Is there anything better than this?
Google Drive
Other urls found in this thread:
usb thumb drive just werks
>le "cloud" meme
Also check out mega
I get better speeds through Dropbox generally.
There is a thing called a NAS that's easy to set up and free to use, that doesn't have a trillion dollar company staring over your shoulders.
How does it protect you against
>nuclear war
Just encrypt your data before uploading it to the cloud
iCloud doesn't scan the contents of your photos and files, for one
Also it's cheaper and encrypted
ass cancer
>iCloud doesn't scan the contents of your photos and files
Prove it.
don't bother searching, you can't
What's the best way to create my own cloud server to upload my shit to?
because you'll totally be able to access your cloud storage in those scenarios. retard
It's not about accessing the data it's about not losing your data you fucking faggot
>what are redundant copies
must suck being so retarded. definitely give over more of your data to an advertising monopoly
No, goyim, surely nothing is better than Google (TM) branded services!
r u dum?
Oh my fucking god how fucking retarded are you? Where will you store those copies that are safe to everything I listed? What use is my data to advertising companies when it's encrypted?
>redundant physical copies
you sound like the sort of fella who'd have nunchucks stashed in every room of his house
they can still profile you by the naming and size of files, regardless of encryption
no, I don't use google drive
I could literally lose every piece of data I have tomorrow and be fine
I have the free forever 50gb bonus from buying an Xperia 4 years ago
Is there something to youtube dl for spreadsheets or other data from google drive? It'd be nice since a lot of small communities use their spreadsheets to catalog information.
>tfw no Linux client
The only thing preventing me from leaving Windows.
FUCKING Google is KEEPING ME STUCK with Windows.
I don't understand their shitty reasoning. I still need a proper OS - not making a Linux client isn't gonna make me buy a Chromebook. Why don't they just make the Linux client and help damage Microsoft?
>le obscured fineprint XD
Reddit please go
ok then you can't prove it.
Don't trust any externe cloud service.
Build your own
>using jewgle products
K I get that this is a meme, but is it actually better?
Use Grive
In cron
*/2 * * * * sh /home/pi/
In the sh
grive -p /home/pi/GoogleFile/
That's what I'm using at work to sync between GoogleDrive and Seafile with FreeFileSync.
I've tried a shittons of solutions, it's the most reliable.
There are probably things that are "better" depending on what you want the service to be better at, but convenience wise definitely not.
The ease of setting up a synced folder on multiple devices is gr8. Browser drag and drop is also gr8.
Dropbox. I have an unlimited Google Drive because I go to uni but the upload speeds are trash tier. It took 7 hours just to upload 2 GB to Google Drive. After I bought 1 TB space for Dropbox, I was able to upload 150 GB within that time frame.
External hard drive.
I'd rather use a fucking floppy than let jewgle sift through my data.
Especially shit I SAVE.
Stored pirated games on it
Have yet to get caught
>they fell for the cloud storage meme
Yes my trash can
If you are keeping the thumb drive on your person, none of these are an issue