Which one is better

which one is better

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they're both obsolete garbage

android phones are pajeet-tier shit.

Let's run down the list

Android phones let you:
>have real encryption with no backdoors
>download over 100MB over mobile data
>install a third party app launcher and icons
>use it as a flash drive
>share any kind of file over wifi/bluetooth
>torrent via torrent clients in the playstore
>install apps outside the playstore
>modify a few system settings to increase performance and decrease battery drain
>manually control complex camera functions via third party apps
>natively browse files
>view better colors via amoled displays
>browse Sup Forums and natively open webms inside them via third party apps
>extract/browse archives
>add additional phone storage via a micro SD card
>replace the stock battery with a bigger one
>add widgets to your home screen
>access important functions by swiping down


>bullshit piled on top of more bullshit
I just checked the rest of your post... you're mentally ill. Seek help before you murder your parents.

Depends if you like tinkering with your phone.

iPhone = rich guy dumb phone
Android = smartphone

I agree with this, besides everything can be derailed just like So OP just install gentoo and get over it

This. Only pajeets use OSes like lagdroid and winblows

Whats the best camera app you can use and is better than the stock one that comes with the s7?

>no arguments
>projects sick fantasies onto others

You don't need to be rich to afford monthly payments for an iPhone.

it would cost more that way

Nope, see pic related. Also not same poster and I'm ironically I'm posting this from an iPhone lol. Just waiting for my tax returns to buy an S8 active.

open camera sounds good

>open camera
It's buggy. Take a pic during video recording and it freezes

The S8 is overrated and full of bloatware like most Android phones.
Keep being in denial.

Open camera brah

Sad to hear that, hope they fix that soon. I'm not sure of another better camera app since most of my friends have it on their Android phones.

So I've heard. But the battery life, screen, msd slot, and milspec/ip68 cert have me mesmerized desu. Can the bloat at least be denied cpu and RAM resources?

I'm running Arch Linux,

All with a shitty bloated OS. Not worth it!

You literally can't even remove the bloatware on iOS. At least on Android you can install lineage OS on oneplus phones or remove most bloatware.

Also is zelda a girl?

>Also is zelda a girl?
He have a feminine penis (aka micropenis)

Good job, you made a thread for autist to argue over phones.

This. It's insane that this is the best we have right now.

Purism - developing phone that will be able to run a linux distro

>gnu/linux on a phone
i can't help but worry about what will happen if something goes wrong. try to fix a kernel panic while out on that thing.

I was excited about the Note 8, but then I looked into it and we won't be able to get more than 64gb internal storage outside of Korea. The iPhone 7 can be had with 256gb internal storage, and the iPhone 8 is supposed to be released soonish.

There's literally no point in buying anything samsung produces anymore.

>You literally can't even remove the bloatware on iOS.
Actually, yes you can. You can delete literally everything that isn't the App Store now.

>kek, can you believe iSheep have to jailbreak their own phones just to barely use it?
>what's that? you don't like TouchWiz? then install lineage lol
where does the contradiction end

>Also is zelda a girl?
That's Link, faggot
Zelda's the princess

Android if you like living dangerously for the measly reward of more customization or root access app things.
iPhone if you like living in a bubble where everything works but costs a bit more and you don't have as much personal info being taken and sold to ad agencies.
iOS is objectively superior to android in the field of privacy and security, almost on company policies alone, but also app permissions.
But if you intend to jailbreak an iPhone you're better off just getting android device with an unlockable boot loader and installing a custom rom.

Unless link is a lesbian

want to keep a song to your phone
want to transfer a photo from your phone to your pc
here use our shitty media player who no one knows how the fuck it work and install it on your other shitty OS
or just buy all our shit and live in our eco system
become a complete apple fag so you can enjoy file transfers between your phone and pc or laptop

>want to keep a song
that was supposed to be 'copy'
sorry, just the thought of itoozz triggers me this much

>iphone has more storage than chinkphones thus it's purely superior to every android device
you're a fucking moron aren't you boy?

