Are 2012 Macbook Pros still a viable option for a laptop or are they getting too old at this point?

Are 2012 Macbook Pros still a viable option for a laptop or are they getting too old at this point?

way better than the old chinkpads Sup Forums constantly shills


there is absolutely nothing better about a 2012 mbp over a 2012 thinkpad

f*ck off, chinkpad shill
no one wants your clunky old semen encrusted laptops

why is first post always best post?

The trackpad the aluminum build.
Why does Sup Forums shill thinkads so much?

When DELL workstation laptops are much better

Heres your guaranteed reply

Mid-2012 and x200 owner here, I use the MacBook with Mavericks, and it's pretty much ok, however it's a fucking brick, so I prefer my x200 when I'm moving arround.

screens my dude

i own one, it's good for web browsing and minecraft but that's it

Mid 2010 mac mini user here.
High Sierra will have the same requirements as Sierra, so the software department won't be a problem for you.
For performance, my 2.4 Ghz Core 2 Duo fruit actually runs pretty well under Sierra 10.12.6 so your mbp will most likely be able to handle it.
A few tips from me:
Pure Safari is literally the best browser on old macs, everything just werks. For some reason Safari Tech Preview and especially google chrome weren't as good.
Let everything take its time to start to avoid the beach ball. (Mostly only when you start the system and everything has to load up)
When the programs have started, they'll be more than fast enough for use (plus not a single one crashed on me, so stability is not an issue)
If you have the keychain problem, delete the library folder and restart
tl;dr: just do it

Mine still runs like a dream, works great with Neon

Just clarifying here, I mainly use it for tasks such as browsing the web, watching videos etc. and it does the job well

sure, enjoy your burn-in

The shitty hard drive cable keeps self destructing every week, fuck this

Late 2011 stock MBP here. Mine handles just fine, I really like it.

Try finding one without dints or bends

I have a Late 2011 15 inch and it is still more than enough with the quad core, more RAM, and an SSD like I've done. That said, the screen is definitely dated being a TN 1440x900 panel, but by no means bad.

the 2012 are still very good, it benches similarly to the i5 2500.

plus that replaceable battery, RAM, HDD, and CD tray mean upgradability and mods.

if you upgrade spinning disk to ssd they work fine

2012 intel chip just as good at running ViM and a webrowser as 2018 intel chip

the keyboard is awful

I mean they still work fine besides the hdd cable issue.

Macshit was never viable.