Buddy sends audio message instead of text

>buddy sends audio message instead of text

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com.au/search?q=funeral selfie&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi16Z3yjY7WAhVBTLwKHfWpAy8Q_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=993

>reply back with a text

>friend sends me video messages
>actually hate how he tries to be funny

in which retarded country this happens?

>someone leaves a voicemail
>I don't even know how to listen to my voicemails

>reply with a link to a .txt file in your dropbox account containing your message


You must be 18 to post here

>user posts kot
>doesn't post 50 more kots

fucking hate these threads

>tfw I never leave the voicemail

Whenever my "friend" does that, I intentionally send him back responses in HD video, just to spite him and waste his data allowance because I know he doesn't have WiFi.

>Chinese girls keep sending me audio messages
>they get pissy when I don't respond immediately

Fucking Chinese women, man. They don't even show the pussy yet they think I owe them anything.

Do any of you guys just send out random dick pics to girls you know?

Fuck off to/r9k/

considering op's pic related, it's russian, my comrade

No wonder you don't have any friends, just "friends".

>someone leaves a voicemail
>google voice texts me a transcription of the voicemail

Apple does that too. No reason to ever listen to a voicemail.

>having friends

what are you doing here?

this isn't r9k

I got you covered


My voicemail recording is literally "I don't check my voicemail, please text or call back later. BEEEP"




This is now a caturday thread






No, I send voices of my dick.


i just didnt set up a voicemail for over a year


My last kot. I hope someone has more.

Nice kot bliny cmetaha. Post more blinys.

i want this cat so bad


I only send 8K 60fps uncompressed raws from red camera. Step it up.

>someone leaves a voicemail
>it's just the sound of the phone hanging up

Why do the Chinese do this?


>Mfw I text him back a 16k full body, MRI scan with a crude gif animation of a mouth pasted on top of it and ogg format audio channel containing high fidelity morse code linking him to an add riddled site with my message playing word for word in separate, sequential pop up windows.

this thread needs more blini kot

Is this a joke. Most messaging clients, even the shit ones allow file uploads. And even if you are using something like XMPP or IRC use 0x0.st

Actually I live in Mexico.
Sometimes my boss does this and really pisses me off. Of course, I always respond in text.



that feel when your kot is 17 years old and is probably going to die soon


That's why you unsure your pets end up with at least one child, so you can watch over their family for multiple generations, taking care of their descendants like gandalf and the hobbits.




why take a pic like this and why post it on the internet

google.com.au/search?q=funeral selfie&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi16Z3yjY7WAhVBTLwKHfWpAy8Q_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=993

t. NEETs

t. stuck in the 90's
No one uses voicemail anymore.

>tfw you see people listening to their voice messages like this
so much fuckin cringe.
When will normies learn?

>reply with audio messages
>they say it's annoying


Beautiful kot