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Is this true Sup Forums?

Is LiberOffice only partially usable offline?

If it's true why don't you just use Microsoft Office like normal people?

I use Office 97

>Is LiberOffice only partially usable offline?
no, the table probably meant to write 'online'

The only Office program that can't really be replaced is Excel

For 95% of users it can be.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that, retard.


This is a Pajeet thread.

Do not reply.

K tard

How does excel differ from calc?


i use libreoffice at home because i just don't really see the point in shelling out for MS office

i do agree it is better though, i have it on my work computer and it is a lot smoother and has some really nice features

but has a code monkey i very rarely need a document editor for that kind of purpose

Probably not because
>google drive
>no connection to cloud

no idea what it could mean, then

Microsoft Office is not available for Linux.


It doesn't allow an excell retard to migrate to libreoffice without changing 5% of his old habits.
In other words, it doens't emulate 100% the point 'n' click routines of excell

>Zoom into table
>Read "(nur Windows)"
>chip malaysia

Nice copy-pasta from the Germans

Real sign of quality

I've used LibreOffice with Ubuntu. Works offline just as well.

Online version does

Why do you even care?

Are you all some kind of secretaries in tight high socks?

>Lokale Installation MacOS: no
>for Windows/Mac/Linux
What did pajeet mean by this?

I seriously wonder how much longer the spreadsheet meme persists. I'm in a company with 500+ employees and we have automated database software doing what used to be accomplished with some barely competent secretary and excel. Data is a hell of a lot clearer and contains fewer errors.

It's still good for non-routine tasks.

I.e. it's becoming more and more a niche.

>what are databases
>what is calc
>what is any programming language
>what is org-mode

They mixed up the results.

Office suites are not useful to any sane person, just use TeX or Troff.

I seriously wonder how you can be so profoundly retarded and still function in everyday life.

i used google drive throughout college. only had one teacher specifially ask for something in a docx file. I told them there might be some conversion errors and that he should probably just accept pdf's like the rest of the planet.