What torrenting software do you use, /g?

What torrenting software do you use, /g?



Yea jew, not everybody is a richfag

Deluge. Not overly thrilled with it, though.

Acceptable tier: rtorrent
Runner up for wincucks tier: qbittorrent
Niche use-case but otherwise shit tier: deluge
Everything else tier: everything else

rtorrent in my seedbox.

Transmission ofc

Transmission in web+daemon mode.

uTorrent 2.2.1, like anyone with a brain.

2.21 is also fine. It's all the same simple stuff when you get down to it. Some do the job and some are crap. Some are loaded with bloatware and spyware

Best: uTorrent 2.2.1
Runner up: qBittorrent

What reason specifically? I was under the impression that uTorrent got compromised somehow.

it just werks

Not who you were asking, but I'm pretty sure they were. 2.2.1 was likely the last version offered before they were compromised.

I use a portable version of Transmission on Windows 7.

Torrents aren't dead yet? Wake me when it's over.

>Acceptable tier: rtorrent
Why??? Give me a single reason to use it over other clients. I just dont understand.

>web+daemon mode.
What exactly is that?

I don't use it, but I imagine it would be pretty light on resources.

You can control the program from a different machine through a web interface, or a command line interface.

I don't torrent

This but with TransGUI for Wincucks.

>He posted this on Sup Forums
>He actually unironically believes someone will ever sincerely believe him


utorrent 2.2.1 on windows 10
transmission on the NAS

It werks, it's not a botnet, every remote access client supports it

>utorrent babies staying with their shit torrent client because they are too stupid to change to another one
>Niche use-case but otherwise shit tier: deluge

what vpn should i use for torrenting?

uTorrent 3.3.2

Why not?

Im not against, im just curious.


torrenting was always a meme, literally invented by an autist

I've got it installed on an always on raspberry pi to act as a seedbox

transmission. i'd switch to rtorrent but i can't be bothered moving all my shit over to it

Well, guess rtorrent is so popular because its good on seedboxes.


does anything else even exist?


it's light, and rutorrent serves as a web frontend if you want >muh GUI

>if you want >muh GUI
I totally believe that you dont use GUI, user ;)

It's also banned on just about every private tracker

>muh sekrit clubb


t. public tracker degenerate pleb

>supporting jews.

>reading, investing in hardware and paying just to pirate some shitty song in flac
Yeah feel special for using secret shit?

you're gonna be out for some time m8

FDM ;^)

I've been using PIA and qbittorent for a few months now and Comcast hasn't noticed so I think it's working.

I mostly use Transmission. But on my seed box I use Qbittorent because the windows version of transmission wouldn't work with my tracker.

I like transmission for it's simplicity.

I like this one a lot but for some reason it isn't in ubuntu repos anymore.

varg said being autistic should be considered normal



qBittorrent is the only FOSS client to open multiple magnet links, so I stick with it



Tixati. Anything else is a meme response. It's lightwieght, intuitive, efficient, and has ipfilters with autoupdate.

Fucking nib, just use the spoofing feature in Tixati. You can broadcast any identity you want.

What Download Manager do you guys use ?
should i bother using the cracked IDM internet download manger again or is there a free alternative ?

and also get banned for ratio cheating

Flud on Android
Transmission on mint


Why the FUCK qBitTorrent has no stop button?

not for rtorrent

transmission since forever

How difficult is rtorrent as a command line torrent program?

What does Sup Forums think about btpd?

5th button from the start

what the fuck is a stop button

Rtorrent on server, on desktop for small torrents transmission.

transmission because it came pre-installed with Ubuntu


just installed transmission but clickin on a magnet link in Firefox doesn't opens it....do i have to manually enter them ?

that is a firefox problem, so yes


a really old version of utorrent


