How would you destroy a passports chip without any visible damage from outside?
magnet probably
install gentoo
Have fun creating a whole lot of hassle for yourself with no real gain.
>b-but muh privacy
Nigger get some foil.
>sir, your passport is invalid, would you please follow the security guard?
have fun, user.
i want my Sup Forums back.
wich one? the one with the basement dwellers who never travelled?
Remember that the passport is property of the state and partially destroying it is probably illegal.
Well, the usual way to destroy an RFID chip would be the microwave, but that could obviously leave visible marks.
I'd recommend getting a wallet stuffed with tinfoil instead.
Especially considering they want to put that garbage in credit cards as well.
Or Microwave maybe (if the Chip doesn't explode)
Or Maybe get a needle through the fabric, lay it on the chip and let a small electric currren flow through.
Be creative
>Remember that the passport is property of the state and partially destroying it is probably illegal.
This. You don't "own" your passport. It's federal property. And getting caught won't be fun.
5sec in microwave is a pretty reliable way to destroy a RFID chip.
>they want to
Poorfag detected.
Microwaving the passport for a mere second will pop the RFID, but you're an idiot if you think doing this will improve your travel experience.
How so? Since my CC is apparently so old that it doesn't have that shit, yet?
No, I'm simply not from the US.
Microwave. But you need first learn how to translate real time into microwave time
I don't think this is muh privacy but someone attempting to sabotage another person's passport without them noticing so they get in trouble when traveling.
iirc microwaving it for a few seconds works, look into it first.
>Especially considering they want to put that garbage in credit cards as well.
>swipe card
>everything is fine on swipe
Why the fuck do they have these chips again? This happens regardless of location across all of my cards.
You are the biggest idiot for even considering making your passport invalid
Just don't carry it on you all the time
Don't request one
Or wrap it in some tin foil
Passports have chips now?
I think more threads like this will exist as we progress into facial recognition cameras, RFID in coins, cards and clothes becomes more prevalent.
>My country has shit infrastructure that can't even transfer 50mb without lost packages
>Why do we have security on our payment devices?!!?!
>RFID in clothes
Is this a fucking thing?
It was a great moment when America was introduced to technology the rest of the civilised world had had for years, and yet somehow had still managed to implement it so poorly that they had to complain as loudly as possible about it.
I have never had a card read error in Europe (across several countries) without there being a problem with the actual account, or one card that I had used as my sign in card for a register which had fucked with it.
enjoy getting stopped and questioned every time you board a plane
The chips don't actually add security if they don't work though, so it's pointless and just makes shit a pain, especially in places where it doesn't work at all without the chip. I've seen maybe a single time where it worked as intended, and I've been traveling back and forth across the east coast for the past two years or so.
camera flash. replace the lamp by a coil and place passport in between
it's starting to be in the luxury market where fakes are common. The tracking and backdooring of stuff seems to be a top down game sold as convenience, authenticity or in this case, prestige. Hotel towels are chipped in some cases to keep track of them as so many are stolen. There's trials for RFID or NFC in literally anything you can think of.
It's thought that the UK's new pound coin's hidden security feature is RFI/NFC since micro milling certification is already there
Hey Muhammad.
What are you doing with someone else's passport?
Works on my continent
>south American countries are getting stable contactless and chip has been stable for years
>meanwhile the most powerful government in the world can't get chips (a 2003 technology) working stably