Is it good yet

is it good yet

good on android. last time I checked it was lacking on desktop.

It will always be shit. It's a botnet that advertises itself as if it weren't. It was designed to be shit. It's garbage.

t. jewgle shill

>shilling against a chromium browser and against botnets
>jewgle shill
How retarded are you?

It's an Electron app. It will never be good.

On mobile, yes.
On desktop, NO.

Brave is still trash and performs horribly on anything that isn't a smartphone.

it's complete dogshit on iOS

I'm just waiting for Sup Forums x until I fully migrate

Daily reminder that this software is professionally shilled on this board. It hijacks content creators main source of income and takes a 5% slice every time. The browser tracks you across websites, everywhere you browse and brave is no doubt building a comprehensive profile of all its users- all this for braves own advertiser partners.

Hosting websites is practically free nowadays, if you can't afford to host your content via donations then you might want to look into getting a day job. A domain for a year is less than 10 bux or free. Hosting is less than 10 bux a month for any reasonable setup and light to moderate traffic.

>It hijacks content creators main source of income and takes a 5% slice every time.
>"muh content creators hurrr durr"
Just makes the browser even more based

On desktop? Not unless you can selectively allow which scripts you want to run, and use ublock origin as their ad blocker.

Even after that, they would only be "acceptable." They would still have a ways to go.

>I want to stick it to content creators even if that means Brave stick it's dick into me
Did your brain not process the fact that brave tracks you just as much as Google does?

do you have proof or just assume it?


>shitty UI
>no addons/extensions
>no customization
>sold out to advertisers

Only Sup Forumstards consider it a viable option because of their feelies.

Otherwise they would notice they hate it for everything they critique the competition for.

It's in their policy and is very obvious with their choice of not allowing addons and choosing ABP over uBO by default.
They allow ads to slip by on purpose because "they don't target you".
They want to implement a feature where users will get paid for viewing ads. And you can't have this without going full botnet. It's also a pyramid scheme, which is shady enough.

You were making some sense until you threw out the random "btw its a triangle meme xDD" out of nowhere

it's a shill calling anons shills, they're afraid.

How is "we will let you watch ads for money" not a pyramid scheme? That's exactly what people in 3rd world countries do and there are sites dedicated for it. Brave and their partners will earn millions from this while retarded people who opt for this will only earn a dollar a week.

>pyramid scheme
You keep using that word, it's not what you think it means.

Not a real browser on iOS (Safari is only allowed)

shitty argument considering how great vscode is

Trying it out on desktop. So far it's alright. Some things are broken with default settings (I have a big blank spot under this thread where I assume an ad would go)

But otherwise, it's not so bad. I feel like Chrome+UBlock Origin does a better job by being less intrusive about its ad blocking

Are there any extensions being developed for this?

sadly this

t. owner of BAT

lies. What's your endgame firecuck?

It's already more than good enough for me. Firefox just killed my NoScript, Adblock, Request Policy combo and Brave seems to have all those integrated and working on improving them. So yeah is not perfect, UI needs to get better, but right now is my main browser.

>use an experimental pre-alpha build
>complains when something doesnt work or hasnt been implemented yet

>asking Sup Forums if something that isn't Firefox is good

what answer are you expecting exactly

there is an active war in my head.

>Brave completes sync and gets enough extensions (stylish, 4chanx and/or custom scripts) VERSUS Vivaldi completes sync and makes an android version

whatever happens first will define the winner. Both browsers are pretty much the same:

>both made by guys that believe in internet freedom and that got them kicked out of their own creations
>both use chromium to fight chrome

I will say vivaldi is better looking than brave but looks are subjective.