my own PNG Reader or use a library like libpng/lodepng?
Considering doing it just to learn about it but performance will definetely be dogshit if I implement it (and it works)

Any relatively simple tools/ways to look at metadata of normal files and making sense of them?


What is the best method for playing stuff on a 65-inch TV through a computer hooked up to it with MPC? What upscaling shit should I get for that?

Covers MPC configuration to placebo tier depending on computer performance.

it also hasn't been updated since 2016 so...

There also havent been any new crucial changes in MPC,MadVR and the program MPC itself stopped development a month ago.
So yeah,use another player or use that.

Anyone else has problems with clover? Almost everytime I try to attach a picture the app close itself and says something like "The Clover app stoped working"

What could it be? It only happens when I try to attach a picture. I can text post, browse and view/save pictures without problems.


>I want to stick with and EVGA Nvidia.
EVGA is a bad brand to get GPUs from. For a while, their 1070 and 1080 were LITERALLY housefires because they had no VRM cooling whatsoever.