Lightscribe, dead?

I found a lightscribe drive and >20 blanks in my closet, what should I laser etch next?

A picture of your feminine penis

Im waiting goddammit, no bump until you post that lil thing

put this on the disk and then upscale the image so that it is a massive file that takes up all the space on the disk.
Burn the image to the disk and bury it somewhere.

Down right source please.

This and burn a copy of TempleOS



i just found my old yamaha f1 drive at my parents

I didnt give a shit cause it was IDE ... but thanks for remindming me it can do this... for the memes and lulz obviously

Fucking roll

write something like "TRUMP Tower emails from 2010-2017" and fill the CD with passworded rar files and put some sick shit into them.
Then send them to CNN/NYTime/WaPo so they waste days trying to decrypt them.

>sending it to the Washington Post, which is confirmed working with the CIA
>willingly trying to hoax the CIA
>not realizing the CIA would backtrace your CD to your location
>wanting to get in the CIA's crosshairs

I'll stick to CNN...

Really cool OP! I never knew this technology existed for home purposes. From the pic posted it's looks professionally done too!

My God they're expensive.

something something goatse

Clover OS logo and burn a copy, you faggot

lightscribe me a nazi pengu OP

Forgot about this shit. Looks like dead tech at this point. Too expensive compared to regular DVDs and if you need to mark a DVD then a simple sharpie will do the trick.


bonus points of you have a folder titled "child porn" thats filled with a bunch of encrypted mp3's of rick roll

That's some lame ass thinking

gonna try etching some CIA niggers

it seems like etching 4 images is the easiest, trying to position 1 image is tricky

give me 25 minutes and I will deliver

> fun fact, you place lightscribe disc up-side-down to etch it.

I remember why this didn't take off now

I owned one and yeah working around the gigantic hole in the middle was a shit. Also smiley face text got old quick.

I just saw the prices for these DVDs.
What the fuck, 25 for 70$? wtf

There are others types that just write to the CD-R substrate in the spare room and don't need a special disk. Lightscribe was a special disk that is by now cost prohibitive.. Either way authoring your meme on circular slice gets old fast

Well I wanted to burn some OS with their logo but... yknow.

takes me back to 2005 when I would burn my anime on custom dvd's so I could watch them on the fancy flat screen in the living room.

damn, i'm sure I have them somewhere still

waiting for op to deliver

Bamp 4 deliver


as always with lightscribe, hard to get good contrast, if only there was a setting to increase laser's wattage and increase time it spends etching dots, overall it came out alright

As a good mastering drive it's still worth about $200

Plextor PlexWriter Premiums are worth more if in good condition and didn't spend the whole of their lives in a CD duplication tower

They don't make the good shit like that anymore

I'd buy that for a dollar

Please put a Lucario on one.

If you could make a goatse that would arise a hardy chuckle out of me

Danm, OP delivered. It turned out really nice too!

Second on this

there is, my lightscribe burning program had the option to burn it 2x/3x/4x for increased contrast

shit was truly useless though, took 4 times as long to burn the lightscribe pattern just once compared to how long it took to burn the actual dvd info

There is though, there's an option to reburn it a few times and make it darker

That's a pretty good partition scheme you have there.

I want

Any alternative to Lightscribe yet?
Only have about 30 CDs left for my mixtapes.

>mix tape

>mix tape
>cassette tape
>compact disc

>compact disc cassette tape mix


I want to see too what happens when you burn it multiple times. pretty please OP


>flat screen

How did you burn them? Did you convert them into a different format or did you have one of those DVD players that had AVI/DivX support? I have a spindle of Lightscribe discs and might try this since I have some obscure, rare, and hard-to-find animu.

navy seal copypasta


The fuck are you on about?

Some SJWs wanting to make it seem like Sup Forums ruined Sup Forums (or Sup Forums in general), so they shitpost anti-Sup Forums shitposts.

Just ignore and report.

How can they back trace it?

>not using Labelflash to draw on regular cheap dvds data side


No kidding.

Used this extensively to make cd's of band music .

Looked way better than sharpie lol.

Unfortunately, the tech just disappeared over night.

What is this neko anime on the bottom right?

How did you do that??

>doesn't know about lightscribe tracking dots

lightscribe, can't you fucking read
underage gtfo

you know what else looks way better than sharpie OR lightscribe albeit not as cool
a printed label

True, but for quick and dirty lightscribe was cool as fuck.

i was lucky enough to have an inkjet that could print to disks, it was pretty quick to grab the cd art online and print it
only ink cost made it not really worth it

That's cool, didn't know it existed.

I like how you think.

gentoo install disc.


still want to see it, though. just center that shit

lol this

Holy fuck I havent seen goatse in years

>want lightscribe drive
>Would have to give up my bd drive
I hate this

>case with only one 5.25 slot
how's that over price dell pre-built working for you?

mATX is my choice because it's all I ever need.

I had a lightscribe drive and fucked up and trashed it accidentally with an ewaste run. I will never regret fucking up more than I do that day

>he has 5.25 drives
get out of the 2000s grandpa

>mATX is my choice because it's all I ever need.
>paying more for less
meme format. not as retarded at mini-itx or whatever other faggotry they have now, but still shit.

we're waiting for the goatse pic, OP.
don't fuck this up.

I had a lightscribe dvd writer in my laptop for 5 years never once have I used it, even just to chck it out. It always seemed like expensive overkill for me.

>Get ryzen
>Get board
>Get rx480 before price shit up
>Load it with 16gb of ram because it's all I need
>Max all sata ports with hdds
>And one bd drive
>And use all available usb ports
I am making full use of a mid tower right now and all you can do is concern yourself over a case form factor.

something like this but funnier

Fucking this

Why are so many spectacularly retarded folks posting right now?

That disc need more Pepes and less 2D girls.

Wojak finally gets his 2D harem and you just gotta have Pepe cucking the poor guy

Still did this shit until recently. Now I have a decent printer and a shitton of label decal sheets so I can have my custom DVDs/BDs in color.

Meant for

the data is the entire Youthquake album


The idea was that it's spinning in the drive. Also I like that album.


Love Live



You have to be 18 to post here

I didn't know Seinfeld was popular outside the US

It isn't, doesn't mean they won't try and sell this shit to the goyim though.

That is not funny
That is not cute
That is not sexy
It is animal abuse
You idiots can have all the chuckles you want over the fact that that poor pokemon is "living the dream" but I hope you also know that it probably died from that.
And if you still find it funny then I genuinely do not want to associate you and can only wish upon you the most painful and awful death imaginable.

pokeman doesnt real