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Windows 10 only


What went wrong?



Micropajeet should license it out to gayme developers who want to use it on other operating systems besides Windows.

Because was a success, right?

Umm, yes?

Largely the simple fact that it doesn't actually have anyone pushing for it. It's pushed by a bunch of neets on /r/pcmasterrace, but that's about it. Therefore, overwhelming majority will just stick to DX11 - nevermind the simple fact majority of games are still two gens+ behind.

Egosoft are using it for X Rebirth VR and X4 and it looks promising.

um, No.

Having one AAA game and a bunch of tech demos is a success now?

Not even once mpv gets the vulkan renderer pushed to the main repo you could say it's got any real use.


let's see, dx12 runs on botnetos while vulkan runs on android, ios, linux, freebsd, ps4, xbox, windows 7, windows 8/8.1, and botnetos

you should maybe check out all the game engines that support Vulkan. It's not even been two years since Vulkan released and you think we should be seeing AAA games already?

Again, several major game engines are supporting it, and Valve is supporting its use. Valve is in control of the single largest games marketplace in the world. To say that no one is pushing for it is to display extreme ignorance.

but why everyone use Directx11 instead of Directx12 or even the Vulkan you shill about in a directx12 thread?

>list of vulkan games
>basically all old trash
>list of dx12 games
>basically all intensive games (still trash)
so this is the power of vulkan....

wow man, remind me what year is this

DOOM is not trash...

It's pretty fucking abysmal compared to its predecessors. Plus that halochinkshit MP copy... disgusting.

It's pretty trash man




The difference there is that DX12 has feature levels wherein a developer can basically enable one DX12 feature that does almost nothing and label the game DX12. The game could be using 99.9% features that were available in DX11, essentially making it a DX11 game and still be labeled DX12. With Vulkan, that cannot be done. You're comparing apples and oranges. Like I said, it's not even been two years since Vulkan released and unlike with DX, it's not possible to tack on half-assed support at the very end of development.

Again, look at the game engines that have adopted Vulkan support. Source 2, Unreal Engine, id Tech, Unity, CryEngine, even Unigine.

The engines who don't have dx12 support (unity, unreal already do) can easily add it, the heavy work was done by nvidia and amd.
Again, actually look at the games released. dx12 is a clear demonstration of technical ability, vulkan games are just "well might as well add it to these games not at all pushing boundaries".
You keep proclaiming they just need more time, but that isn't the case whatsoever. Implementing dx12 is more work than vulkan, yet all these AAA games have already done so. Hmmmmmmmm really gets the neurons firing.
Anymore excuses babe? dx12 is objectively superior to vulkan, time to face the music.

Hi r/pcmasterrace

Nothing basically. It's just proprietary software forced to run only on the latest establishment of Windows. It's the same shit Microsoft has always pulled to force people to use their latest Windows.

Mate. Out of curiosity, I tried running OpenGL 4.5 demos on a Windows XP machine. Why the fuck did they run BETTER than they did on Windows 10?

I figured I would use something from the last time the documentation was updated.

>Implementing dx12 is more work than vulkan
>it's as easy to port a 700MB game to a new engine as it is a 50GB game to a new engine
It isn't, and if you think the fact that Vulkan support was added to games from the 1990s in mere months is proof if your claim, you have haven't got a clue what you're talking about.

>The engines who don't have dx12 support
The point isn't whether these engines have DX12 or Vulkan support, it's the fact that these huge game engines are spending the time to add Vulkan support, which is being claimed to be useless. If anyone ITT can show that they're more knowledgeable about game development than the people building these game engines, I might be inclined to believe them. But I'm definitely not going to listen to you seeing as you can't even discern the difference between something like Quake and something like Star Citizen.

>bethesda game
>not trash

>Star Citizen
Don't tell you backed this garbage.

wait till 2018 when they will be finally able to push better ports out of xbox due to dp fp16 support

one of the main reasons as to why nvidia is trying to push their abstraction layer to vulkan

they literally got btfo on dx

user are you alright?