I used both for years and I gotta say that Android is superior. iphone is so retarded that it can't play webms natively. you also gotta pay for the Sup Forums app unless you jailbreak your shit and ruin your warranty.



1) 4-5 years of software updates

2) First class apps (apps always come out for iphone first)

3) No bloat

4) iMessage is dank. (that green bubble is a turn off sorry) Also you can send SMS and receive calls from on your mac.

5) Integration with other Apple products and services (AirDrop, iCloud, clipboard integration, etc)

5) Local machine learning for face detection and other things

6) Social status

7) Support from physical stores across the world.

8) Your operating system isn't designed by an advertising company

Get an Android if you like to tinker with your phone, don't mind if your phone is out of date in 1-2 years, and don't care if your computing experience is disjointed across devices.

Get an iPhone if you have a life, value privacy, and have better things to do with your life than tinker with toys.

>have real encryption with no backdoors
LOL - google, no backdoor, good one. FBI is still trying to buy a 3d party to assist therm with accessing Apples encryption. In app encryption is the same on both platform. Retard.
>download over 100MB over mobile data
Can do this on my iPhone - carrier limitation not the phone
>install a third party app launcher and icons
What the fuck is an app launcher. Only autists feel the need to customize icons. But yeah you got me there.
>use it as a flash drive
Can do this with an iphone with several apps
>share any kind of file over wifi/bluetooth
Airdrop works great.
>torrent via torrent clients in the playstore
Is your phone a mobile pirating station that you need to torrent on the go?
>install apps outside the playstore
You can side load lots of shit on iphone. Including cracked apps.
>modify a few system settings to increase performance and decrease battery drain
Don't need to do this on a phone that works properly.
>manually control complex camera functions via third party apps
Can do this too.
>natively browse files
iFile if jailbroken... otherwise no, but I've never had the need to. Everything is accessible though the front end that you could possibly need.
>view better colors via amoled displays
Not really, no.
>browse Sup Forums and natively open webms inside them via third party apps
VLC player handles webms on the iphone
>extract/browse archives
OK you got me there.
>add additional phone storage via a micro SD card
On hardly any models anymore. Plus if you aren't a poorfag you can affrod a phone with decent onboard storage.
>replace the stock battery with a bigger one
On hardly any phones anymore.
>add widgets to your home screen
Widgets are ugly and stupid looking
>access important functions by swiping down
Can access the same feature on an iphone by swiping up.


It can satisfy all my tech enthusiast needs. I can even program my microcontrollers right from my phone

>inb4 why would you need that
The question is not if I need it, the question is if I can do it, and in an Android phones case, yes, I can :^).
Why are you on Sup Forums if you don't actually like technology?

The one you can play truxton on without having to jailbreak.

lol you can do that on an iPhone if you wanted to

Not as easily though. I want my tech to be easy to use fgt ;^)

iPhone is a middle class and up device. Android is the world peasant phone. Considering the oligarchs are destroying the middle classes everywhere, I'd say it's obvious Android is the future.

None, Motorola RAZR

iPhones are the sole domain of technology illiterate subhumans and brainlet poorfags. I wouldn't be caught dead using one.

If you wanted your technology to be easy to use wouldn't you program your micro controllers from a full computer?

I thought you loved technology or something

This desu desu.

Not him, but technology is a means to an end


I do love tech, thats the reason why i like to tinker around
By the way, have fun deleting the file on your phone that you cannot see because your OS is too shit to include a file manager since the users of the OS are assumed to be so dumb ;^)

Sour grapes, the post

Notice in his post he says "All without having to hack your phone" and yet

>You can side load lots of shit on iphone. Including cracked apps.
>iFile if jailbroken... otherwise no, but I've never had the need to. Everything is accessible though the front end that you could possibly need.

