Am i being rused?

Am i being rused?

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It's a good book if you want to learn meta-linguistic abstraction and be a good programmer. Every shitty programmer I've met has never read SICP.

You're supposed to be already a semi competent programmer though or else you'll miss a lot of things this book tries to tell you. You also need a single variable calc undergrad really to understand some of the exercises, as this book was designed for incoming MIT students who already did 2 full semesters of Calc.

>meta-linguistic abstraction

never trust someone who throws jargon at you like this. they're like cross sectional feminist cryptofags teaching woo woo programming.

the book sucks don't believe their lies.

found the C++ "coder"

>trusting anything out of the CIA brainwashing camp known as MIT

thanks for the save rave my main man I almost fell for the meme

that's not "jargon", that's exactly what this book is
>Students are taught to apply structural, procedural, and meta-linguistic abstraction to solve computational problems.

Never trust anybody on Sup Forums using Sup Forums memes.

>things i don't understand are jargon
This is why people claim that some folks are actually incapable of learning.

Post your programming library. Mine is still small but expanding rapidly.

I had to buy Thomas' Calculus twice because the vendor who sold me the first book lied and said it was the complete version that includes multi variable, but it was just Part 1. Oddly enough they both came from the Baltimore public library. In fact so did Code Complete, and the Unix Programming Environment as well. What's up with Baltimore it's like ground zero for good books.

>Manga guide

>the Go programming language


From what I see online, CatB + SICP is all you need to go meta. Is this true?

I'm on chapter five. It's been awesome. It takes a long time though and it's very abstracted from real programmer duties that you will experience on the job.

If anything you should try to read it just to figure out how much of an idiot you are. Very intelligent people will still struggle with the book. If you're not as smart as you think you are, trying to read SICP will be a good way to figure that out.

why would it be expected that you are already a semi-competent programmer when the book was designed for incoming CS freshmen?

>not downloading books
top kek

Just buy a tablet with a great screen (like an iPad) and download books off off l _ _ _ _ and read em.

No need for buying any of them except the important ones.

How else would you call abstractions that apply beyond the specific language?
The book really helped me in tcl, stop being a faggot

That's a lot of jargons

for you

its good but quite confusing unless you do the rest of the course too. just doing the book is suicide

What do you mean with "rest of the course"?

I read SICP, do the exercises and try to get some more details of Scheme by skipping through "the little schemer" and looking up in the Scheme spec, to get better at the language itself.

What's more to know?

That said, the math in SICP is tough sometimes..
>"Prove that Fib(n) is the closest integer to x^n / 5, where x = (1 + 5^(1/2)) / 2."

I always skip those shit, because I've done more than enough math in my CS and really don't have the time to contemplate math circlejerking anymore. I just want to get better at coding and not a math degree.

"Gödel, Escher, Bach" is such an overrated book..

> That said, the math in SICP is tough sometimes..
>>"Prove that Fib(n) is the closest integer to x^n / 5, where x = (1 + 5^(1/2)) / 2."
Of all the things that could be tough? oh user...

Is Accelerated C++ good? I'm debating whether to buy it or C++ Primer, or Stroustrup's book.

I haven't read it yet, still learning C. I've been told it and C++ Primer are good.

Not him but where are you supposed to start? I only completed high school level math.

>youre not a good programmer unless you read this
>BTW to understand it you already have to be a good programmer and know quantum physics and have an IQ of 20,310
Fucking retard

Yes, that's exactly what he said. Way to quote him without any retardation or hyperbole whatsoever. These are the quality posts we need.

Yesterday some anons said that accelerated c++ teaches very old c++ and the new c++11 has a very different style to it. Therefor the new recommendation is 'a tour of c++'

What about Primer? Hasn't it been updated for C++11 and 14?

Not the same user but yeah primer has been updated
I have the C++ 11 version and I'd say it's pretty great

Is it worth it learning previous versions of C++?

I only started properly learning it a couple of years ago so I'm not really able to answer that
From what I understand I use a mixture of methods, take some things from C++ 11 but I don't write everything in that style, just whatever I feel suits the job at hand


it's a great book, watch the video lectures alongside it

don't learn C++

MIT's computer science curriculum doesn't really teach much programming (except in a few courses). They assume that people learn to program in their spare time and know it fairly well and just teaches theory and math that programming is based on.

Incoming CS freshmen to MIT are expected to know how to program. At least it used to be like that.

>I just want to get better at coding and not a math degree.

Then why are you studying CS which IS a math degree? It's only tangentially related to computers because the math is applied in computing, but it's a math degree. If you want to learn 'coding' then just get a software engineering degree or something.

>CS which IS a math degree
Why are CS and math separate majors then?

Everything that I've read from the people of bell labs has been pure gold, that and the stuff that came out of the MIT AI lab, they shed different lights on the engineering profession, so at one time it is looked at as a craft, at others as an art form, if you're just learning, going through oldies and classics is must.

If you were to ask me for the single most bewildering thing I kept from those readings, I'd say how seemingly simple design decisions can give birth to powerful products, as an example doing Unix, Ken Thompson and co decided hey let's call everything a file, the implications and consequences is what you see today using your console to pipe stuff together to make in a single line of bash code what a windoz person would need to download an app for, this stuff is empowering, people have been doing it for forty years now, it is worthwhile checking it out before jumping on the band wagon of some new fangled technology.

Because it's differnt kinds of math. Just in the same way that mechanical engineering is a different field from structural engineering. It's focused on different problems.

A degree in statistics is also a math degree despite being seperate from Math, CS and so on.

Don't math degrees offer the broadest range of math to choose from? You can have your math degree be all pure math, or all applied math

There are different majors for different kinds of pure math and different kinds of applied math. CS is honestly a mix of both

Sure but a math major will give you the necessary tools to specialize afterwards.
You can do a statistics masters after a math major, but you can't do a pure math master's after a statistics or CS major for example
Math is the most versatile