>people buy used ThinkPads when these exist
People buy used ThinkPads when these exist
I would totally buy one of those if they didn't cost like $1200 and have a resolution of like 1000x680
everything is fucking enormous and looks like shit
like how did people even back then
>people buy macs when everthing else exists
its like some people like getting fucked up the butt
Those people can barely afford the 10 year old, $100 thinkpad they have. Deep down they know it's trash but yet they put loonix on it and convince themselves they are superior. Textbook fox and the grapes.
They're called the gays. Or some women. But mostly the gays
I have a 2011 macbook air and a 2012?13? x230.
x230 is better in every way except the screen and touchpad. And I guess if you prefer macOS.
Can grab a 15" for like $350 easy
Res doesn't matter as much as color accuracy and viewing angels
>1440 by 900
do you even have eyes what the fuck is wrong with you
>tfw t440p with above average fhd ips display for $180 + $12 touchpad to make the trackpoint usable
>cpu upgradeable to quad core for muh performance and extra cores
best pad
I used to be a typical Sup Forums poster. I used an X220 and saged Mac threads. But after so long I started wondering about the world of refurbished MacBooks and I'll be God damn if it wasn't the best thing I ever did. I sold my television and all my thinkpads and now make music under the skate park with my gf full time. I don't have to deal with those shitty TN panels and creaky plastic anymore and I can honestly say for the first time in my life I am truly happy
I'm not sure if I should be mocking you or congratulating you. Post more of the girl in the bra
Should add that my gf is male
And now the mac makes sense, it's almost like stereotypes exist because they're true
I didn't buy my thinkpad, I got it for free. A friend's office was throwing them out. Only thing I paid for was a new knockoff battery to put in it.
shit keyboard, is it replaceable with a t420 one?
Even if ThinkPads didn't exist, I would just order an Elitebook.
>no libreboot
post feminine penis
>Keyboard for ants
Why would you buy something you cannot service?
Actually, I like the fact that I can actually change out the parts of a Thinkpad and modernize it if it was made in the last 15 years. I don't usually shit on Macs and Mac users, but the trend of Apple soldering in the SSDs and RAM is fucking retarded. It's literally "Planned Obsolesce: The Laptop".
>modernize it
All you can do is add some ram and upgrade the hard drive. Maybe a screen or keyboard. Maybe.
If we could swap out the mobas and cpus freely, that'd be sick but it's not reality. Thinkpads are just at a sweet spot of price and usability with linux support.
You can swap out the CPU, as well. Also, not all of the thinkpads have integrated graphics, so you could swap the graphics cards on those models.
Which ones can I swap out the CPUs? I'm only aware of some of the late 90's models that let you upgrade to Pentium III. Hardly modern.
The fundamental problem with Apple is that they are a fashion company and not truly a technology company. One wants in a computer something to compute with, not something with which to prove how gay one is.
Darwinistic forces will eventually eliminate the likes of Apple, because people who use Apple will become less productive..
You can swap out pretty much any CPU on almost any laptop, so long as the new one fits the socket.
>only a 500 mhz improvement from a small list of compatible models.
This is not what I'm looking for.
Without CUDA it's useless.
Neat. I was just proving that you could do it. I'm sure your options vary by model, because each model can have different sockets.
But lets say you bought a cheapo laptop that has an i3 350M CPU (2.266 GHz).
Here are some of the models you can upgrade to (as of 2011):
>Intel Core i7-840QM processor with 1.86 GHz, SC turbo up to 3.2 GHz, Quad 45 W
>Intel Core i7-820QM processor with 1.73 GHz, SC turbo up to 3.06GHz, Quad 45 W
>Intel Core i7-740QM processor with 1.73 GHz, SC turbo up to 2.93 GHz, Quad 45 W
>Intel Core i7-720QM processor with 1.6 GHz, SC turbo up to 2.8 GHz, Quad 45 W
>Intel Core i5-580M processor with 2.66 GHz, SC turbo up to 3.33 GHz, Dual 35 W
>Intel Core i5-560M processor with 2.66 GHz, SC turbo up to 3.33 GHz, Dual 35 W
>Intel Core i5-540M processor with 2.53 GHz, SC turbo up to 3.06 GHz, Dual 35 W
>Intel Core i5-520M processor with 2.4 GHz, SC turbo up to 2.93 GHz, Dual 35 W
>Intel Core i5-480M processor with 2.66 GHz, SC turbo up to 2.93 GHz, Dual 35 W
>Intel Core i5-460M processor with 2.53 GHz, SC turbo up to 2.8 GHz, Dual 35 W
>Intel Core i5-450M processor with 2.4 GHz, SC turbo up to 2.66 GHz, Dual 35 W
>Intel Core i5-430M processor with 2.26 GHz, SC turbo up to 2.53 GHz, Dual 35 W
And that's just one old chip. You can upgrade almost anything. Whether its worth it depends on the socket and what you have.
>tfw I'm gay and still hate Macs
pls accept me Sup Forums
What has to go wrong in someone's life that they end up like pic related and make threads like these 20x a day:
Does it look like we give a fuck?
Post trap dick.
People buy recycled soda can laptops instead of milspec laptops
its called autism
either that or they're broke and working for the fuckers
>people buy $100 machiines when $1000 machines exist
Macs take less time to service than ThinkPads, end this meme
Again? You already got told. Now fuck off.