And beyond this your responses completely deflect his points

>view better colors via amoled displays
Not really, no.
^this is false, you're retarded if you think LCD = AMOLED in color display

>browse Sup Forums and natively open webms inside them via third party apps
VLC player handles webms on the iphone
^dodging his point entirely

>add additional phone storage via a micro SD card
On hardly any models anymore. Plus if you aren't a poorfag you can affrod a phone with decent onboard storage.
^dodging the point, and on top of that you're a retard as plenty of phones still include it (LG G6 and GS8 are both flagship phones that include the slot)

Applefags are pure cancer, go fuck yourself into a grave faggot

They're both ok, but I prefer Android because it runs emulators better imo. When I use an iPhone I usually come across things that make me think "why doesn't it x" and "why the fuck does it y"

This one

This, but I would change rich guy for show off guy

>I do love tech, thats the reason why i like to tinker around

So since programming micro controller on an iPhone requires tinkering you don't want to do it?
Thought you like tinkering?

>have fun deleting the file on your phone that you cannot see because your OS is too shit to include a file manager since the users of the OS are assumed to be so dumb

This doesn't even make sense. You've clearly never used iOS.
You can use iCloud Drive, which has a directory structure, to open files in other apps very easily. I can access and edit any file that is in my desktop or documents folder on my MacBook or iMac on my iPhone with zero effort. I can store music, videos, photos, and pdfs in iCloud and download, store, and play those files on my iPhone.

Android, because you're poor, so don't spend your food money on an iPhone, then complain you have to pay for phone bills too!

only reason to purchase iphone

i have a social life

t. not a virgin

So that means your ability to delete file depends on your access to the internet. Hilarious

No, actually. You can download files locally and delete them when ever you want.

Finally someone who's honest
People don't buy iPhones for "the experience", "the environment", "the ease of use" but because of the socal status. It's a social status symbol to own an iPhone. I just wonder why you people for yourselves into thinking you know shit about tech, or even care

oh i know shit about tech. i have a cs degree.

i just need an iphone to maintain my social life.

kissless virgin.

What a joke of an OS
You have to put files on the "cloud", then download them, then finally do anything on them

Your argument was dead the moment you said iPhone doesn't have real encryption. Apple's encryption is so fucking strong the U.S. Government had to practically beg for Apple to help them unlock phones. Now with APFS encryption is even stronger!

You go ahead and use your android phone that is fooled by fake fingerprints and photos of your face. I'll stick with my iPhone that has no backdoors and is so fucking secure that if you forget the password you might as well throw the device away.



Yeah mate, everyone knows how much your average cs grad knows about tech. They know shit, they have minimal to none real life experience, most guys don't even like the field.
But I guess that's what you get for not being autistically into the field, where you lose your social like but gain tons off knowledge.

iCloud hacked, not the iPhone. Has happened to pretty much every single cloud storage provider. Nice try, iPhone is secure as fuck, I don't store my photos in the cloud. If you do then, kekekekekekekek!

This is due to poor security hygiene on the part of the celebrities, not iCloud or iPhone vulnerabilities

lmfao, you're so stupid and gullible. I wonder how much apple sold your encrypted©®™ data for.


That's not what happened.
>Apple is told by the USDC of California to hand the FBI an encryption-key
>Apple refuses
>FBI breaks Apple's encryption without the use of a key, proving that asking for one was mere formality

>Whores you out for ad money

>no SD expansion
>Thundermemes connector
>Charges a premium and still whores you out

>completely unrelated link

nice argument

How about this?

They both have their pros and cons. How bout that

>reads breitbart
>feels he's informed
>actually a fucking idiot

btw Breitbart is about to go to war with Trump, how will you feel then? Holy shit I can't believe some people could be this ignorant and uninformed.


u the real og


You are wrong about all of these things

>Apple is told by the USDC of California to hand the FBI an encryption-key

The FBI wanted Apple to craft a special update, called a golden key, that unlocked the iPhone by pretending to be a legitimate apple update.

>FBI breaks Apple's encryption without the use of a key, proving that asking for one was mere formality

The FBI consulted with an Isreali company to unlock the iPhone.

