This browser is actually comfy and clean as fuck and fast, why didnt you faggots tell me about it before?
This browser is actually comfy and clean as fuck and fast, why didnt you faggots tell me about it before?
Cause last time i listened to Sup Forums i installed ubuntu and it was trash
Release is also quite fast and comfy. Firefox really stepped it up with multiprocess
Then you didn't listen because we've always been telling you to install Gentoo...
No kidding, it flies
Sorry but I'd rather not have to restart my browser for updates multiple times a day.
Nightly is comfy, finally swapped from chromium, desu I still hate how they handle scrolling in firefox, it isn't smooth AT ALL.
Why do I feel like I'm being shilled to with all these firefox threads?
it really is just good, it's FOSS anyway, try it and if you don't like it, nothing lost.
In case anyone was wondering, this is what Firefox shills look like
it takes a special kind of retarded to use a buggy, unstable browser still in the pre-alpha stages as your primary browser
> using a SJW browser in 2017
use brave
t. guys who don't use nightly
I don't restart my browser at all, you aren't forced to.
I was a chrome shill just the other day, but I've seen the light.
>but I've seen the light.
Yeah and now you're a Mozilla shill
Go figure
Hell nah.
nice try ((()))
people just go Brave, Opera or Vivaldi
dont support them the fag loving company
They pay better and I don't have to let Larry Page fuck my wife once a month.
>I don't restart my browser at all, you aren't forced to.
No, but the pop-up message telling you to do it whenever an update is available is annoying.
>no tabs
I install Nightly from my package manager, it never tells me to restart because auto-update are disabled.
>haha le "cuck" amirite
>I'm definitely not a shill
Where does Moshilla even get their money from?
>no FT DeepDark or similar theme
And I was so close to changing too, what a shame.
On android you can even install ublock origin for firefox nightly, its awesome
>not a SJW browser (SJW) is a Brave developer
It's available as a WebExtension now on desktop too.
>he uses nightly dev builds
>he complains about frequent updates
Are you brain damaged by chance?
it's just firefox
who cares
>oh wow testing branch is so comfy
This website is actually comfy and clean as fuck and fast, why didnt you faggots tell me about it before?
>being this autistic
Maybe he used Nightly for like a week and then dropped it after seeing how annoying it is?