You taking those networking classes yet Sup Forums?
You taking those networking classes yet Sup Forums?
>Hey man sit though this 16 week course that costed well over $500 while the teacher reads directly from CISCO approved Powerpoints
>also use our amazing packet tracer but you only ever use it for CLI shit
>the professor doesn't even help half the time and only looks at the score to see if you did the work
And after all of that you only get a fucking 40% off voucher for the certification exam which mind you before that you still have to take a final even if you get an A on the final you still have to take the cert exam.
but dont you do most of your networking work though a CLI?
im in it now :DDD :D :DDDDDDDDDDD
Will networking land me a job? I want a job.
If you're trying to get a networking job you need to be competent and comfortable with the CLI.
The point of the cisco classes is to teach you fundamental networking skills that you can use to get hired.
It is also to give you access to the materials that you can use to self study.
Yes, but more and more people are moving away from direct CLI manipulation to a central repository of configs that get pushed & merged to a device periodically and as necessary
If you're a good & competent network engineer you'll never be out of work.
If you're an operations button monkey then you have about ~5-10 years left of useful employment before all the automated systems (and H1Bs that are willing to put up with modern day slavery/serfdom) take over your job.
I mean I will not deny that I learned something in these cisco classes. I just feel they could be operated better packet tracer is such a pain in the ass and each week your doing like 5 so its mind numbing. Maybe it was because I was not going fully into networking but it was still required of me to have a knowledge of networking.
Well thats why you did not like it that much if you are not exactly looking for a networking job but what job are you looking for if it needs basic networking knowledge?
the classes are designed specifically for people trying to get into the career of network engineering - not just to teach you how networking works from a 10,000ft level. I can see how that would be frustrating if you were lead to believe that going into the classes.
Certification (especially Cisco certification) is fucking stupid though.
Can I just take the exam without taking the classes?
yes, if you self study you can definitely pass but it is a thousand times easier to take the classes first.
plus if you take the classes you can make connections with people in the class that can translate to a job later.
It depends who you get unfortunately. When I did mine however long ago it was run by a retired network architect who had gotten bored of doing nothing. He taught things really well. Could tell he loved it.
Depends on the network really. The last rollout I did used varying levels of deployment within the network (across three sites) but everything outside of that was configured manually.
Packet Tracer is probably pretty good nowadays. During the time I was studying it went from unusable trash to only usually falling over if you used frame relay and that was awhile ago.
Ive got my certificate network engineer beginner few months ago.
Our lecture was a fat lazy with RMS beard.
Its a bitch when your packet tracer has failed to an exam
Im going for security which basically requires you to dabble in a bit of everything
Anybody got good self study tips?
do it online, same shit/credit hours, way less time wasted
I would only recommend this if you already are familiar with the content - and thats the actual content of the class not just "i can already log in to my home router"
I work at a startup that makes linux network operating systems and pays me tons of fucking money and we're going to kill Cisco, in ten years white box will blow the fuck out of Cisco and you gay clilets will be dead in the water where you belong
Never had a job in my life and I'm 28 convince to finally get my life together and in order Sup Forums
>not just to teach you how networking works from a 10,000ft level.
Gee, user you college allows you to have real-world applications?
>tfw paying 45k a year to get taught Turtle module in python
>tfw it's an ivy
sd-wan is a buzzword umbrella term for mpls + some special sauce usually l2vpn or l3vpn, standard shit every vendor supports
if you think you're going to kill cisco you have another thing coming...
there's already another big company going after the meraki platform and you're years away from reaching actual clients and not stuck in eval phase.
Whats your biggest client, if it isn't our company you wont make it and your company will just be sold off in a few years to cisco or another giant...
The purpose of SDWAN is to be able to use commodity circuits rather than expensive MPLS
I'm thinking about skipping the "lectures". They are going through the same shit on metacad or whatever bullshit its called.
What makes someone an engineer with just Cisco certificates?
SNMP is part of the CCNA lessons, which is what every telco uses on the back of their web UIs for equipment management. So learn what actually goes in the config, SNMP and Perl and you are golden.