
It's already dead

Perl only exists because shell scripts are limited piece of crap. Gladly we can now replace it with "index from 1 and inclusive ranges" Lua.

What about Python? It does what Perl does, but it's readable.
Same for Ruby.

>Not liking Perl
>t. brainlet

>It does what Perl does, but it's readable.
And you will be replaceable too. Perl is readable as anything else.

There's no reason to use Perl over Python unless you're a sysadmin and have to whip out one-line scripts frequently.


>t. Python Baby

>implying inclusive ranges are bad
>hiding the number (n) you want to iterate to behind n+1 is better in any way

Perl is basically a better shell script. It does that well.

>Perl only exists because shell scripts are limited piece of crap.
people wanting scripts to be less limited are cancer

>it's a spaces break the script episode

I love perl syntax

I've left my last job because I couldn't handle it. 5 milions lines of Perl intermixed with SQL, Html and Javascript. Just...NO! Seriously NOOO!!! It's like a tonic-clonic seizure saved as a text file.

>Admitting you're feeble minded
What did it mean by this?

kill it and the gnu cow

I love Perl :)

` `

I'm not fan of Perl, but after using Perl, you realize just how pedestrian Python/Ruby are.

How so?

That you are a huge faggot. Nice trips desu senpai.

>Perl6 is here

perl was the original centralized repo for libraries (CPAN), things just werk, get shit done programming language

I like it. It's the most productive language I've used. Comfy and just werkz.

"Make the easy things easy, and hard things possible"