The iPhone (5C) was unlocked via a brute-force password attack. This was made possible by by-passing the auto-lock feature that locks iphone permanently after a specified number of failed login attempts.

This is now much much more difficult with the security enclave (touchID, MacID, and passcode).

Also, the brute force attack relies on the passcode being short and easy to guess. If the passcode was secure they would have never been able to break it in a reasonable amount of time.


this doesnt have anything to with what I just said. It just means that the people can decrypt the firmware and search for bugs. It cannot be used to unlock iPhones unless someone finds an zero day exploit in the unencrypted firmware, which will likely be patched are re-encrypted anyways.

>LG G2 is still usable to this day
>Still see people with Galaxy S3 and S4
>cheap new phones have 2012 Flagship specs
you aren't fooling anyone apple shill

They're both trash, Android's slightly less shitty.

It's a social status amongst the poor and the colored to own an iPhone.

It's a social status amongst actual people to have a Vertu.

It's much like the difference between a Cadillac and a Rolls-Royce.


I love how neo-Sup Forums still had to post 80 posts while it was obviously settled with the first one.

>LG G2 is still usable to this day
is it running andoid 8 without a custom ROM?

>Still see people with Galaxy S3 and S4
Highly doubt they are running android 8 and have the latest features.

Look, I know you can use old android phones, but its a pain and they lose official software support after 1-2 years. I don't know what you are trying to

And what in the hell do you suggest? A laptop with a WWAN card? Because that's the only sensible alternative.

Meanwhile your 2017 Android phones don't benchmark anywhere near an iPhone from last year.

Also gets rekt by iPhone GPU..

Post proofs.

>Is it running Android 8 without a custom ROM?
Yes. ADB sideloading via Android Studio just werks.

>ADB sideloading via Android Studio
Sounds like a pain in the ass.
I update iOS via System preferences on my phone with no other software requried. just werks

Have you ever even seen the benchmarks XD
Every new iPhone that gets released is always benchmarked against the best Android phone at the time and the Android phone always loses every category except for one and that's usually multicore.

But I'll take less cores at a higher clock speeds since it's a fucking phone and not a computer that's expected to land a ship on Mars.

>FBI is still trying to buy a 3d party to assist therm with accessing Apples encryption.

I want to believe.

Actually I don't. In the Bible it says, "and ye shall judge an item by the fruit that bears it". A quick scan of your garden variety applists settles this for me.

I don't care about a lot of the features that android has as I'm not personally big on phone tinkering. I just wanted a small phone with a stable OS and good battery life that can send texts, make calls, check emails, browse the web, and play music. My SE works great for that.

webm support would be nice, though

>Still no proof
Sx Active series phones are much more durable than a comparable iPhone.
>My proof
S7A was deliberately ejected from a vehicle moving around 30-45km/h, onto asphalt. Total damage amounted to one small chip on screen and light scuffing on the back, but no major damage.

And what happens when you lose support? Purchase another $800-1000 phone? Jailbreak and risk legal recourse?

And yet my G2 runs strong.

1. Nobody jailbreaks anymore
2. It's legal, look it up

Support lasts 5 years. For me and most people thats more than enough time. I get a new phone every 2-3 years anyway, I just like keeping my old phone around in case I break my new one.

I don't want to keep using my phone if I have to fuck around with it to get it to work. I'd rather spend my time doing other things.

Also, how can you guarantee that you can hack your phone to run the latest android, when it comes out? You can't. At least I know that my iPhone will be officially supported for 5 years.

my G2 died last month. We had a good run.

I miss it.

used to be an apple fag here
this guy is right.
i can actually plug my phone into my PC without having to wait for some medium program to load and transfer my shit onto.

>view better colors via amoled displays
>add additional phone storage via a micro SD card
>replace the stock battery with a bigger one

Literally no phone does these

I like the iPhone as a piece of hardware but Android is a better OS.