My internet ends in 20 mins maybe

My internet ends in 20 mins maybe

Other urls found in this thread: collection torrent

bye bye :(

What do you mean by this

I forgot to pay for next months Internet :(

Bye Yulia :(

You fugged up. Call them. Don't go third world on me.

Also I've noticed they tend to be late on shit like that

they are sleeping, 12am here

I don't get it

Goodbye user.

>revealing the IP of people who are breaking the law
What the fuck is wrong with you?

We're going to talk about you once you're gone.

Still not dead, mate


Only the american ones, and they can blame it on themselves for living in C.uck Central

you can miss a month or two before they shut it down you fuck.

Its dead, posting from lte device

OP also didn't realise that his/her own IP could be in there as well.

At the very least give a link to your torrent

its a private tracker.


>GOG collection
>1.96 TB
Link? collection torrent

>sending me to google
wtf, do you want me to get vanned? Now I have to nuke my hard drives


That's a pretty fucking weird stock photo

It's for that unique moment when you're in the middle of committing suicide, utilizing two methods so as to ensure your death, and then you think to yourself "I wonder what the Bible has to say about this." At that point, you crack open the good ol' book and find a passage that makes you think "huh, that's not a bad point. Should I really go through with this?" at which point you accidentally stick yourself with the needle and die anyway. Tragic really.

Don't worry.
Usually it's a 7 day delay time.
I've forgotten to pay for my internet once, and that was because I forgot about it and the next month, they sent a written letter saying something like.

Dear costumer, we noticed you didn't pay your subscription last month but fear not, we added it to the current bill that will arrive as usual, but with $2.3 on top of it to cover the paper and work cost of this message.
Call or mail if you wish to cancel your internet subscription or if you have any question about the upcoming bill.

I also forgot to pay them and paid it 4 days late, got a SMS that bill delayed bill was received and paid.
(company name.)

jesus, how can you use this piece of shit

>not using version 2.2.1

